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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53821289 No.53821289 [Reply] [Original]

Look at how they do their misinfo.

>> No.53821296

Jews once again.

>> No.53821303

>get sued for anti-semitism against BIS
>go to court
>say "your honor, I feel like I have to start by pointing out the elephant in the room"
>point at Carstens

>> No.53821309

Central bankers are not only intellectually deficient idiots, they are also cowards. Whatever you want to say about Keynes, he at least got many things right. Whatever you then want to say about Volcker, he at least had guts. The current crop of central bankers neither get gets anything right, nor do they have guts, despite what the body type of this one suggests.
So what do they have? The ability to shit out bought and paid for articles about how everything is fine and attempts to lock people into their failing monetary system while people are fleeing it in droves.

>> No.53821322

>makes plebs seethe while rigging the game for themselves and their friends with no risk of accountability

>> No.53821414

Their ability to grift comes from systemic power, which they inherited. What they're doing is undermining the system that gave them this power.
They allowed debt and asset-prices to skyrocket. This then forced people to work themselves to total exhaustion, with all of the resources of society geared towards productivity. It works for a while, but no societal "maintenance" (having children and raising families, which would create future workers) gets performed anymore. Debt-to-production thus goes up because the debt-lever gets pushed up (because people need debt to keep buying assets), and because the production-lever gets pushed down (because the current crop of workers is aging out with no children, all their resources having gone towards productivity). To juice GDP (proxy for productivity, though an increasingly poor one), they increase debt yet more, but each new unit of debt is less effective. Debt thus skyrockets, and with it, asset prices. Meanwhile, production does not. The economy is hollowed out and becoming little else than debt-servicing for no useful purpose. They then see this and try to "decrease the debt", but since debt increases the overall leverage ratio, and because constricting the money supply decreases production (which is the asset in the economy), leverage ratios increase even more as the assets decrease. This, then, puts the economy on the path to insolvency.
>we are here
Leverage, inherently, abets the liquidation of the people with leveraged positions once the position starts moving against you (this is why and how short-/long-squeezes happen). In normal trading, you get liquidated, meaning your position gets forcibly sold, but if the entire economy is levered, there's no one to sell to - everyone starts getting wiped out. You get a nearly unstoppable cascade of defaults. What then? Then they panic and start increasing the money supply again, but since the effect of debt on productivity was nearly non-existent even before

>> No.53821445

the crash, almost no amount of credit-creation is effective. But since the default cascade is ongoing and escalating, they panic and create as much debt as they can. They cut interest rates, but it does nearly nothing - those interest rates need months at least to work their way into the economy, and banks aren't lending money anyway because the default-risk is too high. They institute negative interest rates. This does force lenders to lend to some degree, but since so much credit (=money) is being created, once it starts getting lent out in this situation, inflation starts running rampant as people start losing faith in the currency that's suddenly everywhere now. People want to get rid of the borrowed money as fast as possible, which increases the velocity of money, and thus inflation. People start losing faith in the currency at all. What remains to do? Lock them in forcibly: create CDBCs, expiring money, seizing non-inflationary money, making gold-clauses illegal, making cash and holding it illegal (since cash has a 0% floor on nominal interest rate - nobody would voluntarily hold money with a -10% nominal interest rate), surveillance, etc.
Then they can't help themselves - the CDBC is just too powerful, too tempting - and create differential interest rates and differential spendability: you can't buy certain goods or only certain amounts of certain goods, you get a different interest rate depending on your demography, etc. It is just too tempting to not do this, but it, of course, undermines the trust in the currency even more. Forget about the -10% yield on your wallet; who in his right mind would hold a currency that can get a -20% interest rate at the stroke of a pen because he happens to run an oil company? At this point, only raw force keeps people using the currency, while the black markets explode, even on the corporate level.

>> No.53821465

Dat nigga is feeding a lot of things into his mouth!

