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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53864893 No.53864893 [Reply] [Original]

I'm very depressed

>> No.53864911

I fuck your mom each time I'm depressed.

>> No.53864921

That only helped for a moment, but thanks anon

>> No.53864964

>mom jokes in 2023
Hey kiddo, maybe you should return to your minecraft or fortnight and let the adults talk

>> No.53865225

I would but your mom keeps joining my servers.

>> No.53865240
File: 80 KB, 680x1020, 29e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fuck your mom each time I'm depressed.

>> No.53865260

whats your pic related from?

>> No.53865594

Fuck you all. And also fuck your mothers.

>> No.53865682

Same. Just dropped out of uni because it all bores me. Have no passion for anything at all, spend my spare time scrolling or playing deadens games. Buy instruments and other hobbies on the hunt for passion but I just drop everything after a couple weeks. Wife wants kids in a year which financially is fine I guess, but I don't feel ready at all. Stopped working and can survive on passive income forever with just the two of us, but a gremlin might muck it up. Don't even care enough to go work just to buy a bigger house or get a premium label on my car. Went to get help a few times but always have to do a regular therapist first and I'm just too tired of going through the hoops to get to an actual doctor. Don't want to be on the meds and CBT didn't help me at all. Haven't brushed my teeth twice in the same day in probably 3 years. What you got going on?

>> No.53865715

My life is so shit I just take depression naps until they shut off my utilities, then I'll see if my fight or flight kicks in enough to get a job, work it for 2 months sperg out and quit and repeat this cycle over and over until one day the survive instinct doesn't kick in anymore, which I'm pretty sure I'm at that point.

One of these days I'll stop posting here and nobody will notice.

>> No.53865736

Don't look at charts all day and go lift at a gym 3 to 4 times a week. Simple as

>> No.53865818
File: 2.52 MB, 498x280, 1677138527132648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the color of your biological father? $100 says youre at least half a nigger.

Same. I have been looking for non-crypto, non investment business ideas. I thought I had something, I know where to get eggs fairly cheap, and I was planning on selling them to supermarkets. Unfortunately, I live in a communist western European state, so I need like 15 pieces of paper signed by faceless faggot bureaucrats before I do anything, so that idea needs to go into the trash.
I need to do something. Otherwise, I'll firebomb some politician's house in Minecraft. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

>> No.53865828

It's all in your head. Just find something that makes you happy.

>> No.53865852

Only thing that would make me happy is an end to this faggot feminist nigger loving Jewish globohomo.

>> No.53865857

Never gonna happen.
Sleep time, hopefully tomorrow I'll kms and wake up from this jewish nightmare.

>> No.53867004

I’m not. Hahahaha