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53838990 No.53838990 [Reply] [Original]

The housing market is fucking done for lmao

>> No.53839002

Really good movie was blown away by the CGI and alien design

>> No.53839029

We haven't seen nothing yet, just wait till the end of this year

>> No.53839042


The flippers and overleveraged speculators will be racing for the door at some point.

>> No.53839067
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>This is a possible short sale and they owe a lot.

>> No.53839101

>no access

what do they mean by this? No road to the house or viewing access?

>> No.53839123

I will be a blood bath

>> No.53839124

>just buy it and trust us
Who falls for this shit

>> No.53839132
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>> No.53839173
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How many more weeks? I have cash and I'm ready to buy, but I keep hearing of this crash, yet it's not happening...

>> No.53839199
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>Larry Steinhouse

>> No.53839203


The 2008 crash took 3 years to bottom. Real estate isn't a shit coin it moves at a glacial pace.

>> No.53839205

When 2008 crash happened the real pain was seen mid 2009-2010.

>> No.53839245

This movie was trash, the only reason I enjoyed it was because that cgi scene sequence of split probability ant mans. Maybe I just grew out of the capeshit genre but this feels like hot garbage compared to the og iron man and spiderman movies

>> No.53839299


Well I mean you can see the sunk cost fallacy psychology here. Niggas are coping about how they got a "generational bottom" and are "never selling" as they get later and later on their bills and go into foreclosure.

Turns out paying 800k for a 3 bedroom cardboard shack actually was stupid, but they have invested their lives into it and won't let it go until the bitter end. It takes a year or two for that to happen.

>> No.53839327
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hahahahahaha it's real

>> No.53839387

no viewing access. they want you to bid $400k+ on a ratfuck short sale, sight unseen.

>> No.53839406

Now multiply those single home owners with those that bought 2+ houses at the same price because they wanted to be parasitic scums and rent them all out and you will get a very dire situation.
Here in London Ontario houses have fallen already by 200K since a year ago! And there appears to be no slowing down.

>> No.53839410


Lmao you just know it's a fucking meth house with black mold and a cracked foundation. It's a guaranteed tear down and rebuild so it's not even worth the lot.

>> No.53839432
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What a literal fucking kike lmao

>> No.53839430

I would give them $50K just for lols.

I don't think you can go wrong with that price

>> No.53839449
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>oy vey that offer is so low, it's practically antisemitism!

>> No.53839469
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lmao now i recognize this kike. he has billboards on the pennsylvania turnpike offering "options trading school." https://www.investorschooling.net/

>> No.53839620

I always found it odd why would an investment "expert" waste their time teaching instead of using his expertise making millions!

>> No.53839649


Lmao it's a classic grift. If you truly knew how to make billions in the market you would be making billions in the market and not giving lectures on investing to boomers in a shitty hotel lobby in Flithadelphia.

>> No.53839702
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>> No.53839723

slow bleed to 2025. Screencap this. South goes first since WFHers are SoL.

>> No.53839822

Overleveraged speculators have mostly left the market or are currently leaving the market.
Overleveraged homeowners are in a different boat. They in for the long term and can weather being underwater for a few years. And sometimes they can be technically be underwater owning more on their mortgage than the house is worth. But if they re-bought the house with today's interest rates they would be paying more a month.

>> No.53839856

Is that a greedy jew meme?

>> No.53839942
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what are you talking about anon

>> No.53839976

Good it's about fucking time

>> No.53839995

Have u dumb cunts not figured out quantitive easing and dual income families have put housing where it is? 2008 was fraud 2020 was feminist psyop and government pumping trillions of cash into our money supply. If you are short you are dumb. Government will QE us until all the boomers are dead

>> No.53840013

You wish, dumb faghot. Go watch the big short or something maybe you’ll get it.

>> No.53840023


Any updates on these guys?

>> No.53840043

Most had variable with bad credit during the crisis. Most have fixed good credit today.

>> No.53840109

no, it's a house
are you seeing things, anon?

>> No.53840125

>Overleveraged speculators have mostly left the market or are currently leaving the market.
citation needed

>> No.53840135
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Why is this such a foreign concept about unsustainable pricing? Incomes simply cannot support a case shiller of 8.

