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53829951 No.53829951 [Reply] [Original]

>Comfy WFH coding job for six figures
>9-5 Salaried
>Reassigns me to system administration
>Team sucks, is mismanaged
>Wants me to return to the office
>Maintenance work demands working on weekends
>Critical do-it-right-now tickets can come in at any time
They just sprang the "work on weekends" thing today. I'm thinking of just quitting tomorrow when I meet my boss. Has anyone done this? How retarded is it? How fucked will I be? How badly does it actually ruin your finances and career prospects to ragequit on a job without a plan?

>> No.53829986

i wouldnt do it without a job lined up. codeniggers aren't as valuable as they think they are.

>> No.53830010

turns out they are. my company, and literally everyone else in our coworking space is still hiring coders are massive salaries.

I guess I should have paid attention in school like my parents warned.

>> No.53830029

Just pull the 'ol
What're they going to do, fire you?

>> No.53830038

You tried talking about going back to your old post instead of sperging out?

>> No.53830080

Of course, but it was a strict no-sell. Maybe I could try demanding reassignment to a third position.
Truth be told I don't even like programming that much. Maybe I'll do something completely different.

>> No.53830114

Sounds like basically you got too comfy with your situation and are now too weak for even the average office job. I'd suggest keeping an eye out for a better job, but don't make rash decisions. In two months from now it could be back to WFH for all you know, and no point quitting if it's still the best job in the area

>> No.53830141

It's not possible to find competent people. Job market is still fucked.

>> No.53830147

like the other anon said try to find another job before ragequitting, wishing you the best of luck
t. put up with a situation like yours for a year+

>> No.53830164
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do line up a job before doing this. or if you really can't take it, have several months (maybe 6-12 in this economy) of emergency cash on hand

>> No.53830172
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I quit my last job because my pay was shit and they denied my request for a raise. I was without set plans of what to do next. My only idea was to go back to school to learn something new.
When I resigned I got approached a few days later by coworkers from a different area of the company asking if I was interested in working for them, and for a much higher salary. So I said yes.

I was lucky, but if I didn't quit my old role then I'd still be making a shitty 60k a year.

>> No.53830182

I'm in a very similar situation anon and have been debating on putting in my 2 weeks notice for like a month now. I have a decent nest egg put back so I could pay my bills for at least a year no problem. Taking a few months off for the summer and just chilling sounds awesome.

>> No.53830220

>you got too comfy with your situation and are now too weak for even the average office job
That's definitely true. But at the same time, I think it's equally bad for me to work a job that I don't give a rat's ass about. At the current position I'm just collecting a paycheck and I couldn't care less about whether it succeeds or not (whereas I did care about my previous project). Probably could use something to kick my ass back into gear either way.
That's the thing - I have nearly two year's expenses saved up, sitting on cash waiting for a market crash basically. There's enormous temptation to just live off of it for a while, or use it as a springboard to find something I'd rather do.

>> No.53830291

>codeniggers aren't as valuable as they think they are

Name another career where you can make $200k+ right out of undergrad.

>> No.53830308

if you got savings to live off of for years then definitely do it.
also a sysadmin isn't a regular cushy office job. the work is shit, don't feel bad about hating it. The amount of work a regular office worker has to put up with vs what they do is nothing.

>> No.53830314

doing a passion is the best investment. I hope to be building custom racing engines in a few years

>> No.53830339

what the fuck are you waiting for

>> No.53830372

>It's not possible to find competent people
What dos that even mean?

>> No.53830499

just be lazy and get the severance

>> No.53831204

Of course it's going to be hard to find competent people when they filter out competent people. Big Tech is going collapse to on itself.

>> No.53831234

Just say you are suicidal go to the loony bin for a week, then get on short term disability and find another job.

>> No.53831258

2 years??? Nah bro you say "give me this job back" or "give me an equivalent job back (third option you mentioned)" and you make it part of the deal that you wfh

If the manager laughs or they try to play chicken in any fashion you walk. You have so much more to lose by staying.
Two fucking years of expenses in cash god damn

>> No.53831299

>just be lazy and get the severance

Always. Always, always, always. Erect a mental shield, accept the situation is temporary and in the long term to your advantage, and just enjoy being Wally.

>> No.53833380

How do you get severance instead of getting fired? Just be as lazy as possible?

