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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 472 KB, 871x792, buffet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53852024 No.53852024 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53852041

He knows the FED isn't bluffing, something retail mumoids haven't figured out yet, Bitcoin is going to reach 10k, it's programmed into the blockchain and there's nothing you can do to stop it

>> No.53852051

100k you mean? Yes correct

>> No.53852055
File: 255 KB, 1300x732, jeff probst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jpow's margin calling the world

>> No.53852064

Buffet doesn't know anything. He bought Apple at the top and dismissed it when it was low. Stop putting your trust in people, markets have too many moving parts for any individual to have more than an educated guess on where stuff is going.

>> No.53852071
File: 95 KB, 1472x592, 1665164098465191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They know inflation is still out of control and Jerome will have to keep nuking the markets. They'll buy our cheapies in late 2024/early 2025, when we're forced to sell our bags to afford food.
Patience is a virtue.

>> No.53852075

Hes earning 5% on that cash in an environment where the market swings that weekly, up and down
He is waiting for the mania to end while securing a no-loss position that is earning more than most dividend paying stocks give. This is also in a market that, still, has extremely high valutions.

>> No.53852115
File: 265 KB, 1908x1146, 12851698-0-image-a-8_1556529137901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah the good, the yearly "Buffet is hoarding cash" Fud. Bull run must be starting soon

>> No.53852124

he tripled his money on apple retard

>> No.53852182

That isn't saying much when retards made x100 on Apple, Tesla and other meme stocks.

>> No.53852189

And soon he will divide it by 2.
He may live to experience his greatest failure before his life ends.

>> No.53852664

Lol I know right. I’ve seen this so many times the past 10 years. I’m getting too old to keep coming here.

>> No.53852674

Literally stfu at this point. Shit is so annoying and cope

>> No.53852683

Gonna buy cheap after the massive crash, that takes cash.

>> No.53852699

how much have you made?

>> No.53852712

Anon is getting slaughtered in the comments but is the only one who gets it. Market still thinks "the pivot" is coming and will drop like a rock once they realise the Fed are serious and will keep rates high for a long time.

>> No.53852741

He's in his 90s, he doesn't understand or care to understand about anything other than what he's done all his life, which is to accumulate dollarcoin. Think how diehard bitcoiners are and then apply that mentality to someone who has been accumulating his own shitcoin of choice for decades. He has only a few years of life left, no one around him is going to sincerely question him, he will keep doing this until the very end. A dollar samurai

>> No.53852832

I can easily liquidate 25% of my protfolio at a loss of about 1500usd and have about 20k of additional money to throw at cheap stocks
And I save most of my salary, two thirds so I guess I could have 8-10k in 4 months for those opportunities
Don't want to sell my Rubis Sca, Berry (logistics), Meta, Micron, TSMC, BABA, Alphabet

>> No.53852849

thats us bonds not cash right? or is he literally sitting on 130b earning nothing as inflation eats away at the dollar

>> No.53852864

>Every major fund/financially-focused company loses money in 2022 and goes heavy into cash
>Except one
Wonder what that means.

>> No.53853104

This is absolutely not happening. You have to be an idiot not to stay in the market now. I did not at all cash out several months ago. You must keep buying (my bags).

>> No.53853130

>the FED isn't bluffing
Its nothing more than this, there is no secret here, the fucking fed has been saying all along exactly wtf is going to happen.
Markets are still recovering for 1 reason, and that is retail investors buying into the market thinking the bottom is already behind.
I have 3 friends in finance, 2 are small boutique guys and one is an advisor to clients at goldman and all 3 say to stay in cash, fundamentals are completely fucked and there will be another 30% leg down before the next election...

>> No.53853236
File: 1.52 MB, 1270x763, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone think rates will return to nothing when they can stay high for decades?

>> No.53853591

Because they will not let the markets fail. Boomers have to be able to retire. They could print money twice as fast and the economy would still be strong, so they will. They will keep QE’ing until the wheels come off but by then the market makers will be in a bunker somewhere

>> No.53853609

hes cashing in his pepsi stocks

>> No.53853642

Holding it in cash, or having the taxpayer for it via reverse REPOs?

>> No.53854366

>caplocking FED
im grateful retards out themselves so easily like this

>> No.53854387

You can lose 6% to inflation, or you can lose 100% during a bear market selloff. Which do you think is worse?

>> No.53854404


I agree with you Anon.

>> No.53854438

Banks are completely upside in equity, many banks are effectively bankrupt with current market conditions. It seems like the fed is intent on causing a 2008 type financial crisis with no brakes

>> No.53854450

Because of the size he can only put money to work when it's a big acquisition >$25bil investment. It makes no sense for him to do a lot of little deals

>> No.53854457

his business is an extension of his ego. he knows he's old, so he's reducing risk

>> No.53854524

His cash is invested in short term Treasury bills. he's earning 5% a month on that cash. So inflation isn't an issue.

>> No.53854568

When no one can get finance and those who can are paying ridiculous rates for it. Having cash puts you in a excellent position to buy liquidations and stock that has dropped.

>> No.53854612

Imagine buying things BEFORE the inevitable crash, how very /biz/. Having money when everyone and their dog is selling is very Berkshire Hathaway.

>> No.53854688

Why do people like bitcoin so much, it’s barely one step above doge and shiba on the usefulness chart (0/10)

>> No.53854704

The only real answer here is that most of his money is still in sectors he believes in and he moved out of some of his other sectors he thinks are overvalued and waiting on developments in other areas to move it to. That’s all.
He didn’t liquidate everything