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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53863580 No.53863580 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53863619

As a Bear in a bear, this pump is the most bearish thing I can think of. It's not cope. Without a good exit pump, there cannot be demoralization. People think 0.25% rate increases are bullish. IT IS THE FUCKING OPPOSITE.
Think of it like chiseling a stone. At first, large chunks are removed. Coarse methods of grinding are employed. Only at the end are finer tunes needed. This is where we're at.
The soft landing is more of a game of chicken with investors. Wall Street strongly wants to make the fed look bad for a good reason. If the Fed looks bad via restrictive, sensible approaches, the next group of suits will make it more attractive. That's how the cycles work.

>> No.53863623
File: 41 KB, 1080x647, 1655414169402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ogre

>> No.53863676


>> No.53863681

When do you think things will stabilize and start an uptrend?

>> No.53863737

>interest rates
Absolute state of bobo cope

>> No.53863755

Kek macro conditions have changed retards
You gonna wait for Jim Cramer to tell you live on CNBC that the recession is over before you buy?
That's okay, my bags are well packed by then

>> No.53863773
File: 139 KB, 1920x1080, BullTrapReversionToMean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See here...

Were currently at the "Return to Normal"/"Bull Trap" portion of the chart. Now take a look at my pic related ofthe SPY. Yeah, the "Reversion to the Mean" doesn't start until we drop down (and possible below) 115. It sinks up perfectly.

>> No.53863784

157* my bad, typo.

>> No.53863818

So you mean to say that during actual despair, we might see triple digit btc?

>> No.53863877

Doubt it. BTC moves are now strongly inversely correlated to the Dollar, much like gold and the stock market itself. Dollar goes up, Gold/Bitcoin/Stock Market goes down. Bitcoin is now basically like any other risk-on meme stock asset in the stock market, and will crash if the Dollar continues to climb in strength. And with the Fed looking to now possibly raise interest rates further, that is bullish for the dollar and bond yields, and bearish for everything else.

>> No.53863902

So no more bullruns in crypto?

>> No.53864018

opinion discarded

>> No.53864040

meh whatever. go ahead and keep FOMOing into meme stocks. ill gladly take your money.

>> No.53864049

Only when the Fed starts cutting interest rates again.

>> No.53864051

Don't care. Bitcorn isn't as overbought as the SPY is right now. We see 12-9k when we reach depression later this year. Its a
slow downward mind breaking crab until then. Just the thing that purge all newfags and their 2021 cycle alts like 2017 alts of the previous cycle. You will not hear the word "rose" in 2025. Binance will be as popular as Bittrex. We will have no alts on new exchanges with new even more retarded concepts than "crypto finance" or monke pictures to sell to even bigger fools and a new generation of bagholders will be born. They too, in time, will sell the bottom and fuck back off to reddit. All of this has happened before and will happen again.

>> No.53864057

This time it will be:
A. Different
B. The same

>> No.53864063

>no alts
new alts

>> No.53864099

So 2024 is when we will see uptrend?

>> No.53864117

In 2018 someone edited that chart with a bigger one after it and everyone thought he was a retard. He was exactly right. When I sold at about where we are now last cycle and left /biz/ only to come back during 2021 bull run having not paid any attention to crypto, that post was the 1st thing that popped into mind.

>> No.53864126

Its not about being overbought, its about Bitcoin's inverse correlation with a rising Dollar, like all other risk-on speculative assets.

>> No.53864164

I belive we break 26k in 2024. It might retrace 50% of the ATH then sell off for a bigger bull run and new ATH in 2025-2026. It might touch 12k again after hitting 40k in 2024 like the bullshit it pulled in 2019. Who knows. I don't expect a new ATH until 2025 at the earliest so buy low and hold and wait and wait and wait. Get your coins off exchanges. We have years. Crypto winter is here. A lot can and has happened to exchanges over periods of years.
>t. lost access to some btc on bittrex

>> No.53864178

You seem knowledgeable so I must ask, is link a good hold?

>> No.53864229

I can't say. It was a great buy in 2017. I remember it being shield here and links to the ICO. I didn't buy because I was a new fag that could only grasp using goybase and sending to bittrex. All I can say about link is that I think it will linger and continue to be one of the coins that survives multiple cycles. Is this a good price to buy? Don't know. Will it set a new ATH when BTC does or will it underperform like NEO? No idea. I would just buy BTC and ETH and keep an ear out for new alpha on the next chainlink. If you do buy into an ICO only spend what you can fford to lose. Don't dump your whole stack for something
>t. ICO scammed out of beer money by calvaria already
Maybe my D2T bag will pump in 2025.

>> No.53864381

Finally someone gets it, we haven't seen any wojacks being posted about people losing all their net worth and the whole of /biz/ will be discussing business ideas and stocks while calling crypto a scam. Also crypto subreddits will have suicide hotline stickied with no traffic.

>> No.53864959

Precisely. I don't know why this is hard to understand. BTC won't fucking moon with rates 4.5%, let alone 6-7% which is where we very well might be headed
No BTC moon = no bull run
We have a full year of bear ahead of us, it lines up pretty nicely with halving
all part of ze plan

>> No.53865202

he's got a point
mistaking "sinks" for "syncs" is a zoomer or 3rd world mistake
both indicating a lack of understanding that the word "syncs" is short for syncronizing!
this isn't even grammar nazism, it's basic word definitions
"sinks" means to go down
"syncs" means to align speed/time
unless it was intentional wordplay, there is no reason to make this mistake
why would there be intentional wordplay though?

>> No.53866031

same lol

>> No.53866747

Kek, you a midwit bro. Those things are distractions only the chart and TA matter.

>> No.53868930

except is went up a^x

>> No.53868953

Negative Bitcoin aheas, so if you buy some you get USD on top? Sound good.

>> No.53869052
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>lives in a fantasy world
>newfag thinking memes are real life
fucking niggers and kids here rn
the stupid faggot OP staggered the charts to his his bias.
>no one in this thread has an IQ or 100

>> No.53869797

>t. baggie