>> No.53833384

based hotline miami enjoyer

>> No.53833440

OP if you have the savings then do it. Having a decent safety net is so fucking liberating. I've quit without a job lined up before because I had a years worth of savings. Just quit bro, I can tell you're employable and probably have a good resume. You'll be fine.

>> No.53833506

>Just quit bro, I can tell you're employable
Meanwhile, in the OP....
>Comfy WFH coding job for six figures
>Reassigns me to system administration
Literally never happens. Can you explain the clear and obvious demotion?

>> No.53834006

You're not wrong, it definitely has an element of "get the fuck out". My performance reviews have been excellent up through the most recent one only months ago. I was very surprised, because it's definitely a unilateral, undesirable move and everyone knew it. A lot of people were moved simultaneously, none were happy. At least there IS a genuine need for a whole new team to manage some legacy systems due to certain fuckups, and nominally this position is actually listed as devops/automation which is what I was doing prior. But I feel like they're dangling the devops thing as a carrot, because the story is "we need to take over these machines, keep them working, get comfortable and after everything is stable you can use your devops skills to automate the boring stuff" (Meaning that we'll be doing that boring stuff manually until management gives us a green light otherwise, which might be never). I think it's kind of a bait-and-switch, and even if the idea is earnest it involves a lot of misery at least in the short term. Had a relatively easy time getting interviews last time I looked for a job, but the market might be different now with all the big tech layoffs. How can I compete with a genius Google autist? I'm cheaper, but also definitely dumber. And I don't really want to work in Software anymore if I can find something else, anyway.
Thanks all for the advice on the thread. Company's decisions aside, I genuinely like my coworkers, including some higher-ups, and would like to maintain positive relations with some of them that I'm not gonna fish for severance by intentionally underperforming. (Or I'm just too beta). Clean honest break seems like I might be able to list some of them as references. But at this point I think it's a done deal, I'm gonna be gone one way or another.

>> No.53834421

Demand a 50k retention bonus before you quit
The pay? You stay until bonus period is over
They don't pay? You quit anyway.

>> No.53834552

I was poor through the last recession, no job for years. Things still worked out fine. I can't tell you what to do, but the universe did seem to be nicer to me the more I disobeyed it--or at least common conventions.

>> No.53834642

the real question is how many applicants there are

>> No.53834654

lol nobody is making 200k salary out of undergrad. Maybe 200k Total cope, but you can't access that stock.

They're still well paid and IT/Dev/Coding is a great field

>> No.53834671

Don't quit, just don't do the work and make them fire you. Job hunt while collecting 99 weeks of unemployment.

There's no reason to ever quit a job when you can simply stop doing the work and spend time on the clock job hunting instead. Polish up your resume tomorrow and get in contact with a tech recruiter. DO NOT ADMIT YOU'RE DOING THIS AT WORK. That would be just cause to fire you. Instead, just say you're working on the tickets but you're having some trouble with them, and it may take some time. Keep repeating that until they fire you or you get hired somewhere else.

I'm a former HR devil so if you have questions on how to approach this let me know.

>> No.53834694

>work on weekends
they tried this where I worked, I just asked where to file my overtime or when I should take my comp days.
obviously, the manager said no to both, so I simply said I'm not going to available on the weekends
I eventually got fired, but not after months of dragging my feet and collecting six months of severance
and to top it off I got a new job during those six months with 50% better pay
100% what this anon says.
don't quit, just start looking for a new job.

>> No.53835114

If you're REALLY not comfortable with underperforming while job searching, take at least three days paid time off next week to polish up your resume and get in contact with a recruiter. Then go to your boss, tell him you're deeply unsatisfied with the transfer to the new position, and that you'll be leaving unless you get paid X amount, whatever amount that is that would make you willing to keep doing the job you don't like. Be honest with yourself, if you wouldn't do the job for a million dollars a year, then don't say you would, because they might just agree to it and then you're stuck with it. But if you'd be willing to do it for $250k/yr, for at least a year, then tell your boss that. GET ANY AGREEMENT YOU MAKE IN WRITING AND APPROVED BY HR. Strongly consider having a lawyer look over the agreement before you sign anything if you go this route.

If no amount of money would make you stay, then just take some PTO to polish up your resume and then the day you come back put in whatever notice you think is fair, whether that's two weeks or less doesn't matter. You'll want at least a few days to get a meeting with HR to finalize your resignation and any benefits you're due. Those benefits will be LESS because you quit, compared to if you made them fire you, but it all comes down to what you want in the end.