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53847192 No.53847192 [Reply] [Original]

What age are you aiming to retire at?

>> No.53847209
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Do your friends have any money put away for retirement?

>> No.53847224

Mostly just 401k’s.

>> No.53847375

Retired off crypt at 31

>> No.53847388

you did or plan to anon?

>> No.53847393

50 with $2m

really? details pls. net worth, monthly expenses, homeowner, debt?

>> No.53847408

70ish. Probably work long enough my wife doesn’t try to retire early to spend every day together while getting max bennies from the guubermint

>> No.53847421
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Elderly people get to live in communities where rent is massively lower than the going rate. In places where the average rent is 1400 dollars a room, for example, elderly people can typically rent elderly-only apartments for 400 dollars a room.

Unless this guy blew all his cash on the slots I call bullshit.

>> No.53847522

Not true at all, are you a fucking retard or a zoomer?

>> No.53847531

this is terrifying

>> No.53847554

sort of, I was into FIRE, but crypto helped me do it faster.

Currently high 3 mil, was close to 5 at the peak. Expenses were $110k last year, target is <$120k/year. I can reduce my expenses to about $88k/year if I don't travel / vacation.

>> No.53847562

>be alive for 70 years of all white nation with great economy
>still manage to save nothing and work in old age
Yea I’m guessing wagies are retarded

>> No.53847573

You're living my dream. I think I'll retire in two years (age 36) with $5 mil net worth.

>> No.53847576

>this is the kind of retard telling you to buy link or whatever

>> No.53847581

I’m not. I have a great job and retirement savings but I don’t really ever see myself just plain not working. I hope I’m always doing something even if it’s only part time.

If you’re living your entire life counting down the time until retirement, you should really rethink what it is that you’re doing with your life. Do something worthwhile now instead of waiting for some future life of leisure that may never materialize (you may die before retirement or shortly thereafter, you have no way of knowing).

>> No.53847584

What’s fire anon? Thanks congrats

>> No.53847602

You're a fucking retard. Not only are retirement communities not at any discount, they're always more than average because they try to centralize amenities on site, or they required some mix of in home care. Rent being lower for "elderly" people has literally never been a thing.

>> No.53847608

Financially Independent Retire Early
It's the thought process and personal finance methods to maximize income and investments so you don't have to work until you're 65+. The age and goal net worth is different for everybody in this journey but the goal of FIRE is the same.

>> No.53847623


>> No.53847691

I trade for a living. The longer I live, the better I get, the more I make, the more my cost for NOT trading goes up. I don't need any employees, I don't have a boss from my perspective besides the government/IRS, and my work isn't particularly physically demanding. I also like what I do, so I'll probably do it until I die.

>> No.53847722

how do you manage to spend such an amount of money?

do you even have time to work or does it require all day to spend such an extreme sum every single year? are you maybe mentally handicapped?

>> No.53847781

mortgage, house maintenance, health insurance, taxes, utilities, car insurance, car repairs, food, gas, restaurants, traveling, skiing in the winter, gifts. Shit adds up.

>> No.53847812

if you want to retire why do you blow such an extreme amount of money just to keep working? are you actively TRYING to work longer?

>> No.53847823

I don't work, I'm retired

>> No.53847862

I work for the fed. I will have thirty years by the time Im 62 at which point I get the fers pension. and I will get social security too. We also have the tsp and my employer matches up to 5%. I hope to have my house paid off by this time so I can fuck off for twenty years before dying in peace.

>> No.53848108

hmm thanks. looking to do FIRE aided by crypto by 2038 (so actually younger than 50) on a slimmer budget. i figure $60k income and a house paid off is enough to live really well. my current expenses are only like $2250-2500 max, which includes $1600 rent and rather comfy living

>> No.53848129

(this is monthly obviously so lets say minus rent/mortgage, my base luxury living cost is 36k/yr)

>> No.53848297

probably 65
or I'll just wage away forever because I am too retarded for coins

>> No.53848444

>What age are you aiming to retire at?
36. I'm 45 if that matters.

>> No.53848520

30 now
180k mortgage
600k liquid
no crypto

>> No.53848581

55 with $10m.
Also, if you have 100k in cash, where do you put it if you don't want to put it into a falling market? T-bills?

