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53852031 No.53852031 [Reply] [Original]

I was ecstatic when I got the job at Chainlank Labs. It was my dream to work for one of the biggest blockchain companies in the world, and I couldn't believe my luck when I was offered a position as a developer.
However, it didn't take long for me to realize that something was off. People kept mentioning the CEO, but I never saw him around. I thought it was odd, but I shrugged it off and focused on my work.
One day, Sergey Nazarov finally showed up. I was excited to meet him, but as soon as he walked into the office, I noticed something strange. He smelled horrible, like he hadn't showered in days. I tried to ignore it, but it was hard not to notice.
At lunchtime, Sergey ordered Big Macs for the entire floor. I thought it was a kind gesture, but when the food arrived, he took all the burgers and went back to his office, closing the door behind him. I could hear him devouring the food through the walls.

>> No.53852043

One of my colleagues noticed my surprise and whispered to me, "It's just Sergey betraying as usual." I didn't know what that meant, but I didn't want to ask.
Later that day, Sergay came into the dev room and started asking us questions about oracles. It was clear that he had no idea what he was talking about, but he kept pretending like he did. After about ten minutes, he grew bored and told us to keep up the good work before leaving.
As soon as he left, a terrible stench remained in the room. It was then that I realized the CEO had farted before leaving. I couldn't believe what was happening.
From that day on, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off at Chainlank Labs. I didn't know what to do, but I knew I had to be careful. I continued to work hard and do my best, but I always kept my guard up, never sure what strange thing might happen next.

>> No.53852077

Wow. Very funny...

>> No.53852133
File: 723 KB, 1074x825, Sergey quantitative eating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53852157

Just have chatgpt write a story for you it would be less cringe. Chai stink is such a scam they don’t even have a physical office

>> No.53852208

"The fat fuck did it again, he can't keep getting away with that", said Robert, one of the devs.
As Robert spoke those words, I realized that the CEO's behavior was not a one-time thing. It was a habit, and everyone seemed to know it except me.
Suddenly, a speaker turned on, and a voice that no one recognized started speaking. The voice called out to Roger, one of the developers in the room, and asked him to step out for a talk. Roger looked visibly scared, his face had become pale, and sweat was dripping down his forehead.
I watched as Roger got up from his desk and walked out of the room. He didn't say a word to anyone as he left, and I couldn't help but feel worried about what might have happened.
Minutes turned into hours, and there was still no sign of Roger. I couldn't focus on my work anymore, and my mind kept wandering to the possibility that something terrible might have happened to him.

>> No.53852245

"Why did Robert speak but they called Roger?" I asked to one of my colleagues, "and what happened to him?"
"The fact is that the control technology doesn't work very well" He said.
His response only added to my confusion. I asked him to explain what he meant, and he went on to tell me that Sergey, the CEO, had implemented a system of smart contracts that controlled everything in the building, from the temperature to the lighting to the access to different areas of the office.
However, the system didn't always work as intended, and sometimes people would get locked out of certain areas or have trouble accessing resources they needed to do their work. Robert had probably been referring to Sergey's control over the building and the way he used it to manipulate people.
I knew I had to be careful and keep my wits about me if I wanted to survive in this environment. The thought of being trapped in a building controlled by smart contracts, with a CEO who had a habit of farting and disappearing, was enough to make me feel uneasy. I hoped that someday, I would be able to uncover the truth about what was really going on at Chainlank Labs.

>> No.53852256

>claims to work for Chainlink Labs
>story set in-office settings and not remote
lost immersion and stop reading right there.

>> No.53852332

As I continued to work at Chainlank Labs, I noticed another strange phenomenon. Despite the fact that there were only a handful of developers working in the building, there seemed to be an army of HR roasties.
Every time I walked through the halls, I would see groups of them huddled together, gossiping and laughing. They seemed to be everywhere, and their constant presence was starting to make me feel uncomfortable.
I couldn't help but wonder why there were so many HR roasties in the building. It didn't make sense, given the small size of the company. It was as if they were multiplying before my very eyes.
One day, I decided to ask one of my colleagues about it. He shrugged and told me that the CEO had a thing for HR roasties. Apparently, he liked to surround himself with them, and he had a habit of hiring more than the company actually needed.
The more I learned about Sergey and his strange habits, the more I realized that something was seriously wrong at Chainlank Labs. The CEO's behavior was becoming increasingly erratic, and the company culture seemed to be toxic and dysfunctional.

