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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53845026 No.53845026 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys actually budget or do you just try not to buy dumb shit? Is budgeting only for people who live paycheck to paycheck or can't help but spend?

>> No.53845049

Everyone should budget, no matter how much money they make. Budgeting just means knowing where your money is going

Not budgeting is just reckless

>> No.53845213

I feel like a lot of people here don't have much expenses besides mortgage, car, food though which isn't hard to keep track of

>> No.53845228

How much do you get paid to spam this board kike?

>> No.53845259


>> No.53845309

>2/3rds of my paycheck
This might have been true in 2011 but if you live in a rec state today you can get an ounce of weed for $99 that is 10x stronger than anything from back then
If you're smoking more than an ounce of weed a month you're a fiend, and if you think $99 a month is a lot of money you're a poorfag, plain and simple
>bu-bu-but if you saved da money you could buy a used car in five years!
I make more than enough money to let some of it go up in my smoke for enjoyment, and I already have a better car than you'll ever afford. Go seethe now

>> No.53845371

>do you just try not to buy dumb shit
Basically this.
I don't have a car because I live and work in a le walkable town. My rent is 26% of my take-home pay so nothing else really matters as long as I'm not constantly consooming, which I'm not.

>> No.53845400

New cars people don't need(truck for people who don't put anything in the bed) is the biggest pitfall I see. Puts the in debts for years

>> No.53845410

I budget my DCA, but what exactly I DCA into depends on what is up and what is down

>> No.53845419

the problem is most weed smokers are fiends

>> No.53845429

Weed is addictive. I also mix my weed with tobacco to get a sick nicotine buzz as well as a nice high. So I’m doubly addicted. I just wanted to share

>> No.53845431

Based. $60 of weed gets me through two months no problem. Broke faggots will be broke faggots whether they smoke weed or not

>> No.53845440

Maybe in your circle of experience. Says a lot about you really :)~

Sent from my iPhone

>> No.53845466

>be me
>be alive
>try to not buy too much food
>hungry for food
>run out of cereal and shit
>have to go to the store and buy food
>each week curse the fact that humans need to eat and poop

>> No.53845475

Just half-ass budget in my head, but not an actual written one. I've always lived well below my means, so it's never been a problem, not like I have to worry about running out of money at the end of the month. Even if you have plenty of income, though, it's still a good idea to budget and keep track of where your money is going. You might realize you're spending more than you thought in certain areas and might want to cut back. And if you have financial goals and big-ticket items you want to buy, it can help you figure out how much you're able to set aside a month and how long until you'll be able to afford it.

>> No.53845555

I force myself to "live" paycheck to paycheck investing all my money otherwise I piss it away on dumb shit

In the past I created a budget each year but inevitably wouldn't follow it, have found the above method works better for me

>> No.53845724

Think this would work for a lot of people, also checked

>> No.53845750

I don't get people who get into consumer debt. I make dogshit money (about 40k after tax) and I haven't bought groceries in months. I eat skip the dish every day. I save around 2k every month and am debt free.

>> No.53845765

Checked and correct. Rather than having $2000 extra cash every month or however much and spending it on overpriced restaurants and normie shit, just shove it all into crypto.

>> No.53845799

Not really. I add up my expenses for the month and add $300 for wiggle room then put apart that amount. The rest goes into savings or investments

>> No.53845834

nah never budgeted. just don't buy shit i don't need. end up with a healthy surplus for the rare occasion i buy rubbish i may or may not need. I am living well within my means. budgeting may help people who are living at or above their means, but the people who have no impulse control whatsoever and pathologically must consooom and spend cannot be saved by a budget. there is no saving them beyond someone else completely managing all their finances, akin to children with an allowance.

>> No.53845854

Same here. Force myself to be poor by investing.

>> No.53846151

kek I bet people will be surprised when you buy a nice house out of the blue when they have nothing

>> No.53846183

>weed is bad
>t. drink 12+ beers per day

>> No.53846543

both are for poors

>> No.53846569

I don’t budget because I don’t spend money on dumb useless garbage. My living costs are about 1/5 of my salary.

People who use marijuana regularly deserve the poverty they get as a result.

>> No.53846587
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I sold my house around 3 years ago, moved to a really cheap area and had a huge chunk of cash in the bank I was just sitting on. I realized I needed to budget when I looked at my account one day and realized I blew through 10 grand in like a month just being a nigger rich retard.

It is so fucking easy to blow through cash on literal useless trash and it's really fun too. When I was house poor I just didnt buy anything or go out or really buy extra stuff but having money suddenly made me go "fuck it I can buy this and that 'here and there' no big deal..." well it is a big deal

>> No.53846797

This. Ultra rich make their own.