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53823315 No.53823315 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53823410

Meanwhile the government refuses to help its own citizens with their own taxdollars. Oh say can you see…

>> No.53823425

lol. lmao, even

>> No.53823437

We'll stop once russia stops existing.

>> No.53823459
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Jfc, how much has been sent over already?

>> No.53823477

This is an investment in the future stability of Europe. Simply giving money no strings attached to those in your own country is frivolous wasting of tax dollars. Not sure why more people don’t see it that way.

>> No.53823480
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>> No.53823490

Nobody gives a fuck about Europe. I need a house you bitch

>> No.53823496

El oh El
When should we expect to see returns from this investment nostradamus

>> No.53823497

United States of Ukraine

>> No.53823524

Why don't leftists talk about "disaster capitalism" when it comes to Ukraine? I guess you just have to call Putin Thanos or Darth Vader and they will cheer hundreds of billions being transferred to the defense manufacturers and Blackrock.

>> No.53823553

Why doesnt europe make the investment you fucking kike

>> No.53823570
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Imagine being so naive and newfaggy etc that you think this is about helping Ukraine. The entire point is to accelerate the financial destruction that they've been at for decades, to create the "Problem-Reaction-Solution", the Ordo-ab-Chao situation, that enables them to introduce CBDCs and further forms of financial control over the individual and phasing out cash etc.

The "war" (both "sides" are the same side; jewry, so the "war" as presented is absolute nonsense) is just a smokescreen/distraction away from the financial stuff.

Obvious JlDF posts:

>> No.53823579
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They're funding the a new cinematic universe

>> No.53823588
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Protip: call jews jews, not kikes.

>> No.53823601

I hope these demons burn in hell soon.

>> No.53823603

>the left wants total victory over russia
>the right is asking to for a peace deal
is this bizarro world?

>> No.53823605
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q ironically warned us about this

>> No.53823613
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>> No.53823635

everything about this (((war))) is cringe

>> No.53823639

awesome sauce

>> No.53823653

Reminder that Biden accepted bribes from Ukraine when he was Vice President through his son, who worked for Ukrainian energy company that was being investigated.

Reminder that we participated in overthrowing the elected government of Ukraine in 2014.

>> No.53823674

hitler was anti-gold in many ways, as germany was short on it after ww1. his idea was that the labor pool of germany would back the currency.

>> No.53823680

What the fuck is so valuable about Ukraine? Do they have Fucken alien tech or something

>> No.53823682

H warned you: https://archive.org/details/MeinKampf.StalagEditionOfficiallyAuthorizedByTheNSDAPIn1940ForTheInvasionOfBritain/page/n15/mode/2up

>> No.53823699

its a biden money laundering scheme. thats why his son used to "work" there

>> No.53823763

>United States of Israel
>investing in any other countries future
Come the fuck on. I bet you also believed them when they said they were bringing freedom and democracy to the middle east.

>> No.53823773

how is the biden not being investigated for that shit but trump had to go through several impeachments

>> No.53823788

Are Russians mudslimes? What's with their pig obsession? It's like their only insult.

>> No.53823803

It is currently one of the few places on earth where you can kill as many Russians as possible.

>> No.53823816

You're asking too many uncomfortable questions. Cease and desist immediately or you'll be punished for wrongthink.

>> No.53823827

nothing will happen in america if Ukraine lives or dies.

>> No.53823830

Communist brainwashing about how pigs are bad.
Communists were Jews who also ban pork so they have to larp like the animal is some kind of biohazard.

>> No.53823834

No, the right has always been the most sensible

>> No.53823840

then work for it, are you waiting for a handout?

>> No.53823849
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The pic originally had JFK coin in it, it's basically just JFK changed to Hitler. Natsoc wasn't really "anti-gold", rather it made no sense for them -- pure realpolitik -- to have a "gold standard" when they'd just been robbed of basically all their gold, so yes as you said they lacked gold, and yes the part about German labor is correct.

The NSDAP had picrel minted in various purities and a few other gold coins anyone could buy them. This one was minted by the Bayerisches Hauptmünzamt.

>> No.53823848
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Seriously? Lmao.

I can't wait for US weapons given to Ukraine get used against the US in about ten years.

>> No.53823864
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Actually they are. At least many of them

>> No.53823865

Maybe we should all just move to jewkraine

>> No.53823875
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And here's a gold shop in Natsoc Germany.

>> No.53823877

FBI is a democrat organization and doesnt go after democrats

hunter is on video smoking crack, if that was you or trump jr you'd be doing 20 years in jail

>> No.53823885

By far the most corrupt administration to hold the US presidency (yes, even Warren Harding appears honorable in comparison).