>> No.53848633

It’s hard to see so far away but doing the bare minimum I can retire from my job at 57 with a pension paying 1/3 of my gross salary and covering my health care. I would also have a 401k with over a million with about 400k of that being Roth. I’m not counting on social security but realistically I’m sure we will get something. This would be my minimum retirement. I expect more but this is just doing the company match and getting the pension as early as possible

>> No.53848829

I "retired" at 32 when my net worth was only about 150-200k, but I had sufficient income from a couple of rental properties to live very cheaply for the next couple of years while I waited for the (crypto) market cycle to pan out. Which it did, exactly as expected, and I made 8figs. I had total conviction that my shitcoins would go the way they did, so I was able to quit.

Life overall was a LOT better when I was young and poor, desu, so don't forget that while you're looking forward to being old and rich. A few years ago I had way more friends, got more girls, had a busier (in a good way) life, was healthier, etc. Figuring out how to make money is a fairly honourable goal, imo, but fo sho "retiring" is not necessarily going to make your life overall better vs. being a young wagie.

We're obliged to try to achieve it, though, I realise.

>>What age are you aiming to retire at?
>36. I'm 45 if that matters.


>> No.53849025
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Please god, ive never been evil or cruel. I try not to hate anyone. I try to avoid stealing begging and selling out the best i can. Please let me join you on the other side before i get so old my body hurts and i don't have enough money to sit at home and relax. I don't want to get old like that. It seems like a light version of hell -_-

>> No.53849481
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In 5 years

Dumping most of my paychecks into world stocks ETF and promising altcoins (50/50). If crypto should die then I atleast have a safety net with my ETF holdings. Plan B is 7-9 years (crypto dies) - I move to Straya land, get a good blue collar job that I currently do and keep dropping $10k a month into divvie stocks. After that I move back to yuropoorland and retire.
50k a year in divvies and I would be set here. 2k for living expenses, 2k reinvested monthly, maybe get a part-time job so I wouldn't go insane at home.

>> No.53849482

Jesus Christ and his atoning blood is the only bridge that crosses over to eternity with God

>> No.53849484

here in the uk theres tonnes of houses on the market only for elderly people and they sell for like 1/2 that of a normal house

>> No.53849485

Think ill probably work until i die retiring makes you go senile. i will probs cut down to lower hours though

>> No.53849539

>lived 80 years during one of humanities greatest golden ages
>in the wealthiest country in the world too
>was not able to save anything for retirement
I'm not sorry and I don't feel bad.

>> No.53849631

32 neet
i plan to kill myself at 50
there is nothing worth living too long

>> No.53850056

Not bad anon. Aiming for 35 probably during the next bull run with my gains from alts like DOT, SYLO, FIL and FLUX

>> No.53850123

I'm not some type of farm animal that relies on their handlers to give them just enough feed and s place to die. I'll do whatever I need to not to starve and if that means I'll be homeless I already have a plan in place to recruit a band of homeless pirate bandits to roam the woods with. We will make it, I'm not worried about that. I'm also not too terrified of dying so there's that.

>> No.53850141

I’ll never retire. Around age of 120 I’ll be replacing my bandaid kitted and fixed original body with a fresh new one, but it’ll be so expensive that I’ll have to work another 100 years to pay it back + interrst + maintenance.. at which point I’ll need a new one again, and it’ll continue forever. Body as a service. The only positive thing is that it’ll be a body of a young woman, so I’ll make living by sucking dicks in front of a camera for hundreds of years. This will repeat until an accidental death releases me.

>> No.53850149

I am trying to get into a position where I don't want to retire, I enjoy what I do and I'd like to continue doing it until the day I die.

Though, with that being said I'd like to semi-retire at 65-70 and just take on interns or apprentices.

>> No.53850156

These better not be fucking real.

>> No.53850171

anon I'm moving to eastern europe, i can buy a house cash no mortgage and be semi retired by 35, then if you need to work just come back and work 4-6 months a year here and save up

>> No.53850175

Old people get like 40k a year for being old
Plus some savings and only a retard is broke at 70+

>> No.53850186

30, though I will still probably do some kind of work, although not for something I don't care about and only 20-30 hours per week

>> No.53850189

>the absolute state of this board

>> No.53850237

My man. God bless you.

>> No.53850245

I'm 27, planning to retire at 45.

>> No.53850259

i know the OP one is it was on the news separately

>> No.53850622

i work remote anyway so could do something similar i feel bad moving out though because my dads never been around and my mum has no boyfriend so she will be alone

>> No.53850711
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I'm going to when the lottery next drawing.

>> No.53850722

>Expenses were $110k last year
Hope you have a wife and kids with that much expense.

>> No.53850723
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>> No.53850727

based positive thinker

>> No.53850736

>Girls bully her
Black people bully her. I hope some of these older Americans go postal.