>> No.53852462
File: 424 KB, 873x1292, 1677347003523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53852532

Keep going

>> No.53852562

This is what mental illness looks like

>> No.53852571

well in my experience, the complementary attaboy nursing handjobs from the female project managers is the biggest perk imo

>> No.53852579


>> No.53853207

Keke at all of this. Wtf just sold 100k

>> No.53853241
File: 192 KB, 409x409, 1559002968510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great stuff anon

>> No.53853255

yeah same kek

>> No.53853690

Was pretty good till you got to this part. HR roasties is not a term a normalfag, non-incel, non-nigger saying, non-4chan creep would say, you nigger.

>> No.53853930

>he assumes a normalfag, non-incel, non-nigger, non-4chan would work at Chainlank labs

>> No.53854007

One day, I was leaving my office at Chainlank Labs and heading to my room when something strange happened. A smart contract malfunctioned, and suddenly I found myself forced into a hidden area of the building.
The corridor was dark and smelled terrible, and I stumbled through it, trying to find my way. Eventually, I came to a single room at the end of the hall. As I approached the entrance, I stepped on empty Big Mac boxes, which made a loud crunching noise.
Inside the room, I found a giant iron pool and a server, and I could barely make out the words "dump room" on a dirty plate. The smell was overwhelming, and I started to feel lightheaded.
Suddenly, everything went black, and I lost consciousness.
When I woke up, I was back in my office. I had no idea how I got there or what had happened to me. For a moment, I wondered if it had all been a strange dream.
But the memory of the hidden area and the strange room with the pool and server lingered in my mind. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong at Chainlank Labs. And I knew that I needed to find out what was really going on before it was too late.

>> No.53854086

the most realistic part is that none of the employees are actually working

>> No.53854125

What a stupid write up

>> No.53854321

I couldn't shake off the memory of the hidden area I stumbled upon. I asked around, but none of my colleagues seemed to know anything about it, except for Robert.
Robert had always been a bit of a hacker, so I approached him and told him everything. Together, we decided to dig deeper into the matter. We hacked into the Chainlink Labs system and found a list of regular 500k token dumps and many bank account addresses in the Cayman Islands.
It was clear that the CEO and his cronies were siphoning off funds from the company and hiding them offshore.
We were stunned by what we had uncovered. We knew that this went far beyond just the health and safety violations. It was a full-blown financial scandal.

>> No.53855242 [DELETED] 

You can just imagine the smell of that file tho

>> No.53855422

You can just imagine the smell of that file tho

>> No.53855462

first time writing a chainlink story anon?

>> No.53855544

the allusions to BoB freak me the fuck out bro
no clipping to chainlinklabs backrooms? you are lucky to be alive man

>> No.53855692

BoB? How do you know about him? Is it you Sergay?

>> No.53855734

He's a demon anon. Do not trust BoB

>> No.53855742

I couldn't ignore the suspicion that my work was being sabotaged. Every time I made an online commit, it would get changed or deleted within a week or two, due to unknown issues. I knew I wasn't the only one experiencing this. The entire dev department's work was getting wiped out every Friday night. It was like we were working for nothing.
I couldn't help but think that someone in our team was working for a competitor company and backstabbing us. I was hesitant to tell anyone, but I knew I had to do something. That's when I turned to China Campagnuolo, a friendly HR roastie I met in the Labs.
I didn't know much about China, but I trusted her. I explained to her what was going on, and she promised to help me investigate... but this was simply not true.

>> No.53857457

fucking newfags

>> No.53857710

its that same retard that has a folder filled with cock cages and dog buttholes that he spams biz with 24/7 because he thinks it will make people sell or something
this dude is basically worse than an unpaid internet jannie and posts on biz for thousands of hours a year

>> No.53859281

>triggering the chonlonk strawman schizo

>> No.53859456

After a few days, I received a strange message on my personal email account. It was an encrypted email with no sender's name. The message contained a code that seemed like a binary number, so I ran it through a decoder, and it revealed a message that read "Meet me at the parking lot behind the office at midnight".
I was hesitant to go, but I couldn't resist the urge to know who was behind all this. So, I waited until midnight, put on my jacket, and drove to the parking lot behind the office. There, I saw a shadowy figure standing next to a black van.
"Are you the one who sent me the message?" I asked.
The figure nodded and said, "Get in the van, I'll explain everything."
I hesitated for a moment, but then I decided to take the risk. I got into the van, and we drove off to a deserted location.

>> No.53861132

this shit is good, thank you for the keks OP

>> No.53861168


>> No.53862051

>It was then that I realized the CEO had farted before leaving. I couldn't believe what was happening.
Spitted my coffee at this, thank you OP