>> No.53840148

Why didn't they clean the place up, for the pictures, after the police raid? Or whatever happened in that house, maybe some addict looking for pills
Wtf happened in that house? Why is everything all over the place?

>> No.53840162


>> No.53840171


So you disregard the least affordable housing in recorded history that now has high interest rates that doubled the payment?

>> No.53840178

I'm going to be jacking off all summer.

>> No.53840206
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>> No.53840255

Reminder the "bad credit" niggers from 08 got their credit wiped and now have "good credit".

>> No.53840259

weird, my zestimate is up today

>> No.53840293
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Who’s going to do it?

>> No.53840318



>> No.53840322

$300K to $600k

Did everyone's wages go up by 100% + inflation (interest) adjustment?
Because if they didn't, that means people are still making the same when that houses sold for $300K but somehow these same people with the same wages are expected to buy it now for $600K?

>> No.53840344

If a recession hits I would expect mid summer when people have no choice but to eat the loss and walk away from their homes. The question is will the fed raise rates to the point of causing that or will they simply drive wage inflation creating an inflation feedback loop which would allow people to pay for their overpriced homes as their loans are now devalued far enough to be affordable for them at the new borrowing rates. If anyone knew the answer they could make a killing and I doubt they would tell you.

>> No.53840360

>pay went up ~10%
>interest rates make borrowing ~30% cheaper
>rent went up ~30% making buying a house cheaper

>> No.53840372


Based on what the fed is been consistently saying is that they are willing to keep rates high no matter what. Hyperinflation means the end of the country and they will cause a depression to prevent that.

>> No.53840410
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It doesn't matter, zoomials will miss the bottom waiting for the big crasherino that will never come. I can't blame them, I did the same thing 10+ years ago.
Underwater homeowners will pay their bills and never sell at a loss while unemployment is 3 percent. Jews will take smaller profit margins on rent until the housing market comes back.
With boomers and bureaucrats constricting supply, real estate is a cheat code. You either win or you win less.

>> No.53840442
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also credit score is a meme because the reporting agencies allow it to be manipulated upward whenever it's convenient.

t. 840 goyscore

>> No.53840482

Rates right now are not high. You still lose money by keeping it in a savings account and nobody said anything about hyperinflation, people won't be paying off their 600k house loans with a loaf of bread.

>> No.53840522

Why would they clean up, anon? They've been researching this on tik tok for weeks and learned that it's a hot market and will surely sell as is for $100k over market value mm. In fact, you should pay them for the honor for letting you clean this place up, you may find some stuff you can pawn at an auction!

>> No.53840548

I 100% agree that rates are not high, But with the price of homes and medium rates homes are expensive. But the Government and FED are not going to stop inflation. Everyone needs a place to live so why not buy a house in a few years inflation will make that house cheap.

>> No.53840586
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Imagine complaining

How about you see how prices are in my area.

Where's that crash?

>> No.53840605

the median is one of the most widely used statistical metrics
are you retarded or just a coping top buyer

>> No.53840610

>see california license plates
>kidnap them at night
>bind, torture, and kill
>bury DEEP in the woods
there, i solved your problem.

>> No.53840613

Yes everyone’s wages went up. 100k a year is the new 50k a year

>> No.53840615
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The objective of the jews is to eternally price whites out.
Only Jews and immigrants get the good places because it will all be subsidized by the government eventually.

>> No.53840616

Those people are delusional. I bet the selling real estate agent wants money up front to even take them on the listing because the house is never going to sell at $700K.

>> No.53840629


That's not what I'm saying-I'm saying the fed will do whatever it takes to curb inflation.

>> No.53840642

gee i guess the crash will never come bro
you should totally buy that ranch for 700k
it'll never ever come down

>> No.53840644
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People are buying these at these new prices. 2020 Tripled the cost of existence in anywhere worth living. And it will never go down because of the entitlement.

>> No.53840665

>But the Government and FED are not going to stop inflation.
Target inflation has been 2% for decades. Why do I talk to you people. No shit their not going to stop it. Any other fucking gems of wisdom to share retard?

>> No.53840676

>People are buying these at these new prices.
well, show us.

>> No.53840687

average annual wage increase is still around 5-6%
sooo why are you lying?

