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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53854226 No.53854226 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do people buy property? Like, do they not know they're still going to pay rent and utilites to the federal government?

>> No.53854258

The main benefit of owning a house it having a place and property you can do whatever you want to. Want to build an enormous garden or greenhouse? Go for it. Want to add on a new room or renovate an old one? More power to you

>> No.53854365

>Want to build an enormous garden or greenhouse? Go for it. Want to add on a new room or renovate an old one?

gotta get a permit so it can be denied first

>> No.53854368

If you rent you pay all of that too, there's just another middleman as landlord who can charge you more for those same bills than the Gov does.

>> No.53854873

If you ever decide to move, you get 0$ back from the landlord, while you can usually* sell your property for the same price you bought it for or even higher.

*if you don't buy a property that's overvalued or in a middle of a ghetto. or both.

This. You pay mortagage for a fixed ammount of time, while you are obligated to pay the rent ad infinitum.

>> No.53854910

Im sorry you live in the state you chose to.

>> No.53854914

why don't you ask your landchad?

>> No.53854923

Rent goes up way faster than property tax does. Everyone I knew who didn't buy their house in the early 2000s had to move in the wake of '08 due to rents going up majorly.

>> No.53855023

Buy property when the market is cheap, and rent it out to people. Have them pay for the expenses. One important thing to remember is to increase the rent on single mothers.

>> No.53855033

Or purchase a property and maintain it when it's cheap, rent it out, then sell it for a retirement.

>> No.53855047

Farmland has extremely low taxes to value ratio.
I don't know why people buy other things though you are right.

>> No.53855055
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eternal rentoid cope
not a city cuck

>> No.53855427

the part that hurts most is the interest on the loan payments

>> No.53856405

>rent $2000/mo
>principal $1200/mo, HOA $400/mo, interest $400/mo
Hmmm I wonder which to pick

>> No.53857361

you wish the principal / interest ratio was that good

maybe 20+ years into your 30 year mortgage
at the start its totally frontloaded with interest

>> No.53857388

>buy house
>pay taxes to the government

>rent house
>pay landlord markup, landlords's mortgage to the bank, and landlord's property taxes

You're still paying the government when you rent AND two middlemen. fucking retard

>> No.53857884

190k 2.6% mortgage
15 years
It's 1200-something principal and right around 400 interest

And who cares about "at the front" anyways; if you shave off half in the first 2 years that only means your effective interest is still far lower anyways