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File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1654045718235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53823281 No.53823281 [Reply] [Original]

Left-handed people should just use their right hand instead of crying all the time about being left-handed.

>> No.53823312

every single genius that ever existed in the history of humanity was left handed
yet we are also the most opressed group of people in the history of humanity
no the left hand isn't the hand of the devil
gas the kikes

>> No.53823381
File: 530 KB, 600x1070, 1664767321981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((( 53823312 )))
>we're oppressed
>muh gas, implying "the holocaust" happened
>writes "kikes" instead of jews

Have you guys noticed how JIDF shills, very often when larping as anti-jewish non-jews, almost always use the word "kikes" and usually avoid using the word jews? That's because of the below:

• it plays into their Christianity hoax and makes their Scheinkampf (pretend-fight) against Christianity seem real, thereby promoting Christianity ("kike" is said to originate from the jew word for circle and supposedly the origin of "kike" is that jews refused to use a cross instead of a circle on some document, so they supposedly used a circle instead).

• to normalfags it sounds like a "racist slur" like, like nigger, which makes the enemies of the jews seem bad/evil/racist -- and this of course helps the jews.

• calling the jews jews helps instill into the subconscious of normalfags that jew=bad. The word jews is already a word with a somewhat negative connotation around the world, but we can make it even more negative/bad sounding. And calling them "kikes", or anything else other than jews, doesn't advance that goal. THIS they are VERY aware of, hence they don't want us to call them jews.

They much prefer it when their enemies use the word "kikes", or anything else other than jews - for example "hebrews" or "semites".

>> No.53823804

Yo im searching for the varg files where he talks about civilization do you have them?

>> No.53823856

is that why there are no left handed niggers

>> No.53824201
File: 889 KB, 1488x988, Heinrich Ehrler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try here https://archive.is/9LynR but some of the links are dead.

>> No.53824284

>nooooo!!! i need that hand to dialate!!!

>> No.53824346


>> No.53824358
