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File: 252 KB, 718x1020, 1676758509240697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53836267 No.53836267 [Reply] [Original]

This is what women consider to be redflags for men. How can I profit from knowing this?

>> No.53836274

I don't interact with women outside of family.

>> No.53836289

stop caring and wasting your time on them to profit.

>> No.53836304


>> No.53836310

This, I'll never understand losers who care so much about what women think. Here's a tip, once you interact with women and realize how shit 99% of them are you'll stop caring what women think. I treat them like literal children and they love me more for it.

>> No.53836318

I got most of these but no bingo lol

>> No.53836327

Wow, do women hate me? I'll ask a qt that I'm going out with tomorrow.

>> No.53836330
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>> No.53836333
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KEK, my scorecard.


Bitch I will get 10x better than you delivered to my fuckin door to suck me dry. Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

>> No.53836337


>> No.53836349
File: 232 KB, 718x1020, 1677239553170299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me bros.

>> No.53836385

This is pretty good. Have any more of these?

>> No.53836389
File: 215 KB, 701x1080, redflagbingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53836402
File: 1.04 MB, 492x204, topgun-wingman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not a dopehead.
>Saved money by living at home.
>Highly-qualified in politics.
>In Service to the Lord.
>Maintains chastity to preserve his quality.
>Probably has a life mission.
>Probably unvaccinated as well.

If you are of the younger generation, then you give me hope for our future brothers. Don't let commies and bitches dictate how you play the game, be the doom you want to see.

>> No.53836418

I hate women so fucking much it’s unreal

>> No.53836434

None of y’all niggaz is short?
Honestly don’t really care about any of the other shit, but the hypocrisy of hating short men for something they can’t control while also hating men who laugh at disabled people is so hypocritical it makes me sick. Women deserve no rights. They deserve nothing but the pain of childbirth.

>> No.53836446
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>no netflix subscription

>> No.53836467

Kek I literally fit all of these. You can call me... Giga Chud.

>> No.53836478

Thanks anon, I'm unvaxxed and 27 years old. I'm really excited for tomorrow, I'm going out with a 19 year old unvaxxed qt.

>> No.53836480

>Android phone
Fucking hell that's the opposite of what myself and the majority of guys I know think. Iphones are a fucking ripoff and I won't own one even when i've 100% made it

>> No.53836493

>They deserve nothing but the pain of childbirth.
They wish, lots of women are going to die childless in this generation, its going to be unreal.

>> No.53836501

I don't buy iToddler shit because I want my Lineage OS for OPSEC. Iphones are directly connected to the glowies.

>> No.53836549

Childless or not, they are worth of nothing but PAIN, ENDLESS PAIN

>> No.53836584
File: 906 KB, 250x167, tumblr_oi922ir7171tu7563o5_r1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember lads, when you do the needful, seed goes inside the lady, not on her, on the floor or a rubber. Save yourself for a worthy female, choose wisely and then get to work recovering the species from the vax dammed, its your greatest generational opportunity.

>> No.53836599

Thank you sirs, I'll make you proud.

>> No.53836601

All those except I'm tall, not a virgin and not religious. Someone will suck it.

>> No.53836608
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>> No.53836626

>tfw racist
How am I supposed to cope anymore with dating it's all so tiresome

>> No.53836638
File: 750 KB, 828x1792, 692AF305-5F5E-4853-8F4D-AF4ECCC299A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53836644

>Spends more than 2 hours on computer
Women spend 16 hours a day on social media but if you read the news or shitpost then thats a red flag...myeh ok.

>> No.53836658

Honestly this whole thing is probably a Jewish demoralization psyop
Well done, kikes

>> No.53836665

Looks legit. Got 3 of those, are you guys really such losers?

>> No.53836670

>if a man exists, he has red flags
Oof for the roasties I guess.

>> No.53836674
File: 114 KB, 718x1020, IMG_20230224_075816_738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'7" but I have an 8" cock and I get lots of pussy. Also I'm already married kek
Women are stupid as fuck

>> No.53836675

Better be racist, sexist, and religious or get the fuck off my board nigger

>> No.53836677

This website is being overrun with trannies and normalfags/underagefags whose entire mind is taken up by thoughts of pussy and their wives and they won't shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.53836681

dont care about woman. SAGE

>> No.53836685

Millennial roasties will save their eggs and we'll see a lot of them having frankenbabies in their 50s.

>> No.53836686

>marrying white women in 2023 A.D

>> No.53836690
File: 203 KB, 718x1020, bingo'ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i win bros ?

>> No.53836719
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>> No.53836728
File: 399 KB, 1242x1757, 42594CE9-1F79-4DC4-92C9-1F26FE0E6795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here's my bingo list. Virginity. That's it. Any chick that has a body count of even 1 is trash tier

>> No.53836748

Fuck bros, I spend 8 hours a day on the computer for work

>> No.53836749
File: 167 KB, 718x834, B9A91E0A-4A4D-44C8-8DFD-18F7A5AA4FB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53836773
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>> No.53836780

Based and racist incel pill

>> No.53836781
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>> No.53836788

>the irony of having a racist/guns/religious square while having a hyper political square
clearly a forced leftist meme

>> No.53836795
File: 346 KB, 718x1020, 20230224_081305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53836806

>laughs at disabled people

so discriminating against one is okay, but not the other... right then...

>> No.53836828

good point. Women are stupid, Lol

>> No.53836881
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>> No.53836887
File: 176 KB, 673x678, rfb-me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit I'm a normie

>> No.53836908

>*tips fedora

>> No.53836912

Why are 4chan incels so gullible?

>> No.53837051

>Lots of Free Time
Why is that a red flag?

