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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53865073 No.53865073 [Reply] [Original]

Post favorite economics books, I'm listening to
>Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest & Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics by Henry Hazlitt

>> No.53865203

>knowing anything about ecoomnomics
You came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.

>> No.53865270
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whats his name?

>> No.53865495

Doesn't exist, entirely ai generated

>> No.53865536


>> No.53865542

This is why it's more important than ever to make it. In 30 years if you have millions you will get to have a robot AI Japanese catgirl gf, if you are poor you will live in the company owned Wagie Pod TM complete with 3 nutritious bug meals a day (payment for which is auto deducted from your paycheck).

>> No.53865550

The international jew by Henry Ford

>> No.53865554

I can try find the AI model for you if that's what you want

>> No.53865558

why does she have FOUR EARS

>> No.53865579
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It's normal

>> No.53865704

1 and 3 are good. 2 is acceptable. 4-6 are yikes.

>> No.53865758

Start with smith. Read wealth of nations vol 1 and vol 2. Most people skip vol 2 for some reason.
Most of biz skews super austrian, probably part of the bitcoin ethos. But I think Austrians are outdated and Keynes was right about them a lot of the time. That doesn't mean austrians dont have meaningful impacts though.
Sowell gets his cock sucked way too much on this board/site. He's like a bottom tier Austrian
>austrian books actually worth reading:
>Human Action, Mises
>Road to Serfdom, Hayek
Keynes gets malligned by the left and right, and Keynes was correct way more than any other economist ever has been
>The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Keynes
>A Tract on Monetary reform, Keynes
Marx is a waste of time just read Oeconomia
>Economics/Oeconomia, Aristotle
French post modernists engage with economics more interestingly than most people. Not very technical but worth reading imo.
>Consumer Society, Baudrillard
>Simulacra and Simulation, Baudrillard
Evolutionary economists are very interesting and might be right behind Keynes for most generally correct in my opinion
>Leisure class, Veblen
>Studies in the Structure of the American Economy, Wassily
>Unified Growth Theory, Oded

I think the internet culture war has really blurred economic schools of thought into a really unproductive leftvsright or capitalismvscommunism debate that's an enormous waste of time.

I think probably the best way to frame modern economics is the evolutionary view of Keynesian system degrading akin to how Keynes saw capitalism degrading. We have to look to what is coming; likely forms of MMT which are very bastardized versions of Keynes' models. This also give sus a way to frame crypto as a natural push and pull response, hyper fixated on decentralization and supply mechanics, compared to MMT fiscal policies of hyper centralization and loose supply mechanics.

>> No.53865772
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The Armchair Economist by Steven E. Landsburg

>> No.53865797
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read Mises and Hayek next

>> No.53865804

and rothbard, and kinsella and hoppe and tom woods

>> No.53865808

Thanks for taking the time anon, might look into each.
>I think Austrians are outdated and Keynes was righ
Can you elaborate more on this?

>> No.53865841
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>Can you elaborate more on this?
He's fucking retarded.
Keynesians just keep getting BTFO to the point they won't even debate austrians.

Read austrian criticism of keynes and redpill yourself.
Fuck central banking and fuck inflation.

>> No.53865865
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Keynes was wrong about the great depression.
Keynesians were wrong about post ww2 government spending.
Keynesians were wrong about the stagflation in the 1970s.
Keynesians were wrong NOW about inflation.

Keynes himself traveled to third world boys to have sex with them.

>> No.53865959

In brief Keynes was very worried about the state of the free market following events such as the great depression and WW2, despite still being onboard with the values of the liberal/french/western world that had formed. In essence he thought he needed to stop capitalism from eating itself, and saw those events as
Austrians obviously hate any and all centralized systems, many of Keynes proposed models rely upon a central powers.
Austrians aren't wrong (in my opinion) about centralized systems having inherent problems, however at this point I would say Austrian (laissez faire, at least) economics had run their course, which Keynes was right about.

>> No.53865965

Economics is (((pseudoscience))).

>> No.53866547
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Okay I finished it, I found something very interesting, the part where he talks about saving being a benefit to the economy, that kind of blew my mind even through it's rather obvious now. I don't really like banks fucking with my money but I agree that for people that just keep their funds on a bank and never do anything useful with it then It makes sense.
But what about a post fiat world? If everyone had bitcoin and kept their savings in that and or gold. Banks couldn't lend funds because they would not have any. I know this is rather unrealistic but if banks lending = good then does bitcoin saving = bad?

>> No.53866632

>Austrian (laissez faire, at least) economics had run their course
This isn't an argument. There have only been very brief periods of laissez faire economics in the USA, before the establishment of the federal reserve

>> No.53866993

4 is the only acceptable one.

>> No.53867044
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Read Human Action. It's freely available at Mises.org. People meme that it's difficult to read, but it's really not and Mises is a great writer. Some paragraphs will make your brain explode with insight.

Also, make sure to read his paper "Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth" particularly the one with the postscript by Salerno.