>> No.53840707
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>> No.53840715
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>> No.53840772

Every single guy that I stay in contact with from high school is sitting on cash waiting too. What does that tell you?

>> No.53840775

>different properties than the ones shown previously
>not showing price history all of a sudden
why are you trying to be so deceptive

>> No.53840791

it says the market is heading down because people don't want to buy anymore
also "every single guy i know" is anecdotal and not representative of the average person

>> No.53840796

The properties shown previously are still for sale. Do you want the femboy to make you a time machine?

>> No.53840812

yeah and they probably won't sell, that's kind of the point

>> No.53840844


Yes anyone with anything resembling a brain sees how overpriced everything is.

>> No.53840870

You cant see the price history on the sold listings, dumbass.
The point was to show that these houses and prices are being purchased in february. I've still seen price INCREASES in the last month

Face it - you are all eternally priced out due to timing. Fortune/luck favors anyone who bought an asset prior to 2020. Anyone after is going to be poor forever. "Simple as" as you faggot zoomies like to say.

>> No.53840891

Surely they did a massive renovation to justify that price increase

>> No.53840899

uh huh, just like how i was priced out of BTC at $60k

>> No.53840947
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Oh yea. Big time reno. Looks like it for sure.

>> No.53840983

>Face it - you are all eternally priced out due to timing. Fortune/luck favors anyone who bought an asset prior to 2020. Anyone after is going to be poor forever. "Simple as" as you faggot zoomies like to say.
I agree with you. That is why I'm closing on a house next week.

>> No.53840986

boomer here who owns 7 properties in Phoenix area. I am not selling and if I fucking do I am not cutting my prices. Also I am continuing raising my rents. Fuck off

>> No.53840999

have fun FOMOing

>> No.53841009

you own a mortgage, not a home
>he didn't inherit his grandfathers 2 houses

>> No.53841038

most experts do not expect any crash to happen. Most experts expect fed to pivot soon and cut rates. Therefore prices will rise once more rapidly.

fed is going to cut rates back to 0 by summer

>> No.53841044

Invest in DRV and you get 3x leverage on that bitch.

>> No.53841072

Two words
>Retirement home

>> No.53841090

adult learning disability, leaded gasoline brain damage, or both?

>> No.53841095

I own a mortgage in an inflationary economy

>> No.53841140

>inflation means buying assets for any price is good
your brain has become mush from too much 4chan

>> No.53841222

okay and? you own an obligation for half of your income for 30 years not knowing how hard your other costs will be squeezed by inflation

>> No.53841448
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> up 10% since last year
> off market in 15 days
> it's over
what shithole do you live in? prices still going up where I live

>> No.53841517

And my mortgage payment is locked in for the next 30 years. Can you say the same about your rent.

>> No.53841557

I just told you I inherited 2 homes lmao, I do not pay rent OR a mortgage.

>> No.53841604

Cool, I am not going to inherit a house. So I'm going to lock in my mortgage payment.

>> No.53841681
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MFW it's NOT an html edit

>> No.53841771

>town with a university in it
yeah, no shit. you're just cherry picking locations at this point.

>> No.53842929

I want a collage of all of the
For the next 15 years of housing. You really thought they'd let boomers cash out? Boomers' wealth is a ponzi. It only works with new money coming in. If they all retire with a huge financial hit that's great for the existing economic system so it's probably the most likely to happen.
Still waitin on experts to explain Trump, Russiagate, the Arab Spring, War in Afghanistan, why Bin Laden wa sin Pakistan, Yemen, etc.
+10 years ago was around 2010-2012 which was the bottom or just barely out of it. How on Earth did you live through 2008 and not see that? Anon you might just be destined not to make it. Homes in Southern California were going for 200k-300k.

>> No.53842965


Strangely enough they would be cashing out except rates are keeping people from buying boomer bags.

>> No.53843008

I watched Endgame for the first time last week, it's always been dogshit

>> No.53843032

you can't make this shit up

>> No.53843115


My guess is the family abandoned the house or were forced out of the home by the government due to financial reasons. my guess is the brokerage firm (((STEINHOUSE))) probably took control of the home via adverse possession and are trying to offload it onto someone else so they aren't responsible for the property taxes on the home.

