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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53856223 No.53856223 [Reply] [Original]

How will the US pay 31.5 trillion dollars of debt without devaluing the dollar?

>> No.53856232

It was never about paying the debt. It's about the implication of being endebted to (((them)))

>> No.53856235

The US will devalue the dollar and export the resulting inflation onto their allies like they've done for decades, The collapse of amerimuttland can't come soon enough

>> No.53856245
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anon knows.

>> No.53856253

paying... back?

>> No.53856262

Lower interest rates now would send inflation to 20%. Not gonna happen. There's a reason why "Deglobalization" is the new narrative word.

>> No.53856267

Actually impossible and that's without accounting for unfunded liabilities that make 31 trillion look like a little bit of money.

>> No.53856296

you owe the state your labor indefinately, how else could they literally own you. there wasn't any slavery without debt to begin with.

>> No.53856311

As long as population doesn't decline and continues to increase at an ever increasing rate, the US will always be able to service its interest payments, and thus will always be able to take on more debt. This is why immigration is so important - one illegal mexican today means 4-20+ legal mexicans paying taxes in 20 years.

>> No.53856327

why does this scheme resemble a pyramid

>> No.53856328

Whos going to make me pay? A yuropoor? A chink? Russia can't even take a backwater corrupt hellhole lol. No one can make america pay

>> No.53856335

a jew

>> No.53856346

>This is why immigration is so important - one illegal mexican today means 4-20+ legal mexicans paying taxes in 20 years.
Too bad they aren't as economically productive and matter how many are imported the economy is toast, whoops!

>> No.53856353

Innovative new tax solutions. See the massive increase in IRS agents.

>> No.53856364
File: 891 KB, 2048x1152, 9fadd9f4-9bb6-11ea-871b-edeb99a20c6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FED is certainly in a juxtaposition from keeping rates too low for too long creating an everything bubble and with the response to covid of providing a crap ton of cheap liquidity to keep the equity and credit markets afloat during covid we now have 2 possible paths. Japanification of the U.S economy or a sovern debt crisis

>> No.53856367

>one illegal mexican today means 4-20+ legal mexicans paying taxes in 20 years.
Statistically Hispanic men are a net loss on tax over the course of their lifetime.

>> No.53856373

the people who own all the debt say they will never pay it off but they'll make you pay it off

>> No.53856374

yes but think of the debt created and interest accrued

>> No.53856384

debt isnt real say the people who give ukraine more tax dollars in year than 20 year in afghanistan

>> No.53856402

it'll get to ukraine... but first it needs to go through the few dozen companies cozy with the government who happen to have politicians and their friends and relatives on their boards of directors

>> No.53856423

that isnt how it works retard

>> No.53856425

IE think of how deeper a fiscal hole it digs.

>> No.53856480

your first mistake was assuming they had any intention of paying the debt off... they dont. They will make a brand new monetary system, a new beginning.. and xrp will be king.

>> No.53856495

That's quite a rare merchant.

>> No.53856737

debt is a form of currency on its own
once you realize this everything makes sense

>> No.53856770


>> No.53858266

They will confiscate people's crypto and swap it all for USD.

>> No.53858283


>> No.53858289

All at once