>> No.53867054

read mises, just skip the bullshit

>> No.53867061



>> No.53867063

This. Real capitalism hasn't been tried.

>> No.53868145
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>the part where he talks about saving being a benefit to the economy, that kind of blew my mind even through it's rather obvious now.
It's incredible how people don't realize this basic fact. You need to save before you can consume and no government intervention can change this fact.
Savings comes before production which comes before consumption.

I am loving how austrian /biz/ is now.
I'm very happy to see this.

>> No.53868155

It was tried and it worked extremely well.

>> No.53869014

And that's why they suppressed it very quickly, sadly. All we have now is anything but real capitalism, nothing is really free anymore.

>> No.53869048

Reminder that the "gilded age" was extremely good actually.

>The rapid expansion of industrialization led to real wage growth of 60% between 1860 and 1890, and spread across the ever-increasing labor force. The average annual wage per industrial worker (including men, women, and children) rose from $380 in 1880, to $564 in 1890, a gain of 48%.[1]

Americans literally had the highest wages on earth. That's why millions of immigrants came here AS wages rose.
Also there was no inflation, there was deflation. Prices came down as living standards rose decade after decade.

>> No.53869520

And yet it was a period of protectionism, they literally called it the american system. Not to mention the best economy the usa ever gad was post war (and post new deal)

>> No.53869606

>And yet it was a period of protectionism
America thrived in spite of the damage protectionism caused. Without protectionism, America would be even more successful.
Free trade is good, countries that embrace free trade end up with high levels of economic growth.
>Not to mention the best economy the usa ever gad was post war (and post new deal)
Okay brainwashed leftist.
The new deal is what made the great depression last so long, we only got out of the depression after ww2 when we massively cut spending, taxes and new deal policies leading to the post war boom

>dude paying farmers to burn crops is a good thing!

Besides all that, we had HIGHER GROWTH RATES during the free market gilded age than the post war era. So you're still wrong that way.

>> No.53869626
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>it was good in spite of protectionism
Now youre just making shit up. Have a nice day

>> No.53871279
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>> No.53871616

>correlation equal causation
Where is your evidence that protectionism directly caused the economic growth?

>> No.53872479
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Deep Learning book just dropped

>> No.53872617

im not saying it did, im saying it happened and the idea of a free market is bullshit

>> No.53872678

Meh, protectionism isn't that destructive of free market conceptual purity, particularly for a country as big as the US. It's one of the weakest arguments you could make imo.

>> No.53872710

fuckin lel

>> No.53872753


>> No.53872782

That's easily 10/10 if she(he) existed.

>> No.53872813


>> No.53875184

yea never mind the triangular jaw

>> No.53876098

>Massive country is relatively free-market with an isolationist population
>is protectionist
>this is considered a massive blow against their free market credentials by grasping morons.

>> No.53876162

Not really books but on YouTube you can watch Finance lectures




these should give you a decent overview.

>> No.53876214

Man,Economy and State with Power and Markets by Murray Rothbard

>> No.53876225

>be an agrarian country, not even a major world power
>protect domestic industry against global competition so you can turn your vast farmer collective into the worlds leading industrial power

>> No.53876258

4 is the only one that actually works. 3 is more aesthetically pleasing. The rest are garbage.

>> No.53876272

It's called v-line chin bro. Every asian whore pays money for that

>> No.53876298
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>6 fingers on left hand
>weird knee
>possible dick?
>one big front tooth
>4 fingers on left hand, 6 on right
>monster thumbs
>guy on right has broken ankle
>nonsense signs

>> No.53876311

Battelle, Accursed Share

>> No.53876326

debt the first 5000 years and bullshit jobs by david graeber
small is beautiful by ef schumacher
globalization and its discontents by joseph stiglitz
confessions of an economic hitman by john perkins

>> No.53876332
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>> No.53876342

wait did claire grimes boucher really got ha titty out, nipple on full protrude, in her senior picture?

damn, she in ha mood
damn, she in ha mood
she bad, and get money too
ice spice for president 2028
you know in your heart it's right

>> No.53876363

lol the AI that rendered that picture decided to turn fabric texture setting up to 1200%

>> No.53876388

>4 ears

>> No.53876395

see >>53865579

>> No.53876464

And that's a good thing. When a country is already largely self-sufficient (or has the resource potential to be), then protectionism is not a massive infringement of the free market, compared to something like price controls for domestic goods or state monopolies. My point is that protectionism is the least important factor for early America being imperfectly free market.

Imagine if Earth was dominated by a minarchist, free-market regime. Then we discover aliens and decide to enact protectionist polices against the aliens. Is the Earth now significantly anti-free market? No, that's fucking silly. Hope you are intelligent enough to catch the drift because I am not explaining this further.

>> No.53876505

Keynes was wrong about consumption driving production and that error alone has caused so much harm that he deserves to be vilified.

>> No.53876632


Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
Dying of Money - Lessons of the German and American inflations (literally has helped inform me to the point of financial gain and minimizing loss)
The Collapse of Complex Societies (surprisingly, an economics book, very good read)