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53860948 No.53860948 [Reply] [Original]

And then I bag hold for fears of it going to 1000x

I’ve found like 6 shitcoins in the last 2 months before they all went 10-20x then crashed.

I don’t have enough capitol to really sell and make meaningful money

Is there some way I can tell some dude with more money to buy these coins and sell after 10x and then he gives me 50%?

And then if it moons 1000x I give him 50%? Like a team or something?

Is this a wise idea? I give him the coin that will do 10x(I’m 70% right) he sells for 5-10x and gives me 50%. If it goes 100-1000x I give him 50%

>> No.53860973

>6 shitcoins went 10x
>don’t have enough capital to make enough money

you’re a retarded niggerfaggot, if you really were that good you could make bank starting with 100$

>> No.53861015



No I literally did and I invested before they all 6-20x


And another one that’s popping off rite now. Won’t give the name tho cuz I’m still accumulating. It went 300% in the last couple hours

And some others I’m sure I forgot to mention

I invested in the bottom of each of these coins. The exact bottom. And I bag held till the bottom. I threw so little money at it that it didn’t really matter to sell

>> No.53861611

>I find shit coins
Do you have a meaningful method like scanning the blockchain with tools or just "guts"?

>> No.53861760

A simple trading rule of taking 80% cash out on whatever x multiplier you like (always) and then letting the last 20% play out is a good enough strategy to be six figures by next year alone. If you can’t do that you are probably an impulsive brown skinned retard. Prove me wrong and get some of your fucking money out next time.

>> No.53861780

dude those are all rugs, you should exit at the first sign of weakness

>> No.53861783


>> No.53861804

you faggots should just buy deployai while it's at a low mcap and then once it moons retire before every jeet on the planet uses it to rug us all

>> No.53861839


Just guts lmao. I’ve found all these coins on this board. After browsing this board for a couple years I can tell when some coin is ganna pop off

>> No.53861861


If I had the capitol I would. I only throw less than 50$ in these coins. But I always manage to catch them before the 10x+

A big part of why I always end up bag holding is because I was there the day SHIB got made and shilled on biz. I literally saw that bitch when it was at 0% and 5k mcap or something

I watched it go 50,000x + and didn’t buy. Can’t let that happen again

>> No.53861882

just make a set of rules and stick to them, retard. something like: always take initial investment out at 3x then at least youve lost nothing

>> No.53861944

6 10xs = 1,000,000x or if you invested $5 you'd have 5m. hell even 6 5xs is 15,625, so if you invested $5 you'd have 75k+.

something doesn't add up. just set take profits at 5x and 10x, its that simple.

>> No.53861972

Some are meant to repeat suffering, you’ll probably still watch it go by, just in a different way. Get capital with your stunts, you made 3000usd already if you just pulled out. Then really see if you got this and put 3000 in one or two coins you know will go up. 30-60k. Then allocate these funds to five coins you know will go up and you have 300-600k. Really that simple as many anons have played shitcoin roulette on here and made actual millions. With even 100k you could buy hundreds of shitcoins and hold. Finding someone else is to help your liquidity is just making up for weak character. Use your methods to gain some capital, and then maybe a trader will be interested. People love a good underdog story.

>> No.53862072
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next 10x :) ur welcome