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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53857850 No.53857850 [Reply] [Original]

>Half the market cap of DOGE/SHIB
>Not even top 10 in market cap
>Uses excuses like covid-19 and Ukraine for poor performance
>CCIP nowhere to be found after being shilled years ago and promised a year ago
>Three conferences put together with reps from "Fidelity" "T-Mobile" "Google" "Microsoft" and not one time have these companies said they're paying customers
>Made up a ton of buzzword vaporware like the "Enterprise ABSTRACTION SOCKET LAYER" and "Mixerculs" and "FAIR SEQUENCING"
>Paid millions and millions to people like Dan Boneh and Ari Juels to produce zero working products since the ICO 6 years ago
>Offered staking terms unfavorable to bagholders and then scrambled to obfuscate if they actually get "BUIDLLLLLL" rewards

What a cringe project. Not even a top 20 value despite attaching their name to everything from NFT to "blockchain gaming" to Coinbase's new Base layer 2. They tried attaching their name to Bored Apes, to NBA NFT's, to SWIFT. And somehow, schizos will just blame it on BTC. Somehow forgetting that BTC went from $16000 to $24000 since Chainlink launched staking, and LINK is... exactly the same price as it was before staking

>> No.53857860

(Don't get tempted to fap to this OP)

>> No.53857879

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude le segretttttt investmannnnt
>duuuuuuuuude you must be a heckin fuddddddder
>brooooooo we r so early brooooo
>w w wait, y y you want actual economic gains!?!!? J j just buy dog coins then
>hodl marinesth!!!!!

A cuckold and his money is soon parted

>> No.53857886

This is Michael

>> No.53857903

Tell me this anon, what happened to Sergey? He just gets fatter and fatter and more depressed looking. He used to talk about Facebook Libra, remember when he attached his name to that? What about when they kept retweeting Arbitrum? That got swept under the rug. What about the Google blogpost, wasn't that pinned on their twitter?

Sergey is an opportunist that posts "alpha" on this board while having zero real prospects. DeFi is just one Gensler poke from turning LINK to dust

>> No.53857969

It goes the show that technology is worthless if you don't do anything to pump up people's bags. Nobody is going to give a shit about your stupid project if you don't promote it and make them want to invest. There are so many autist projects that have suffered this fate like Kleros and Truebit. They do fuck all to make people interested and it somehow becomes a mystery that people aren't interested.

>> No.53857983

>Tell me this anon, what happened to Sergey? He just gets fatter and fatter
He ate, anon. He ate alot

>> No.53858042

It's that, and also when you actively work to undermine your bagholders. Chainlink put hundreds of millions of LINK in circulation to hire people to finish work on CCIP back in 2021. Then he puts out a video that it's releasing in 2022. It's March 2023 next week and the thing is M.I.A. What about FSS? Remember all that hype about DECO?

Again, opportunists looking for exit liquidity. Packaged like a hidden gem. When you attach your name to BAYC and the most popular NFT's, or the "big banks" like BNY Mellon, or the biggest layer 2's like Arbitrum and Optimism, and nothing happens year after year, you deserve the call out. Sergey once boasted that all the exchanges wanted Proof of Reserves after the FTX meltdown, to date none have signed up to use it. Sergey's word is no better than all of the scam artists in crypto but he tries to neatly present himself as truth > trust humble guy. Not buying it

>> No.53858047
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That he does anon, that he does

>> No.53858141

I love when they unveil new shit without finishing the first shit. Town crier anyone? Fss is vaporware and so was the Arbitrum shit

>> No.53858156


>> No.53858199
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>> No.53858200

Anons, Arbitrum was shilled by the Schizoid Nazis in an elaborate confidence scam. The Schizoid Nazis (((S.N.))) targeted the VCs by posting that MEV will be defeated by Arbitrum.
MEV is how they rip you off when you use Ethereum. Arbitrum has a sequencer they profit off of. It's basically the same thing.
The very mention of MEV sent the VCs into a murderous killing frenzy.
They tried to SHUT IT DOWN and when that failed, in their last dying breath, they threw so much money at the Arbitrum team Ed Felten broke out in a rash and Steven Goldfeder collapsed on the floor convulsing in an epileptic fit.
But they were all of them deceived for Arbitrum is the most illiquid environment imaginable. A veritable Tartarus.
The Schizoid Nazis false flagged the death of MEV to trap the VCs on Arbitrum.
Now they and their capital will rot on layer two thanks largely to the efforts of the based Schizoid Nazis. The seven Schizoid Nazis that told me signed the blockchain in blood then commited seppuku, god rest their souls.
Do not bridge your assets to layer two. Let the VC scammers and their capital rest in piss.

>> No.53858233

Doge/shiba needed, chainlink token not needed

>> No.53858235

kek and check

CCIP won't come out in 2022 or 2023, check em

>> No.53858278

If you bought at ico prices you would still be up over 2000%.

>> No.53858450

Look, just look at the goalposts moving in real time. 2000% ico? Faggot, doge buyers got that in a couple weeks. Gamestop fags got 1000% in a few days. Link in 6 years has done nothing but get buoyed by superior investments and a gaslighting “team”

>> No.53858497

remember when Sergey asked Eric Schmidt if Chainlink could work as guardrails for AI. Eric laughed at the idea like some 6 year kid would have asked him something silly.

>> No.53858538

I like that people are still upset about chainlink. You’d figure after six years or whatever people would stop letting it live rent free

>> No.53858615
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1 good year (being generous )
and 4 and a half years of let down.
2023 1st qtr has underperformed compared to the rest of the top 50.
Why so many fucking schills and fud threads on a pipe dream token?
I pray LINK goes to zero and /biz/ loses its love for this god forsaken piece of trash.

>> No.53858666
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The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE
Jesus christ.

>> No.53858694

i wish i could sell but alas i am staking...

>> No.53858747

Reminder that the duuuuuude-poster is Michael the Chink aka this guy https://archived.moe/biz/thread/43747787/
Absolutely unhinged nutcase and a poorfag

>> No.53858952
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it's over, isn't it

>> No.53859128
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They're just the Chainlink evangelists for africa. It doesn't mean the project is blacked. Reminds me of another project I hold, Oasis Rose, where most of the people working for Oasis Foundation seem to be from nigeria haha.