That being said if you do buy this home, anything that is left over in the house (including the vehicles) becomes yours.

>> No.53843184


>anything that is left over in the house (including the vehicles) becomes yours

I would wager that what is actually left in the house is trash, dead rats, and drug paraphernalia. And black mold.

>> No.53843454

That's how the panic builds
>I aint giving you a deal! Joe next door sold his shit shack for $18m in 2020
The drops we're seeing are barely from July/August rate hikes. And this is before, more, people get laid off, to say nothibg of labor force participation.

>> No.53843479


Yeah they will hold on until the bitter end but when the bitter end comes around it's a fucking shitshow.

>> No.53843518

Even better is boomers are overleveraged since they count their house's value as wealth and use that to take out loans against it. Regardless of Dodd-Frank (lol), lack of ARMS, or "a more robist financial system" we've recreated 2008 with the collective belief that we would never allow such a thing to happen.

>> No.53843559


They're already bringing back the Obama era nigger loans. We are kidding ourselves if we think that it can "never happen again."

>> No.53843577
File: 347 KB, 1920x1280, 624f23baf1082d95ab4d6f37d1f7dd863deb86afw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse

>> No.53843687


Kek that is one specialized boomer parasite.

>see goy I dislike brandon and love america just like you
>now hand over the shekels goy

>> No.53843699

I dunno, banks would rather keep prices as is than then risk the mortgage backed securit3s becoming less in value.

Look at newyork and all the vacant business realestate. Still asking for $10k a month.

>> No.53843846

Is that SBF in the Bahamas?

>> No.53843913

Why does it matter how much the home is worth if you already have a fixed-rate mortgage and are making monthly payments? You bought the house with the intention of making those payments for the next 30 years. If it's worth less then that doesn't really matter because you're not selling it.

>> No.53843917

And yet they're willing to give billions to Jewkraine. Whereas American Tech Workers must lose our jobs, and fall on the knife for egg prices to go down. They could also contract the money supply to reduce inflation, but they won't.

Fuck this country, they don't have our best interests at heart. This is all about ending WFH.

>> No.53843944

When you look at interest rates and the payments people have to make the situation is even worse

>> No.53843960

Credit is the most Jewish thing ever

>> No.53843976

> That'll be $400,000 plus tip, goyim

>> No.53843999

Credit scores don't matter right now when rates are high and all credit is expensive as fuck

>> No.53844005

I thought there were provisions in certain mortgages that made you have to cough up collateral if the value dropped too much. Essentially, if you stop paying, the bank can't recoup the full cost, so to stay in their good graces, you have to cover the deficit. Banks always win, it's just a matter of whether or not you lose in the process.

>> No.53844009

They could stop it tomorrow by ending the Ukraine faggotry and sanctions against Russia. That is 100% what is causing price inflation. It has nothing to do with money supply inflation.

>> No.53844015


>> No.53844020

How do I short the housing market?

>> No.53844071

>boomers are overleveraged since they count their house's value as wealth and use that to take out loans against it.
The thing that gives me pause is that larger financial entities have been doing the same thing with even more ephemeral "assets". I'm having trouble seeing how they escape getting fucked if the Boomerpocalypse happens, because everyone's bullshit will come due.

>> No.53844240


>> No.53844372
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Classic case of forgetting history and repeating it with the caveat that most people alive today were alive for the great recession. It's still in living memory yet the same cattle who believed that realtors making well over six figures is a good thing think that supply is impacting price when it was demand.
The medicine, low rates, became the poison when we took too much of it.
It's simple: let the waters run red with blood, and when the masses are bled out lower the rates to save the elites and bail them out. Happens every time. Boomers having poor retirements means they have to tap into assets which means leaving less the their childrens, which in my mind seems a terrible enough outcome to be probable.

>> No.53844435

>8.8 acres

>> No.53844680

>people that are currently priced out will keep the market from falling
Pure baggie cope, there's very little support above 2016 prices
>boomers that bought for $20k in 1980 are going to bag hold for half of their remaining life so recent buyers don't go underwater
Literally why? Realize that 95-99% of the market was completely uninvolved in the blowoff top of the last few years

>> No.53844890

>You bought the house with the intention of making those payments for the next 30 years.
Because nobody does that. They bought with the intention of flipping it in 3-5 years for double what they paid like '16-'21

>> No.53845330

boomers are cashing out with reverse mortgages, banks will take the homes when they die and rent them out forever it is what it is

>> No.53845407
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Demand is down because of high prices and interest rates but the supply wont change at all you faggots are retarded. Nobodies selling with mobey printer go brrrr and rent 3x your mortage. Zoomies are fucked unfortunely.