>> No.53821474

For all their "qualifications", their mistakes are not fundamentally more complex than those of whoever was in charge of maintaining trucks in the Russian army for 20 years - and then the tires explode and the trucks get stuck in the mud, because one side had faced the Sun all the time, and the rubber got brittle.
It comes down to this: not doing maintenance. You inherit a working system, you think you don't have to do anything, and that it'll be there forever. A alcoholic carpenter whose rusty nail gun explodes into his face makes this kind of mistake too, or someone who burns the doors and furniture in his house to heat it in winter. It's this elementary.
So yes, they are fucking idiots. They're idiots who inherited a very powerful system which they can't maintain. In fact, they don't even recognize the need to maintain it. And when it starts failing, they start doing the things that destroy it even faster, like, I suppose, the alcoholic carpenter who then starts shooting nails everywhere (after the consumption of a 40oz of discount malt liquor to "take the edge off") to get it to work.

>> No.53821486

Extremely insightful posts, rare gold on this site. Thanks anon.

>> No.53821488

That's not to say that the system is guaranteed to derail, but they're making it more and more unstable and thus, the chance of it derailing grows more and more. They might be able to pull some financial trickery, or exert enough force to keep people using the currency as its value goes to zero, or while the mass defaults go on. But they are making their own job harder with each passing day.

>> No.53821489

absolute unit kek

crypto is still a psyop. the singleness of money is meaningless when you have injectable nanobots in people's blood and everyone knows that Christian blood is the means of settlement to these people.

>> No.53821497
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wowzers ita literally 2018 again this is GOLD jerry GOLD

>> No.53821505
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>words words words
crypto is a pysop you dumb negro

>> No.53821506
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Is there any historical precedent at all for a situation like this where the levers have been turned so far to the extreme, and in many cases broken off? What happened in the past? Or is this unknown waters?

>> No.53821513

Thanks, anon. It's actually an extremely simple process that you can reason out with 2nd-grade mathematics, but people get lost (and are made sure to be lost) in the details, like equity analysis, forward earnings, correlations, etc. - sure, that's useful, but you can't cheat the underlying unsoundness, which is very simple.
It's nice that they analyze financial tightness and whatnot at the Fed, but those are the details. The big picture, which is "too big" to see, which is the assumption that they don't question, is that they're trying to create a financial perpetuum mobile where debt can just grow into infinity.

>> No.53821535

The best case I can think of is John Law's paper currency. He's a pretty interesting guy: he fled to France after some "legal issues" in the UK (I think he murdered someone) and then created a fiat currency for the French government as a way of increasing liquidity. He then set up the Mississippi Company, which went into a bubble and then collapsed. People panicked and tried to redeem their notes for gold, which the government of course suspended.
But the problem never got to this magnitude because government power was not strong enough to keep things going in the past. And obviously, they didn't have the ability to create computerized and programmable money in the 18th century.

>> No.53821551
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Jimmy and niggers kinda clash

>> No.53821554
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ngl I kekked hard

>> No.53821566
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Niggers are bad!
Sorry for anti semitism

>> No.53821575
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NGL ADL I didnt read your posts lol

>> No.53821583

based analogy and yes maybe they're idiots but part of me thinks the destruction is intentional and they may or may not be in on it, all said and done there is a guiding hand steering this collapse

>> No.53821584

Never heard of him before, thanks anon I'll read up on it.

/biz/ pays almost no attention to academic cryptographers that aren't "crypto people" but I remember Ittai Abraham (a probable CBDC designer) talking about how you could engineer CBDCs so that a proportion of people's monthly earnings were "private" in that they could use them for anything, with the rest being restricted and transparent to regulators.
So part of your pay is unrestricted "spending money" with the rest being highly limited.
It's insanely infantilising and dystopian, I hope to be well and truly off grid by then.

>> No.53821590
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>biggest psyop since NASA went to the moon
Glad to be part of history in the making fellow goyim

