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53828371 No.53828371 [Reply] [Original]

Is LInkedIn worth using for your career?

>> No.53828393

yeah if you're white and good looking you get HR roasties hitting up your DMs all the time

>> No.53828426

I got all my jobs from LinkedIn, worked at LinkedIn as a Software Engineer for 3-4 years even.

It is actually useful.

>> No.53828453
File: 91 KB, 970x450, the importance of connections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very important.

>> No.53828553

i don't have a linked in and i don't live in a soul-crushing city so i dont need it. in a small town your reputation and connections are all the matters. All these people applying for jobs put their linked in profile front and center of their resume and i just ignore it.

>> No.53828554

Unironically based

>> No.53828574


>> No.53828609

I will not create a LinkedIn account just so recruiters, people in my life, and strangers stalk me. The less people know about me, the better.

>> No.53828639

What if instead of job recruiter be focused on appealing to nasty roasties who peaked in college 25 years ago, we focused recruiting on trying to get employees who feel the company has a future by not treating them like a date or disposable garbage? No?

>> No.53828697

shit on
kind of related i like when i get invited by some random 500+ connections and i do some research to find out if they are real or not if they seem suspicious to me, then i directly contact a linkedin employee with my research that the account is fake and it gets erased
all that had work building up that fake profile, gone. be careful who you add.

>> No.53828722

Srs its reverse tinder on there, dumb recruiter thots spam my DMs everyday.. i leave em on read

>> No.53828723

that's kinda where I'm at. I keep off most social media. I might make a LinkedIn if I get layed off and need a new job, but for now I don't have any reason to be on there and I like my privacy

>> No.53828760

i had a guy call me for a job offer. never even had an account

>> No.53828776

this screenshot went viral a while ago and she was actually identified and fired from her job

>> No.53828786

Yeah, start early, and do average content. Nobody is doing content on LinkedIn, so the Algo will push you in front of everyone. Soon people will see you as an expert, and job offers will come by default. If you want to be wagie, LinkedIn is good.

>> No.53828787

doesn't make not based. Zoomers are trash

>> No.53828829

zoomies were taught how effective telling the teacher is and they brought it into adulthood with them

>> No.53828886

talk shit, get hit
not sure why you two are whiteknighting this cocky boomer
you're not a penny richer after these embarrassing posts

>> No.53829072

talk shit get hit (by the teacher who i whined to like a baby)

>> No.53829157

not at all a lie. even if you have as little as 6 months experience in tech field hr will slide in your dms daily. get an internship and slave away for a while and you're golden.

>> No.53830188

Can you lie on Linkedin or is it basically impossible?
I need a job

>> No.53830213

It's worth it for getting jobs, but nothing more.

>> No.53830233

>Is LInkedIn worth using
lol FUCK no

>> No.53830586

The job board there is largely useless, and it's a terrible social media site. If you have a good resume you'll get recruiter DMs. That's about all it is useful for

>> No.53830954

>commodify yourself and squeeze into the corporate mold
>write complete bullshit corpo speak bio about yourself and have to pretend to be excited to slave away at a 9 to 5
>dress up in stuffy clothes and get up early for your office commute where you sit inside at a desk looking at spreadsheets or something

Fuck that, any job you need linked-in for I don’t want.

>> No.53832163

Can confirm this is true

>> No.53832182

I dropped out of college my junior year. But that’s not what my LinkedIn says. Once I was at my first tech company for a year weekly opportunities kept coming ib

>> No.53832364

>Be a boomer with a carefully curated list of connections.
> somehow not smart enough to not post dumb shit with your face attached to it.

>> No.53832929

defending an old karen, shes probably like your mother a white piece of shit

>> No.53832978


no one wants your 40k job is nowheresville, dude. youre lording over losers

>> No.53832995

Yeah sort of. It's kind of like social proof that you have skills or some shit, like Facebook is supposed to prove you have friends. Idk. I find the social media aspect of it absolutely cancerous but it has a good job board.

>> No.53833247

Linkedin is useless, unless you enjoy posturing.

>> No.53833344

I wouldn't have made one, but my dad kept insisting on it so I did. It's been alright, I get occasional job offers out of nowhere, some of which are actually decent, for no effort

>> No.53833554

this. If you want a white collar job, the job postings are the most up to date. Indeed and all the other shit are absolute crap -- LinkedIn though -- Those postings are real and constantly checked.

>> No.53833746

It is.
But I absolutely HATE that I cannot target the particular country.
Like, I want to move to Canada, I don't want the local recruiters to bother me. I even paid for the Premium, but this feature doesn't exist there either.

>> No.53833941

...for shit dumb bootlicker jobs that suck