What's wrong with doing contract work then taking a month of two off?

>> No.53837062
File: 197 KB, 718x1020, rate_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, this is me.
Am I a red flag? Can I even attract a 33 year old roastie with a mutt child?.. like ever..?

>> No.53837072

beat me to it

>> No.53837101

*month or two off I mean.

>> No.53837114

had same idea

>> No.53837131
File: 171 KB, 673x707, red flags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bingo, not bad

>> No.53837154
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 59939AD3-8BA4-4B7F-BDE7-CF0EF3E648E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 5’9 short? No woman has ever said so, they just say normal but I’ll put it under manlet just in case.
Also who the fuck laughs at disabled people anyway?

>> No.53837164

kek, stop caring what fkn roasties think. They're the type of women who will be single at 40 and wonder why they're so sad. Meanwhile the pharma industry will make a killing with them (antidepressants etc).

>> No.53837171

You think you're just receiving neutral information, but you're not.
>someone posted the picture to Twitter with intent
>he told a story about it that may or may not be true ("it was shared in a female only social group")
>the imagine might have been posted in this "female only social group" with a certain intent
>the picture might not accurately reflect the psychology and wishes of the women who posted it
Why was it posted to Twitter? To enrage you and disparage "those women" (you know how they are).
Assuming it was posted by women somewhere: why did they make it? Because it reflects their neuroses. What are those neuroses? A reaction to insecurity about loneliness and the desire to hurt others through unreasonable standards: "you do [normal thing which people vaguely feel is not cool]? Well, that... that means [fear-based fantasy comes true]! And I'm not lonely, YOU are lonely!"
Women are much, much more exposed than is generally assumed. I see the desperation in their eyes when they pose for this or that Instagram/Tiktok; how much they present themselves; how choreographed and optimized every movement is. These people don't have power. They are desperate. What can someone like this do when nobody bites? Nothing. What's the obvious psychological compensatory mechanism then? Saying: "You're not rejecting me, I'm rejecting you! Because you, uh... watch documentaries!"
And yes: nobody is biting. Men are, by and large, sitting and home, watching Netflix/shitposting/playing video games/going to the gym/etc.

>> No.53837184

None of you laugh at disabled people? Really?

>> No.53837199

keep walking, don't make eye contact

>> No.53837214

just as i beat my ex-wife

>> No.53837225

Why do faggots like you post here?

>> No.53837248

the fedora thing works better when it's the non-religious guy imposing himself on you and not the religious guy saying "BETTER BELIEVE THE STORY I BELIEVE OR GET OFF MY BOARD NIGGER". you are the proselytizing reddit atheist in that case, for future reference

>> No.53837269
File: 225 KB, 718x1020, 1677239553170299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of these are genuinely subhuman though
>laughing at the disabled
>trash pile in room
>rarely goes outside
>spending hours on the computer
genuinely pathetic behaviours

>> No.53837305

If you WFH then you'll be "spending hours on the computer" and "rarely going outside".

>> No.53837346

i think it was implied that those things were being done with free time

>> No.53837428

>t. proud to be a low IQ chump

>> No.53837438
File: 12 KB, 480x360, FAug93bWEAMIDLZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watches documentaries
What the fuck is wrong with women? I unironically think that muslims are based because they dont simp to these subhuman idiots.

>> No.53837477
File: 158 KB, 718x1020, A91E110C-4765-4D08-93BE-536D60078FE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice hortler, ver impressive.

I’m almost the full monte myself.

>> No.53837521
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>> No.53837534
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Good post

>> No.53837551
File: 255 KB, 842x1196, 1677248443426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha swastika lmao haha

>> No.53837584
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is checked on 18/18 replies in this thread.
Very based lads

>> No.53837586


>> No.53837604

You don't laugh at disabled people? Fucking loser

>> No.53837635

"If you are a KHHV with no friends because you WFH then it's ok".

>> No.53837636

A woman will forgive all these except being short if you're handsome and fuck her well

>> No.53837663

Are the 30k before or after taxes/insurances?

>> No.53837684
File: 286 KB, 718x1020, 1677239553170299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do beos?

>> No.53837698

Christ is king faggot
Fuck off back to plebbit nigger

>> No.53837734

Clean your room. Right fucking now. Just get up and do it and don't stop until it's done. Then keep it clean. Have a little dignity.

>> No.53837740
File: 196 KB, 800x672, A39F44F8-9013-4702-B1CF-7D9C39AFD167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53837746

tip tip sir! that's a mighty fine hat you got there! a little bigger than the jew ones but to each their own!

>> No.53837762
File: 242 KB, 718x1020, 1677239553170299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is spending more than 2 hours on a computer a day bad? Literally everyone is glued to their phones for at least that time, and every girl I know sits like an orangutang protecting their oranges over their laptop all fucking day finding a sugar daddy corporation to pay them
About to lose my virginity anyway

>> No.53837779

Wait I forgot I don't have a goyflix subscription, who fucking subscribes to that shit?

>> No.53837790

5'10" is king of the manlets so yeah 5' 9" is just plain short. 5'11" is normal height to women.

>> No.53837861
File: 1.35 MB, 2223x1853, 1676859192299532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the edgy losers, Christ is King.

>> No.53838009
File: 228 KB, 718x1020, 1677239553170299~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Multiple vehicles
>Still hit on by college girls
Guys, it really is simple as being confident, have your shit together, and be 6ft tall. Really that simple.

>> No.53838173

Based. Christ is King.

>> No.53838186

Obvious bait

>> No.53838390

Unfathomably based (and saved in more ways than one...)

>> No.53838835

>masterbates daily
You gotta work on your porn addiction, anon