>> No.53821594

The German hyperinflation which everyone likes to mention is also a good example, though because of the arguments people make for why it won't repeat, not so much because of the inflation itself. Many people think that the government just printed money, but that's not true as such. The money was printed by the privately owned Reichsbank, so it technically was just an expansion of credit (even though actual printing was going on). At the time, people got bullshitted with the argument that the inflation was due to a roaring stock market, and because of FX.
But more importantly, people say that this cannot happen to the US because "it has aircraft carriers" (I've heard these exact words). Germany had lost a war, after all. Which is true, but what is the US government going to do? Sail the USS Gerald Ford into Chicago and start flying sorties? Faith is a meme, as in "an actual meme, not a 4chan-meme". If people start trading on the black market because they don't have faith in the Fed, then no aircraft carrier will compel them. The US government IS using its power as best as it can by (just my conjecture) having offered its vassals a deal: you stay on our side, and we give you a dollar swapline. You'll lose 80%, but 80% is better than a 100%. The "unfriendly" countries get no dollars, so they won't be able to service their dollar-debt, while the "friendly" countries (Western Europe, Switzerland, Japan) do get at least some dollars. Russia is doing the analogous scheme with oil and gas, necessitating the US supplying Europe via LNG. And they try to torpedo each other's schemes too (Russia trying to sell oil and gas for non-dollar currencies, the US sanctioning Russian oil and gas and allegedly blowing up Nordstream - you can think whatever you want about that one). It's a dirty fucking game on all sides.

>> No.53821598
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Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.53821603
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>> No.53821605
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>> No.53821615
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reminder that all this shit started happening after one based anon called attention to 5G and the crypto psyop

>> No.53821616

That ties in with something I think about when I look at BIS releases like the OP. Blatant disinfo to serve an interest.
But at least in this very niche area I can understand the tension between crypto and CBDCs and make sense of the smokescreen.
But when it comes to the evening news and international politics/posturing it seems like the same sort of game but on an even bigger scale, and I wonder what the absolute hell is actually going on behind the scenes.

>> No.53821629

(((crypto))) was always designed to lose
bitcoin has already won.

>> No.53821630
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Whenever I think about not making it frens I think about Steven Seagal battling seagulls on the beach never surrendering and I know I will make it

>> No.53821633
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BTC is 90% of crypto and 100% a psyop too my fren its over

>> No.53821636

ww3 is being prepared, watch Putin's speech mang
they weren't memeing the great reset for nothing

crypto is the real reset of course, the cbdcs is to keep normies distracted while the world elite transfers to crypto. We are the lucky few being let in at the start

>> No.53821641

No need to speculate, they're already doing it:
There's actually a very serious mistake that government people do all the time, because of the context in which they work: because they just issue decrees and they either get carried out or they at least get a lie-filled report that says they were carried out, they have little to no sense of the limits of their own power. They genuinely think they can just do everything.
The power of government is almost entirely memetic. When you get down to it, Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping... they're just old men. What can an old man REALLY do? I'm not trying to rhetorically call for revolution or anything, just describing the facts. They are old men and people just agree that they're something called "presidents". Without that agreement, nobody would pay them any heed. The government can, of course, silence single individuals or small groups via physical violence, intimidation, gaslighting, etc., but if people, en masse, stopped agreeing to listen to them, the government would more or less just cease to exist. The most powerful government on Earth is a collective meme. An IRS agent is just some guy. The head of an intelligence service is just some guy. Laws are words on paper, or in a pdf.
The people who forget this most are people in the government because their daily work deceives them. And the people working in government nowadays never faced any serious crisis or challenge, so they're even more deluded than past statesmen. It's actually pretty pathetic. When you think that governments can just introduce some incredibly bullshit currency that everyone will hate but nonetheless use, you're channeling government delusions.

>> No.53821645

you should watch birdemic bro I think you'd like it

>> No.53821656
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>elite transfer to our coins bros we are going to make it
imagine posting this unironically you fucking nigger scum. Crypto is the psyop. Everyone already has the Five G nanobots installed and they are hooked up to the grid fucking crypto will not save us.
How many vaccines did you dose yourself with junkie?

>> No.53821660

you understand so much and yet so little
yes it's all memes
no you have not figured put the real memes and real powers that be

in fact you've fallen for their actual meme (crypto) hook line and sinker. They are setting up these frail old men you hate so much as the antagonist, and their desires as the solution. Tale as old as time, and it almost always works

they've used it to destroy the christian church as well. false flagging. Lies are the bread and butter of the evil

>> No.53821662

>A horde of mutated birds descends upon the quiet town of Half Moon Bay, California. As the death toll rises, two citizens manage to fight back, but will they survive Birdemic?
ngl this sounds based

>> No.53821670

yeah it is. if you didn't buy it 10 years ago they got to you, that's for sure.

