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53840571 No.53840571 [Reply] [Original]

>be me. Turn 29 years old in a month
>only attracted to 18-22 year old girls
>I am getting at the age where its starting to be creepy to date them and the only ones who want to date me are obviously gold diggers

How do I cope and change my tastes in women? yes this is financial question

>> No.53840622

>creepy to date then
Imagine caring about what society thinks about who you sleep with. You'll remain an eternal virgin anon, there no hope for you.

>> No.53840647

Turning 30 soon too anon so trust me, this will only be a problem when you look old/fat and can't get them any more. Other men understand why you date these women. Hot women understand. The only people judging you are post-wall roasties.

Keep getting while the getting's good, anon. And stay in shape.

>> No.53840651

I have had middle aged white women give me dirty looks when I was out in public with my 18 year old Latina gf

Not that it matters. But it can be annoying

>> No.53840666

What does "creepy" mean?

>> No.53840674

My friend fucked a 13 year old for 5 years when he was 20. Hed fuck her ass and and she'd suck his cock

>> No.53840682

This is the current state of white society. Men being afraid of bitter roasties.

>> No.53840767

It's only creepy to old women and faggots on Reddit. None of those people matter at all. Just don't try too hard. But go ahead and skull fuck a toddler for all I care. Life is short.

>> No.53840973
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i have no idea how to talk to zoomer girls or even what about
it's kind of hard to come up with something when the only reason you want to even interact with them is because you need to get off

>> No.53841002

Based, very based

>> No.53841059
File: 49 KB, 933x610, fbi yes this post right here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53841134

>my friend is an actual groomer pedophile


>> No.53841195

niggero rappers
tik toks

>> No.53841206

Those who like you will show it and if you aren't an autistic faggot then you'll know. Lots of smiles, open body language, giggling, attention seeking, laughing. All you need to do then is find an opportunity to be alone together and say that you want them. And i don't mean tell them that you want them. Show them, touch them, try to get close, etc.

>> No.53841311

It's not creepy. It's normal. It has been normal since forever. Men take longer to get into a position in life where they can attract a high value woman. If you're at your peak why wouldn't you seek to have a woman who's at her peak. Don't let the feminists and seething simps shame you.

>> No.53841455

Yeah they're bitter hags.
Kill them.

>> No.53841625

You should revel in their bitterness. Understand that it comes from them feeling threatened by younger women because they understand their value is decreasing with every year and they're seething because you're giving your attention to a younger woman.

>> No.53842127

reddit moment

>> No.53843720

it means he's undermining feminism, satan.

>> No.53844400

>call out pedos

fuck off pedo