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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53860812 No.53860812 [Reply] [Original]

>Seemingly has an issue every 3 months
Why the hell is Solana still #11 by market cap?

>> No.53860814


>> No.53860831

The same reason shit like Ripple and Cardano remain at the top.

>> No.53860853

People see that $250 ath, think it's going back, and put in their bid. Speculative forces at play.

>> No.53861130

the truth is anon.. we don't know. crypto isn't being used, not anywhere near the level of visa or paypal, it's not even in 401k portfolios, so who the hell knows what drives price action outside of pump and dumps. I fucking wish i knew. imagine being a smart investor and buying AMD at 1$, knowing they would eat up nvida's marketcap. Do that with crypto and watch some random coin called "brrrffttt" go from sub 10k to 5mm market cap, shit will not make sense till you're using crypto stables to buy your daily BigMac.

>> No.53861157
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>> No.53861291

Because the bottom isn't in.

The bottom won't be, can't be in until shitcoins like: Solana, XRP, DOGE, SHIB, etc all have marketcaps in the 10s of millions ie residual legacy MCs.

Until that time, the bottom isn't in.
Cope mumu.

>> No.53861313

large supply of shittokens relative to other chains
massive amounts of stolen money in bitcoin to prop up their shitcoin
lots of soft-locked tokens pushing down selling pressure that will eventually send it to as close to zero as altcoins can go during the next 2-3 years.

>> No.53861317
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Because the big boys are involved.

>> No.53861322

Cringe and wrong. Crypto never matures, It's a myth that bear markets are were fundamentals shine

>> No.53861332

If you expect the market to be logical after the past few years, you need help

>> No.53861348

I can see the market becoming 'logical' if there ever is real adoption of blockchain for usage by corps and governments. If that happens the extremely small group of chains that are picked will go up while everything else craters into the ground

>> No.53861350

you'll find all the hot alts of 2013 aren't around anymore, and the same goes for nearly all of 2017s. solana and the rest of the failures will fade away just like everything has before it.
it's just the altcoin cycle, and it's the inevitable result of being one.

>> No.53861945

The Jews

>> No.53862627

When it works properly it usually does 3000-4000 TPS. When it isn't working properly it goes down to 30-90 TPS. In comparison, Ethereum only does 15. Solana wasn't working properly for more than 18 hours yesterday and still did more transactions than Ethereum did yesterday.

>> No.53862710
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>> No.53862741
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Jeets and zoomers refusing to sell and Malaysians/Taiwanese people buying the next shiny gamefi dogshit rugpull pouring blood liquidity in. SOL is redeemable though, they are just terribly lazy. Once Marlin Protocol releases their Oyster product, if adopted by SOL, probably all of its transaction/speed/network issues could be solved.

>> No.53862768

Anon... Idk if you know it but marlin is the most jeet piece of shit out there after matic

>> No.53862780

that reason being...?

>> No.53862809

Cuz it's not a piece of shit and it actually has some major advantages over competition

>> No.53862810

I hate it but Normies love it so I'd definitely grab some when cheap

>> No.53862812

>the absolute state of cope

>> No.53862820
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It seems you really don't know how /biz/ works, kek

>> No.53862826

I'm quite disappointed, I've been following this garbage for over than a year and it has done nothing

>> No.53862835
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Imagine the smell

>> No.53862844

Nobody knows anon, literally

>> No.53863149

Solana honestly isn't a bad play below $10, but at current price ranges, it'll likely surge a little bit then mega dump when the next outage occurs. It's essentially a VC playground devouring normie suckers.

>> No.53863196

reddit midwits who venture out from BTC and ETH but are too retarded to hold gems or actually good tech and fall for easy marketing shemes of shitcoins like SOL and Cardano

>> No.53865002

Money laundering for democrats/commies

>> No.53865037

Imagine putting solana next to xrp. At least my shitcoin isnt ceasing to function every week. You will rope and seethe when this whole thing plays out

>> No.53866498

>gets hacked for millions regularly
>goes down every other week
>subject of money laundering
Lol wow, two of the three most important qualities of a network are availability and security. Then add on clear scamming and what do you got?
Absolutely braindead

>> No.53867094

Putting sol next to xrp is generous. After ftx is kill it belongs on a level with evmos and other obscure non eth chains

>> No.53867560

>Thinking the past tells the future.
History does seem to rhyme but it also changes the rhythm here and there.