>> No.53845455

people living in a house are probably not the ones who will sell, true
people who bought lots of them as an investment will
enjoy your dumped equity

>> No.53845939

I’m doing that. I’m never selling. I bought after 2 prices drops and just moved in. If the price drops I don’t care. Because I live in a home and that home isn’t my main investment.

>> No.53846186


This is the nuance that people aren't really getting as they keep trying to paint the market with the same brush. In areas of high speculation there will be a dump but in areas where people primarily live in their houses you will see a degree of stability.

Flippers and overleveraged speculators are getting crushed but that only really happened in certain areas.

>> No.53846401
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Small-time investors and people who bought from 2019 to today are the ones who are fucked. But that’s still a shitload of people. We’re talking about tens of millions of homes sold since 2019. Not everybody was lucky enough to buy at the bottom

>> No.53846703
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kek it's even "flipper grey"

>> No.53846719

Its over

>> No.53847037

>6 bedrooms
>1 bathroom

what kind of stupid shit is that. even if the price was much lower who would buy a poorly designed house like that.

>> No.53847107

>Prime rate drives wage inflation
Wut? That's literally the opposite of what the fed is trying to do. It's still dumb, but they have no other lever to pull (these days) besides clearing their books and flooding the market. It's not like we're going to get any legislation thru to curb price gouging or even increase tax revenue. This fed is gentle as a lamb compared to what we had with Reagan. The wall street bros won't stop crying because they got addicted to cheap money.

>> No.53847226

Billions to Ukraine and some hand-me-down systems amounts to almost nothing to the DoD. And you know why gas prices went up when we're the #1 producer in the world? Because we're the #1 exporter in the world. Russia chose to disrupt the market with their war. And currently (the law changed under Obama) oil companies can export all the want. And they are because people are far more desperate in other places and so will pay more. Hell, they even buy that pipeline melting, acidic tar sand, shit oil from Canada that's going through Keystone to the Gulf. Ending sanctions won't stop any of that. Your best case scenario is prices settle higher and we all just get used to getting fucked harder. Prices are up because of profiteering. Anyone who hasn't pivoted their chain years after Covid and one year after the Russian invasion is a goddamn moron if their costs are still up.

>> No.53847342
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yeah it's about as specific as the cordyceps militaris fungus, which infects the brains of insects, controls their nervous system, and mummifies them alive before fruiting out of the insect's head

>> No.53847464

I completely believe this guy is a conservative. You don't charge $400K for a hoarder's shithole because your heart bleeds for all mankind. Plus, he has a podcast. I wouldn't be shocked if he's a Jew for Jesus.

>> No.53847652

He’s likely a Jew Boomer Conservative along the lines of Ben Shapiro/Mark Levin/Dave Ramsey. He doesn’t give a shit about anybody else and thinks that you just need to work harder goy

>> No.53848301

I think you're underestimating the degree to which institutions are overleveraged. Millions of properties bought at multiples of what they can be sold for, the mortgages packaged into MBSes that are getting misrated (missrated? rated wrongly? w/e), those MBSes serving as collateral on underwater shorts, on and on. Meanwhile, retail is flush.

>> No.53848380

Two weeks

>> No.53848387
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>Did everyone's wages go up by 100%
Try 10%.

>> No.53849483

That's all driven by UK though. Their homes are 4x more expensive per sq ft and their wages are about half.

