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53837186 No.53837186 [Reply] [Original]

Inflation report came in 0.00000004% higher than expected



>> No.53837216

>the jews expected my life to get 6% worse YoY but it only got 5.9% worse YoY

>> No.53837238


>> No.53837256
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>> No.53837429
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>> No.53837529

what the heck is going on?

>> No.53837616
File: 51 KB, 640x586, 03F5033A-5DF9-421C-BCC6-203AAF8D1B0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I play
Any trace of sorrow fades away
And the windows goes
From night to day


>> No.53837676

Unbelievable how the fed successfully psy oped retards into selling on inflation because they are so scared of big dick rate hikes even though they are still less than inflation. Retards literally buy a depreciating asset when it depreciates more than expected because they think the ponzi APY rate will go up. How long will it take to decouple from this bullshit reaction of high inflation = sell?

>> No.53837863

What's today's inflation?

>> No.53837870

high inflation = higher rates for longer periods of time = slow or negative business growth due to increased cost of capital. people are selling because they expect further declines in stock price and/or because they expect better returns elsewhere.

>> No.53837974

Except Its not an increased cost of capital, because it still negative rates, its just retards like you getting tricked by nominal rates.

Borrowing at 1% and getting 2% appreciation is the same as borrowing at 5% and getting 6% appreciation.

Because the gov is just printing money to pay the higher rates. Its shitcoin-tier ponzinomics.

>> No.53838028
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You didn't use a meme arrow, so you look like and say that.

>> No.53838048

You sit there angry because you want to make money on your fag tech stocks.

Take the hint. Stop denying reality. Buy gold and silver and oil and gas companies. Agriculture.

Stop denying reality and take the hint.

>> No.53838113

Part of this is because we keep sending money to Ukraine. They gotta keep that money printer going brrrrrrr

>> No.53838198
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>how about now

>> No.53838479

it seems more on the expectation that all this madness will produce one giant crash soon to rival 2008
at this point i am surprised our overfinancialized and indebted economy has crashed yet
in any case its not like i am gonna sell the one thing that will allow for trade in a total bank failure scenario because some boomer numbers fluctuate

>> No.53838716

This. The amount of delusional bulltards just shows we havent bottomed. The world has never been in such a shitty state but yet theres still retards buying GME at 1000x the value it should be.
Keep being delusional bulltard, ill enjoy shorting and buying the bottom

>> No.53838766

You missed the bottom

>> No.53838777
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Stop swimming against the tide and sell your bags, baggie. Join the winning side.

The (usd)cashgang can't stop winning.

>> No.53838895

Don't worry anon, the retards are only delaying the inevitable. 7-8% rates are simply just not happening, their hope was to make you scared enough of hikes so useful idiots will sell. They're the same people who say retarded shit like, "ohhh the bond market predicts the fed" etc, as if this isn't just one massive psyop (perfect timing for Grand Jubilee too), it's funny because we know the QE isn't what caused the inflation, so why do people deny that QT wont do anything to stop it. They will do anything they can to keep it going other than the one thing that will actually work: cutting the welfare state and incentivizing higher wages to secure in higher prices, a much smaller price to pay than utter and complete economic collapse. Do people really think these elites will just trash their economy during Grand Jubilee while provoking half the world into war? The "wartime economy" will be the perfect excuse, and an excuse is all they need.

>> No.53838942

>Except Its not an increased cost of capital, because it still negative rates, its just retards like you getting tricked by nominal rates.

you're a complete retard who has no idea what he's talking about
t. accountant

>> No.53839462
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>he thinks printing more money for banks will decrease the money supply
tell me more

>> No.53839510

wtf does being an accountant have to do with anything? If you have a widget factory, and widgets are going up in price 6+%/year, then your sales go up 6% every year and so its just as easy to finance a 5%, for example, loan as it would be a 1% loan with 2% inflation/price increases.

the only shit that gets fucked up is bonds and other debt that doesn't adjust for rates, the economy itself will eventually just adjust to w/e ponzinomic apy the fed sets

>> No.53839511

No meme arrow, therefore you look like that and actually said this.