>> No.53850773


>> No.53850821

I already retired at 26

>> No.53850853

I would retire now if I can, but I don't think I will ever retire. Since I started investing in 2015 my investments have overall been failures. I have no debt, but my wealth simply isn't growing enough to retire at any speed.

Instead I try to focus on making my work tolerable. My profession is one where people often work at least part-time until they die, so I assume the same will go with me.

>> No.53850862

>What age are you aiming to retire at?
man needs a purpose even if that purpose is moping a floor. cognitive and physical decline accelerates for many after retirement

>> No.53851068

when i'm 50, hopefully live on my real estate biz, and off the passive returns make on eth, Tezos and ride.
thinking of diversifying into rental soon.
>Just wanna retire comfy

>> No.53851144

WEF will have genocided 7.5 billion people by then. You won't be one of them?

>> No.53851199

You're thinkng of the greatest generation that was born in the early 20s. Those people are all dead or centenarians now.

>> No.53851383

It’s surreal when you see a language that you can read for the first time in the wild, only like 30 millions other people know it

>> No.53851439


>> No.53852428

imagine being mean to a 70 year old woman working at mcdonalds.

>> No.53852452

what's the over/under this guy doesn't blow through it in 20 years and end up having to work at mcdonalds?

>> No.53852603

yeah i really dont understand why old people retire just to let their brains rot away

>> No.53852639


>> No.53852679

I retired at 42.

>> No.53852690

Fucking aim on retiring early. One of the reason I invest heavily in cryptocurrencies. Hopefully VET, NXRA and BNB will make it happen.

>> No.53852857
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Gonna blow my brains out at 82 regardless of my financials. Clinging to life for too long is cringe

>> No.53853184

Horrendous to be mean to an old lady for any reason but god damn imagine being a boomer and fumbling the bag this hard

>> No.53853237

>Elderly people get to live in communities where rent is massively lower than the going rate. In places where the average rent is 1400 dollars a room, for example, elderly people can typically rent elderly-only apartments for 400 dollars a room.
So you know the real value of real estate. Its fake and gay, all 1 bedrooms should only be 400.

>> No.53853267

frfr, boomer ass nigga gonna get whipped bruh. can't even grind ong

>> No.53853790

im a professional system abusing NEET , im already retired TOPKEK. bro i am so comfy.

>> No.53853872

Boomers don't deserve kindness. Imagine being part of the wealthiest generation in history and ending up taking orders at Mickey D's. She's a genetic failure and deserves her fate.

>> No.53855365


>> No.53855492

I have zero sympathy for poor old people. They have had at least half a century to find out about the power of compound interest and to utilise it to its fullest. They have lived through so many long bullruns. There is literally no excuse to not be a millionaire if you are 60+. If you are stupid enough to be poor past that age, you deserve to suffer, simple as.

>> No.53855558

Love listening to Dave Ramsey and hear 50+ year olds call in with zero saved for retirement. Like, what the fuck - I understand spending your 20s dicking around it is what it is, but to go through a decade in your 30s, 40s, etc. and not even think about building wealth for the future? Truly cant comprehend that.

After the Trump bull run and COVID inflation really anyone who worked a semi decent job (teacher or better) their entire lives (50+ in age) should be a comfortable millionaire if not multi millionaire. I have sympathy if you had to care for like an autistic child, or have an IQ of 10 and thus can only be a McWagie - but outside of that it's your own fault you are where you are

>> No.53855817

what do you trade day to day?

>> No.53855958

>Love listening to Dave Ramsey and hear 50+ year olds call in with zero saved for retirement
does this happen alot?

>> No.53855980 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 512x512, safe_chungus41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SafeChungus of SafeChungus.com is launching in 30 minutes, lets fucking go!9!

>> No.53856013

not that anon, but alot of my dad's friends are people who drive $100k benz suvs but probably don't have any retirement plans.

>> No.53856027

lmao what a leech on society

>> No.53856319

I'm 28 and haven't worked in like a year and a half but I have stabilized my net worth around 130k by eating a lot of ramen, spending all day inside watching anime and playing vidya, and making one degen trade a month whenever rent is due. It's not a glamorous life but I have no complaints. I'll probably work again at some point though.

>> No.53856382

Nope, I had no one to teach me about finances and only discovered investing during covid, just in time to realise I completely fucked my 20s and probably missed out on the greatest money making period in my entire life. GG it was over for me before it began.

>> No.53856419

Nah bro, keep buying, youll be ok. I felt the same way multiple times before 2020. There will be opportunities in the future.