>> No.53823904

Only 10 billion this time?
Step it up goyim the hohols need more

>> No.53823912

Because Europe is bankrupt

>> No.53823915
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The government and really quite frankly "Russian nationalism" itself is very much pro jewish religions.

>> No.53823927

150 billion i think including military equipment

>> No.53823933

Good point.

Reminder that Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset that recruited Mujahideen to fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

>> No.53823940

Indians and vatniks seething

>> No.53823954

This entire shitshow is one big joke and we're the punchline

>> No.53823976
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Another coin. This one's 750. The previous 900.

>> No.53824014
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Here's a silver version of that one. 900.

>> No.53824024

the only industry left in the US is the military industrial complex. keep the gears turning or die

>> No.53824038
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>> No.53824239

>What the fuck is so valuable about Ukraine?

>cuts supplies
>Ukraine loses
>DeSantis - potus
>russia starts shelling Baltic states
>Xi invades Taiwan
>le based poltard gets drafted, WW3 starts
>welp at least it's not biden

>> No.53824330

>money laundering
>corrupt trafficking site
>bioweapon bases
>"buffer" between russia and eu

>> No.53824363

>russia starts shelling Baltic states

>> No.53824427

>russia starts shelling Baltic states
>Xi invades Taiwan

You have no proof these events would happen if the JEWSA stops money laundering in Ukraine.

>> No.53824492

The [government] cares about one thing:
Making money
They do not care about anything other than making money. Every single cause, pet project, program, are all fronts for different revenue streams.
They have simply determined that giving money to Ukraine is a better return on investment than improving lives of Americans (wage slaves)

>> No.53824556

Finally almost election season I can't wait for this old bitch to get kicked out and Desantis to drain the swamp

>> No.53824596


>Russians are MUSLIM REEEEE!!!!!
15% of them, mostly from the South.

>(Savior of the White Race)
White is an American construct, not European. Hitler thought the KKK was a bunch of low-life losers.

>Non-aggressive "White" Nation
Ignore the coup and the last 8 years of warfare between ethnic Russians and Neo-Nazis (funded by Isreal ironically).

>> No.53824634

>MuH JeWsSsSsSsS!!!
Doesn't understand Russian Nationalism

>> No.53824641
File: 31 KB, 917x1027, chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>morally correct decision
>ugly vatnik schizos seething and coping
>less than $30 per american citizen, not even a meaningful cut of tax money
>continuing to embarrass russia

>> No.53824666

>Uses a Nazi-chud meme to represent an anti-Nazi Jewish friendly nation.

>> No.53824680

it will be interesting to see trump vs desantis

>> No.53824696

Nigger. Ohio river literally is used by 14 states yet they don't give a fuck about the contamination that will go into crops which will then spread throughout the country aka affects literally the whole country and not just Ohio

>> No.53824718

>Uses totalitarian imagery to represent the pro-democracy, freedom loving Democratic People's Republic of Korea
how about you kill yourself, incel

>> No.53824761

yep pretty much.
we will all be using digital dollars to buy food in under 4 years.

>> No.53824806

2 more weeks?

>> No.53824807

>Simply giving money no strings attached to those in your own country is frivolous wasting of tax dollars.

Most Jewish thing I've read this morning.

>> No.53824814
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>put in a puppet government into your former soviet satellite state to keep it compliant
>everyone hates him
>revolt and send him back to Russia
>russia starts a civil war in retaliation to prevent former satellite state from joining nato
>invades former satellite state in support of the civil war they started
>the russian immigrants living in ukraine speak russian so whatever land they happen to be squatting on belongs to russia
>trips over its own feet and faceplants in front of the whole fucking world day one of the invasion
>gets up
>r-russia s-stronk

>> No.53824817

Bunch of fascists ITT. You would'nt be so cocky in the open, you would get your skulls bashed in fucking inbreds.

>> No.53824850
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>> No.53824851

Of what? Are you one of those niggers that think this shit is an overnight thing? Takes time to farm, jackass and thing is it's only going to spread worse. Since these niggers in government won't so shit, you best believe the contamination issue will be here for decades

>> No.53824855


>> No.53824859
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>> No.53824867


>> No.53824881

You realize 40% of this "assistance" is laundered so EVERY politician no matter their affiliation gets a cut right? It will NEVER end

>> No.53824904
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>>53823477 >>53823570 >>53823579 >>53824492 >>53823315


>> No.53824908

holy shit

>> No.53824928
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Sorry, tax paying citizens. You will need to fork over another $45 billion for a balloon fighting jet.

>> No.53824947

Right on time for the next bear market, but luckily we'll get one last bull market before armageddon.