>> No.53849548
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Perhaps but I always live off of the assumption that if I can see something "from down here" then at least one elite with much more money, influence, and wisdom can see it as well.
I used tp think this is retarded but it lets them have their cake and eat it too. The smartest boomers will do this, sit on teh cash, and buy houses for cheap and give their kids a nice inheritance. Granted, most will probably blow it on stupid boomer tier shit and leave little, but I imagine most of my generation aren't expecting much.
Anyone who has come of age in 2020-2023 or was in their fornative years but didn't have affluent, wise parents is fucked. Thr pandemic did a number on collective knowledge in the west and it might never recover to how it was.
>that collective knowlesge is what destroyed itself
Maybe for the best but certainly not for comfy's sake.
>pay increased 76% in 2022
>pay increased this year 30%
All from changing jobs and it feels like I'm mostly breaking even. The flood is here gents and if you aren't running then get ready to swim.
>you lived to see banana inflation in your lifetime

>> No.53849666

>thought there were provisions in certain mortgages
Only for portfolio loans that cover multiple commercial properties based upon projected future rents. They don't do that shit with residential mortgages. That's like training wheels finance.

Commercial shit, you swim with the sharks.

>> No.53849859

Guess it's time to ape right back into crypto where I could make a fortune off of shitcoins

>> No.53850018

>172 saves

>> No.53850561

it only goes up tho.....

>> No.53850571

The question isn't can they see it now, it's could they see it before they painted themselves into a corner? There's quite a lot saying they didn't. This isn't separate from 08 btw.

>> No.53850751

taking the piss, parallels to the peak of a bubble before it all comes crashing down

>> No.53850759

IS this what leverage trading feels like?

>> No.53852733

Itt retards who can't predict shit.

>> No.53853007


Oh? And what's your prediction?

>> No.53853088

>US and UK
are you retarded? britbong homes are 5x worse than US most of them will never earn enough to own

>> No.53854857

Housing market is fine. I predict it being about the same

>> No.53855053

based cashchad

>> No.53855073

>T. just bought a house at the all time high of the housing market with some dryed up whore who shat out two abominations of children

Couldnt be me

>> No.53855259

You are never getting cheap houses again, the dip will be slurped by banks and you can rent from them. They will keep foreclosures empty and off the market for years if they have to.

>> No.53856127

Banks are typically motivated to sell foreclosed properties as quickly as possible to recoup their losses. Holding onto properties can be costly for banks, as they are responsible for maintenance, property taxes, and other expenses. In addition, there are regulatory requirements that mandate banks to sell foreclosed properties within a certain time frame.

>> No.53856198

I cant even afford a fucking shed m8, the current situation gives everyone under 40 extremely violent thoughts

>> No.53856215

The sentence is referring to the concept of unsustainable pricing and how it relates to the Case-Shiller index, which measures changes in housing prices in a particular market over time. The author is suggesting that it is difficult for many people to understand why pricing that is not sustainable over the long term (i.e., prices that cannot be supported by current or future incomes) is a problem.

In particular, the author is suggesting that a Case-Shiller index level of 8 (which is very high) would be an example of pricing that is not sustainable, as it would be difficult for most people to afford homes at such high prices.

>> No.53856269

the combination of high housing prices, high interest rates, and high mortgage payments can make it very difficult for many people to afford homes, which can have negative consequences for the economy and for society as a whole.

>> No.53856325

>6 bedrooms, 1 bathroom
Ah the Mexican special

>> No.53856365

means the copper pipes were removed by the previous niggers.

>> No.53856492

The initial seller made an easy 100k over 7 years

Actual Chad who literally sold when he knew it was time to go, with zero unrealistic expectations

>> No.53856526

Canada is toast. If the bank of Canada doesn't hike with the Fed, CAD blows the fuck up. If they do hike, the banks fail from bad mortgages. Those are the two choices.

>> No.53856563

its not really. they likely had to move so their house they would be buying would be up just as much as their previous house

>> No.53856587

they could have moved somewhere cheaper, that's what I did

>> No.53856595

two more weeks right?

>> No.53856710

Banks can’t fail, they’ll get bailed out first

>> No.53857348

dont care I live in a high demand area
prices are not coming down around me

>> No.53857431
File: 2.51 MB, 1632x1224, house_search_apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beliebe two more weeks cash bro. Just hang in there. When it happens there will be a bank run so be quick!

>> No.53858838
File: 250 KB, 1657x1166, homeownership rates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vast majority of Americans own their homes. Sorry you missed out.

You won't do shit.

>> No.53858845
File: 46 KB, 1168x435, mortgage rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one who bought prior to 2022 is in any trouble. They're all sitting on homes with sub-4% rates.