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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53831015 No.53831015 [Reply] [Original]

It's over

>> No.53831031

house prices are still ridiculously inflated where i live
t. been looking at zillow daily for the last 1.5 years waiting for a crash

>> No.53831036
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>> No.53831066

Even if they fall 30-40%, it’s still above where they were before the lockdowns. Absolute clown world

>> No.53831071

House prices are literally already going back up chud

Just give it up rentie, if you want a house you have to work for it

>> No.53831412

Think about it this way. The higher the price the harder 20 or even 10% hits. 10-20% was some people's down payments over the past few years. Those people will no longer have equity.

>> No.53831449

Only thing that matters is owning house tards

>> No.53831470
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>> No.53831494

Is there an ETF for for marriage counselors i can invest in? Zestimate mental breakdowns from wifey + Rate cope from husband who desperately wants to hold the house means couple's therapy industry is going to be BOOMING the next 10 years as people realize they're going to be spending near 1 million dollars over the course of 30 years for a 1940s shitbox that has a real value of only 350k tops.

>> No.53831527

and everyone is broke so only BigBlackRock will buy it all up

>> No.53831557

house prices on average have only increased 30% since covid
you faggots do nothing but lie and it's tiresome

>> No.53831594

Honestly there is so much larp and cope on /biz/ it makes it a horrible place to discuss a grown-up topic like the housing market. Also following the housing market is like watching paint dry.

>> No.53831607


>> No.53831722

Honestly if this halves my property taxes I'm all for it.

>> No.53832619

That’s fine. My significant other and I have a combined household income of about $300k a year but would still struggle to buy a house where we live. And I’m not going to move somewhere cheaper that’s “diverse.” That would defeat the whole purpose of having clawed my way up into a decent paying job as far as I’m concerned.

Housefags always go on about how renting is “throwing money away.” But what’s really the alternative? I should get a 30 year mortgage, which will be paid off right in time for me to sell the house and then die of old age? I’d rather have the surplus money now. When you own a house you have to pay rent anyways; it’s called property tax.

>> No.53832638

>My significant other
what is this cringe shit
just say husband/wife wtf is wrong with you

>> No.53832644

Just live with the niggers. Soon enough they'll be pushed out of the neighborhood.

>> No.53832651
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For some reason all the "shithole flyover state" are totally fine

>> No.53832666

Gentrification doesn’t happen that quickly. It usually happens over 10-15 years.

>> No.53832673

Well yeah, foreign nationals looking for property investments aren’t buying flyover real estate. It’s worth less and it takes a lot longer to sell.

>> No.53832692

I don't believe the official numbers. There's still almost no inventory in every city and everything that goes on the market still sells in a week and realtors are still telling sellers to put their house on the market for way over asking. Blackrock still owns 50% of the homes sold in the past three years and those houses are still vacant and off the market.

>> No.53832707

He's a faggot and it means his turd pushing power bottom sodomite

>> No.53832710

there was a golden opportunity late 2019 - early 2020, when rates were under 3%, but the post covid housing boom hadn't hit yet. I feel sorry for all of you that didn't take advantage of that time period.

>> No.53832742
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My....my zestimate.....

>> No.53832766

take your meds. your mother is worried sick about you.

>> No.53832770

That’s a 5% move. Today’s money is fucking Monopoly money

>> No.53833000

The average down payment has been 6% actually. Half the people who bought since 2019 will end up severely underwater

>> No.53833024

That’s not how it works anon lol. After the last crash there were people in NJ paying $10k property taxes on homes worth $150k

>> No.53833045


The federal Minimum wage in 1972 was $1.60. The price of Gold was $65 a ounce. If you divide this that equals 40 hours. If you worked a full 40 hour week at McDonalds back in the day you could own a OZ of gold.

Now let’s factor minimum wage against the gold standard now days. If I want to buy a oz of gold today I will have to pay about $1,800.00. 1800/40 = 45$ a hour. That is the equivalent of making $97,000.00 a year. If you worked in 1972 for minimum wage your buying power was the equivalent of someone making almost 100,000k a year.

>> No.53833099

Seething and obsessed.

>> No.53833106


>> No.53833112

my market is fine, its cause the pandemic pump wasnt that insane here like it was in SAN FRAN or pheonix

>> No.53833121

Lol. California bent over a barrel, dfw and Austin cucked
>feels good to be an okie

>> No.53833122

So on average 30% gain in 3 (4 if you wanna be a kike, lock downs started in 2020 though) years is fine?

>> No.53833129

This also brings up another point about how pissed a lot of bagholders in high property tax states will be (NJ, NY, IL, Texas, NH, MA) when they realize that not only are they severely overpaying for a house, but that they still have to pay $1000 per month to their local government on top of that

>> No.53833149

Idiot, how much does a fast food worker make where you live? When is their pay rate going to “crash”?

>> No.53833168

What if they aren't married yet and it's more than mere BF/GF?

>> No.53833201

Wages are very sticky, but jobs themselves are not. A lot of jobs are just gonna disappear, especially as we make more advancements with technology and AI

>> No.53833287

Okay, then what is the price of tqqq when all this tech automation replaces all these jobs?

>> No.53833299

rent free

>> No.53833315

>following the housing market is like watching paint dry.
underrated statement

>> No.53833323

People are fleeing the gay west and easy coasts to go to places like Tennessee and Texas.

>> No.53833346

I never understood this. What is stopping you from just walking away from the property if you get underwater that fast?

>> No.53833417

Nothing is stopping you but your credit is fucked. You won’t be able to buy a house for another 10 years and wherever you rent will need somebody to cosign for you . Unless of course you can just move back in with your parents

>> No.53833438

Oh, that makes sense I guess. As long as you don't have to sell anytime soon, it should recover. It's just a paper loss.