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53831620 No.53831620 [Reply] [Original]

At what point do the people who married their bags give up? GME, BBBY, Silver, Chainlink. It's all the same story. An unexpected period of excitement where you get drawn into an investment thinking you'll get rich, followed by years-long painful bleeding. You realize you wasted years of your life hoping for something that'll never happen. What are the poor saps to do?

>> No.53831847
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Most of them will quietly sell their bags at some point and pretend none of it ever happened but the true believers will literally never give up. Look into CMKX Diamonds - founded as a pump-and-dump, got buzz by lying about having mineral rights and then sent out flyers all over the country saying "the stock is being naked shorted, a squeeze is inevitable, buy now it's literally guaranteed money!" while they issued a ton of new shares to sell to the baggies. Obviously the squeeze never happened because there were no naked shorts and they got shut down by the feds and prosecuted, but over 20 fucking years later there are STILL desperate boomers holding onto their worthless shares of a defunct scam company utterly convinced that they just have to expose the SEC coverup and they'll be millionaires

>> No.53832034

frogbot thread

>> No.53833690

>At what point do the people who married their bags give up?
I still have 2 million Iraqi Dinars.
Not giving up.

>> No.53833725

This is sad
i bet if I comment on their forum I will be called indian and a shill just like in GME threads

>> No.53834107

You cannot lump GME, BBBY with Silver and chainlink. they are not sin similar situations

>> No.53834152

Only bbby is slightly different i guess. Don’t think it will last more than 2 more months

>> No.53835058

When people say "LFG!!!!" or I LOVE YOU ALL!!!" I Insta dump everything.

>> No.53835193

GME is hella stable if you look at the one year trading bands
It takes little to nothing for it to rise again, why do you think large hedgefunds are currently increasing their gme position anon?

>> No.53837282

"HODL" or "Im never selling" are also massive sell signals. Also boomer tier memes

>> No.53837342

niggerkike response

>> No.53837371

till death do us part, bag holders unite.

>> No.53837768
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there are STILL CMKM baggies like 20 years later so for some of them the answer is never.