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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.21 MB, 917x889, 1675514841027540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53824723 No.53824723 [Reply] [Original]

There hasn't been a valuable post made in good faith on /biz/ since around 2017.

FYI this place is a complete waste of time.

Everything posted here falls into these categories:
>cult activities
>role play

None of these things have any value.
You know its true.
Free yourself.
Leave this place and never come back.

>> No.53824782
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>> No.53825159

sometimes theres genuine discussion

>> No.53825408

I don't post on reddit. I also denounce the Talmud.

KYS fag.
99% of the time its LARP and counter LARP.

>> No.53825516

Someone edit the condom on the full Alice image already

>> No.53825536

reformat the thread then, BITCH

>> No.53825550
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You're just not looking in the right places anon. I have only been on /biz/ for 4 months, and started with just $7.00 USD and only using the advice and alpha I have found here I now own 2 homes, a lake property, and a portfolio worth 3.7 million dollars. Get gud

>> No.53826129

>There hasn't been a valuable post made in good faith on /biz/ since around 2017.
Many places have become this way. Influx in zoomer cattle? That's my guess.

>> No.53826544

2017 is too far, more like 2021 post elon/reddit/gme/doge faggotry wave, but yea

>> No.53826572


>> No.53826582
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>> No.53826819

where to go instead?

>> No.53827061 [DELETED] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1334x1552, 1659059319701754 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I edited it myself. Fun fact. Apparently the condom was edited out. Check the condomless image closely and you can see some weird editing

>> No.53827128

>There hasn't been a valuable post made in good faith on /biz/ since around 2017
Fuck off, early-mid 2017 was peak /biz/.

>> No.53827187
File: 1.37 MB, 896x1344, 5D81142B-84BC-4037-B94B-34814EA4FF1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shilled AVAX since ICO, why didnt you buy you dumb Nigger?

>> No.53827240

>everything posted here falls into blah blah blah
Yeah youre coping. Go back fag.

>> No.53827315
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Threads like these are a cry for help. OP is talking to himself.

>> No.53827316
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I dont know i simply use biz to know when i should sell and what to buy every now and then. Turns out nftb and icp aren't half bad assets. Plus you can see a lot of real state/dropshipping tips and tricks every now and then. I dont understand the doomposting on this board

>> No.53827328

It's a fun board if you don't take it too seriously and if you have interests in finances.

>> No.53827329
File: 1.21 MB, 1334x1552, aliceincondomland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Alice edited with the condom in bed. I've noticed a few things while doing this: OP image is missing the tip of the thumb (of hand holding the cigarrete). Additionally, when I zoomed the image in photoshop I couldn't help to suspect that it was actually the condom the thing that was edited out for some reason. Anyways, proceed to fap

>> No.53827335

Twitter is a cesspool.

>> No.53827349

that's why you're nothing but retarded, and OP is right, /biz/ is a failure

>> No.53827373

>doing it for free
the idiot could have easily learned to put the condom there himself. dont reward his lazy behavior.

>> No.53827392

I-I... I've tried anon, I swear to GOD I've tried but, idk, every time I try to leave this fucking cursed miserable board something inside me tell me I don't belong anywhere else... I crave for this, it's like a fucking pest infecting my blood and telling me there's only one thing I'm good at, coping and seething with random niggers and faggots and trannies and definitely (You) online, and Idk what to do, I swear I don't fucking know bro, christ, I wish I had some self-control, I've already masturbated 8 times today to gay porn and gambled all my salary into some shit I will not disclose mostly cuz you're gonna call me shill, but fuck I'd really use a pair of tits right now

>> No.53827406

So you're just admitting you're a degenerate

>> No.53827414

Nigger there's no way NFTs take off again, people are over it kek

>> No.53827425

>Nigger uses /biz/ for financial advice
You, it's you, you're the reason people think /biz/raelies are retards...

>> No.53827433

I'm dpi9UNIT (posted request from phone) I did the editing it myself (for free) in my PC when arrived home

>> No.53827435


I don’t think BIZ is a failure. Our monetary system is a failure.

The federal Minimum wage in 1972 was $1.60. The price of Gold was $65 a ounce. If you divide this that equals 40 hours. If you worked a full 40 hour week at McDonalds back in the day you could own a OZ of gold.

Now let’s factor minimum wage against the gold standard now days. If I want to buy a oz of gold today I will have to pay about $1,800.00. 1800/40 = 45$ a hour. That is the equivalent of making $97,000.00 a year. If your worked in 1972 for minimum wage your buying power was the equivalent of someone making almost 100,000k a year.

Chew on that truth pill

>> No.53828239
File: 93 KB, 750x629, trubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no post in good faith
I've posted about Truebit many times.
you first, faggot