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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53865407 No.53865407 [Reply] [Original]

Where in the U.S should I buy that won't be affected by a crash

>> No.53865452

A white area so you and your family won't be killed and eaten by BIPOCs.

>> No.53865462

Bipolar pickers of cotten?

>> No.53865499

This picture is something else holy fuck I hate the US

>> No.53865561

>open map
>go to midwest or south
>pick a state with weather you like
>find the capital city
>click on the 15 cities/townships in its metro area
>buy 3br/2ba brick house for deep 100k
>pay under $1k/mo for mortgage, insurance, and property taxes


>make complaining about flyover states your entire personality
>sit inside all day while paying $2300/mo to rent a studio shithole 40 minutes from Seattle
>miss the ferry because it's late literally 1/3 the time
>post on Facebook that housing is not affordable and boomers ruined america

>> No.53865863

Sounds unhealthy that you have so much headcanon. Weird form of projection

>> No.53865871

>ask for help
>get objectively correct answer
Ok man you're the one trying to buy your first house, keep screeching at me if you want lmao.

>> No.53865902

You wrote a paragraph about a made up villain in your head, that's not normal

>> No.53865926

>made up

>> No.53865939

Basically anywhere Midwestern (except snowbird summer zones) or Southern (except oceanfront or yuppie colonies)

>> No.53865979

If you want to find which properties won't be affected by a crash in the housing market, then look for which properties weren't affected by the pump in the housing market.

>> No.53865986
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This. So much this.

>> No.53865996


>> No.53866009

That's neither a paragraph nor is anything at all I said false. If you are getting legit getting upset over objective fact, it's maybe time to take a step back and rethink your position as literally every answer it is the same

>> No.53866034

You live in a gas station?

>> No.53866298

What are you so mad about man?

>> No.53866322

Boston's property bubble is being driven by students at elite universities because their only alternative to renting here is paying the uni $25k/year for a dorm room.
It will not collapse unless the feds stop giving out guaranteed student loans, or the Harvard/MIT prestige machine goes out of business (both extremely unlikely). Prices here didn't even drop in 2008, either.

>> No.53866452

So go live in an area that is majority black? There's literally nothing stopping you.

>> No.53866483

Yeah Boston's value is just already inflated so I don't think its the best move right now unless you're already in the area

>> No.53866544

Florida is toast also, too many retirees and elites moving here ((they)) won't let it crash, the lull period already happened and now housing is blowing up again and it'll get worse in the spring
Phoenix and Denver bubbles are bursting tho

>> No.53866585

Hoping scientology goes under so they sell all their land in clearwater florida

>> No.53866589

OP didn't ask for growth, he asked for something that isn't going to crash.
Florida's market is done for in about 20 years, though. Demographics will shift and the state's reputation is spoiled among millenials already. Miami is also low-lying enough that, if weather patterns and dropping state capacity continue as they are now, they won't be able to deal with the flooding soon. Not a long term hold in my opinion.

>> No.53866683

Anywhere there is a military base nearby.

>> No.53866719

>le Florida will be underwater soon meme
two more weeks?

>> No.53866726

Fayetteville and Killeen Texas especially

>> No.53866738



>> No.53866776
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assuming youre /fit/ and only a mild social retard, which one of those places are you most likely to get laid by a 9/10?

>> No.53866823

it's an accurate assessment

there are bizraelis that are unironically like this

>> No.53866856

Farmland. Preferably far from cities.

>> No.53866873

Looks like prosperity. Imagine people in the 1800s seeing this

>> No.53866935

Delusional. I’m in MS, and the decent areas around the capital city are closer to 300.

>> No.53867189

>((they)) won't let it crash
i've been watching a few houses in florida for months now and all of them are dropping in price, big time. 30-40%. the crash already started.

>> No.53867218

Thanks for playing

>> No.53867488

Grand Junction
Clinton county

>> No.53867534

When you buy, you should assume that every area will be impacted by the next recession. If you can’t make payments when the market is upside down, you shouldn’t buy.

The biggest key to real estate investing is being able to weather the storms.

>> No.53867610

*takes a walk on the highway median*

>> No.53867696
File: 1.11 MB, 1113x781, county averages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see the little dot that says there's a disproportionate number of non-white people?
>you should live there, it's cheap


>> No.53868066


>> No.53868176
File: 298 KB, 1338x1194, richland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the affordable utopia you chose as your example?

The only home on the market under 125k is a trailer. Definitely not brick.

>> No.53868193

>reputation is spoiled among millenials

They said that about Texas 20 years ago and it was just as wrong then too

>> No.53868212
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>Miami is going to flood

If any of that shit was real, Jews wouldn't be living there.

>> No.53868219

>living at an interstate exchange
Why are euros incapable of understanding

>> No.53868234

any oregon college town

>> No.53868600

does Oregon have any good coast towns?

>> No.53868705

What? I'm a millenial, not even from the USA and I know that Florida is the best state in your country. I sure would love to live in Tampa. You niggers don't realise how good you have it.

>> No.53868752

go back

>> No.53870708
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>won't be affected by a crash
There wont be a siginficant crash anymore. Hedge funds and private equity both know they can just buy it up and turn it into a rental and get their money back. They arent worried about price movements as much now.
All of the midwest/rural towns look like that. They dont look cute or comfy in any way or shape. Occasionally you can see the main street has some of the old buildings but its not what people picture.

>> No.53870714

>muh romans said something so it applies

>> No.53870723

Yes because ruralfags like to pretend they are the keepers of civilization and true ancestral values. When even 2000 years ago the city was the heart of the civilization.

>> No.53870752

>bla bla strawman

>> No.53871361


>> No.53871421


This reminds me of The newspaper headlines in 2007. “Buy a home! Or get locked out forever”.

There is the AirBNB phenomenon where boomers all own a second home. That is definitely removing inventory, that would normally be on the market, and driving up prices.

Imagine if only 3% of boomers owned a second home. Thats 3% of housing inventory gone for younger families to buy.

>> No.53871918

> is certain there will be a crash
> wants to know where to buy at the top
why not wait until after the crash and buy in effected areas?

>> No.53871926


>> No.53871951

omaha was one of the best cities during 2008 because many corporate HQs are stationed there

>> No.53871986

Depends. Are you a rootless pussy? Then fuck off I wont tell you. Are you a real worthwhile human? Then you don't need me to tell you, because you already have your home and you aren't leaving it.

>> No.53873943

>miss the ferry because it's late literally 1/3 the time
Do you live in Bremerton?

>> No.53875614

Places with the cheapest house. E.g. a 20% in California will hurt much more than a 20% drop in Nebraska assuming you can wfh and maintain a consistent salary. The rich swing from HCOL states to LCOL states.

>> No.53875644
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> no one posted it
Bot thread

>> No.53875709

nah, jews will just call FEMA and get bailed out if anything bad happens

>> No.53876511
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>> No.53878488
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You missed the generational bull run in housing. Prices will not fall because of demographics, immigration, and PE buying all the houses. You are priced out forever and destined to pay rent to those smart/responsible enough to buy houses before you.

>> No.53880573

Same shit is being said about people who didn't buy Crypto and I tend to agree. Don't bet against the government.