>> No.53821676
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If you bought ten years ago they send the assassination squads after you. look at what happened to that dumb goy in south america

>> No.53821677

nah I know crypto was always in the plan. But why not get in early if that's the case? They set up their systems but any system still has rules, their rules perhaps but anyone can play the game.
I know the real solution is to go full luddite but you can be in the system and still be good. Good DESPITE the system. That's always been the way. To caesar what is Caesar's, but to God what is God's.

>> No.53821705

Checked. my guess is that money is meaningless now that they control the information flows and health. both allow them to gatekeep people from society. See how they configured it with the lockdowns and essential services. They redefined society already and now everyone thinks its past and did nothing lol because the pandemic has past us by already lol
They injected something into people. THey set up towers. They advanced certain tech and they tried to crash crypto but it survived (on purpose?) and now they see crypto as equals but look at the WEF 2030 goals. Do you see money stopping people from buying clothing? or travelling? What defines access to THAT society?

>> No.53821721

only if you let anyone know about it. they didn't have ways to find out before, all they had was propaganda to put people off buying and opting out. now it's easier to find people, but any who didn't fall for the tricks when bitcoin was new has managed to escape the system.

my guy fell for the psyop he thinks he escaped. the trap door has closed, early bitcoin buyers escaped and still have plenty of time to diversify into land, gold. those that fell for the propaganda missed their opportunity.

>> No.53821747

>false flagging. Lies are the bread and butter of the evil
Obviously. The world, at least currently, pivots on belief. If you can implant beliefs that are advantageous to you in people, you can pivot the world because of the collective power of humanity.

>> No.53821749
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I think they can easily find out. The drugs were a test. If you really wanted to opt out of society you could but most OG Bitcoiners are dead victims of state sanctioned assassination squads like pic related

>> No.53821777

they can today, but only because it takes large amounts of wealth to enter the system. taking advantage of bitcoin doing many 100xs over the years many entered early completely unknown and let the appreciation do the work.

the og class you hear about aren't the real og class, they're just the stooges. there are many not so wealthy but wealth enough from the early days nobody can ever find out about, and many of them own coins confused for satoshi's own stash.

>> No.53821806

Kek no way thats real quote

>> No.53821807

>That's always been the way. To caesar what is Caesar's, but to God what is God's.
Have you considered that we've been locked into mental prisons from the very beginning? That is why we have created structural mental prisons for ourselves, which we call "organizations", "value systems", and such. Our macroscopic structures are reflections of our own psychology, because we made them, and we're obviously controlled by our own psychology.
What is anger? Or fear? Or disgust? You don't choose them; they impose themselves on you, and you think that whatever they tell you is "your" decision - they are generated by your brain, but if you manage to push them out enough, you'll recognize that they actually impose themselves on you and steer your thinking against you will. If you are angry, you cannot just choose to not be angry. The anger just comes again and again, and it actually tries to control your thinking (it falsifies your conclusions too, corrupting your reasoning).
Everything else we created is just a reflection (or projection) of these mechanisms that have been with us from the beginning. Try to argue with someone who has some value system, for example: he will be totally adamant about it, even if he cannot justify it. The less he can justify it, the more adamant he will be. His beliefs literally bind his mind; he is their slave. That's why the truth sets you free. Well, this isn't business and finance related anymore, but maybe you find it interesting.

>> No.53821808

checked yeah nice to be in early. I remember the early days before BTC became a crypto price manager. Bitcoin stood for something now its just a safe haven for scammers to exit to after doing the deed. And managing the price of other assets. Sucks to be the rest of us. Good luck to those few hundred early OG glad they made it

>> No.53821857

>the best of new technology into the solid foundations of the current two-tier structure
Sounds exactly like what XRP does

>> No.53821870

Bump everyone needs to read this

>> No.53821871

the best posts currently on /biz/
get out before the gates close and be prepared for the black market transition period until all fiat finally implodes (due to the free market)

>> No.53821896

at least it's likely they understand what needs to be done to break more free from the system and have the resources to do so.

>> No.53823460

I think you put too much faith in the masses. Actual conscious, thinking humans are rare as hen's teeth. Look at the response to the 'pandemic'
The masses won't do anything until they're harnessed by somebody else.

>> No.53823651

Thanks for the effort posting.