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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 500x438, wagie work balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53840140 No.53840140 [Reply] [Original]

>It's an 8-hour day and you can finish your work in 3-4 hours.
A guy literally said this in a 1970s porn movie dialogue. I immediately took my hand off my cock and thought of /biz/. Now tell me, if in the 1970s they knew this, why are we still working 8 hours a day?

>> No.53840276

The system is retarded and just wants you to suffer because muh hard work, muh bootstraps, so on and so forth.

>> No.53840350

people were working 8 hour days 1000 years ago too

no amount of technological advance will ever free you from the people who want to keep you exactly where you are

>> No.53840367

feudal serfs had more free time than the modern wage slave

>> No.53840382

free time to do... what

>> No.53840399

they died at the age of 35 from rabies

>> No.53840408

Whatever they want, it's free time.

>> No.53840443

>70s porn
>BBC Worklife
>finish in 3-4 hours
It’s all so tiresome…

>> No.53840471
File: 72 KB, 480x720, who_were_you_before_they_broke_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53840508

average lifespan was 55 years of age, ignoring infant mortality.

>> No.53840516
File: 135 KB, 740x750, hijak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have time to think about how terrible things are you will begin to look for who is benefiting.

Of course this boomer 'advice' doesn't work when no one is actually hiring, even if they have infinite help wanted posters.

>> No.53840530

>guaranteed wife
>guaranteed sex
>peasant bangarang

Unlike you who will die in debt at 91 being beaten by a somali niggy nog who doesn't know anything about you. Sugoi!

>> No.53840805

read the bible
play with your kids
make more kids

>> No.53840842


>> No.53840868

i know right gee they didnt even have netflix duuude
life must have been sooo boring xD

>> No.53841066

Suffer from desease
Bury 7 out your 15 kids before age five
Be dirty and live in a cramped, cold shack
Suffer more

>> No.53841101

>muh greatest time in history of civilization!
kys kys

>> No.53841106

Pretty fucked up when you can have an epiphany in the middle of jacking off.

>> No.53841119

Not free time to watch the latest CalArts WEF genital mutilation propaganda TV show, but hey: no age is perfect.

>> No.53841161

Kek go ahead and live in the middle ages, I bet it was fun

>> No.53841170

and what are you going to do about it
yeah that's what I thought

>> No.53841177

Its social engineering if you are imprisoned in a place where you can't do anything for 8-12 hours you aren't a threat to the system

>> No.53841401

I don't give a shit about the middle ages, you bootlicking retard.

>> No.53841454

They do want you to suffer, but that's not why they pay you. They pay you so you don't go out and change the world.

>> No.53841460
File: 705 KB, 700x1050, vatican-media-reuters-south-sundan-ecumenical-retreat-190411-06_700x1050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duh biblerino

>> No.53841490

>el sexo
>breathing fresh air
Don’t tell me you’d rather spend that time mopping up aisle 7

>> No.53841511

What did you dream?
>It’s alright, we told you what to dream.

>> No.53841528

It's because you're basically an on call, contractual worker. It's impossible to plan out something for you to do every single minute. There are busy and down periods, they just want your time to cover that. It's not some kind of crazy scheme.

>> No.53841541

nobody's stopping you from moving to le wholesome countryside and doing that you faggot incel
you won't do it though

>> No.53841584

The 40 hour work week only happened because people were willing to fight and die in shootouts with corporate goons to make it happen. 8 hour days were a compromise. They would steal more of your life away if they could because their greedy desire for control demands that they do so if they can.

>> No.53841730

Lmao what age would you like to live in then hombre? 1900 - 1950 maybe? Would be kino to fight WW1 and WW2 (and survive obviously)