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53820427 No.53820427 [Reply] [Original]

If I get 32ETH should I stake it on my own hardware or use a pool/centralized exchange? Heard solo validating is risky as you can get slashed if your software has bugs. Are there any benefits besides muh decentralization?

>> No.53820443

Ultra sound money bruh just ask Sassal the scammer he knows scams

>> No.53820562


>> No.53820585
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I'm running multiple validators. No, pretty much the only way you get slashed is if you try to run the same validator key on multiple machines. Usually happens to midwits thinking they're really smart for creating some kind of convoluted redundancy system, but fuck it up somewhere. Just don't do that, and you really can't fuck it up.

There are step-by-step guides out there for pretty much any operating system and any combination of execution / consensus client. As long as you are even slightly computer literate, it is easy as fuck to do.

With solo validating you aren't trusting any third party. Also, you have the freedom to minmax your yield using whatever mevboost relays you want. Eigenlayer will push that yield even further.

The other nice thing is that once you have a staking machine setup, you can use the same machine to run multiple validators, without incurring any additional overhead costs. A single machine can run hundreds of validator keys at once with no issues. Be your own pool, offer your services to other people who may want to stake but don't have the confidence or 32 total ETH.

Whatever you do, don't fucking stake on a centralized exchange. They will eventually fuck you over somehow, just like we saw with numerous companies over the past year.

>> No.53820611

How do you mitigate risks of power outages and internet outages?

I’m in Florida so I know storms could ass rape me at any time, which is why I’m apprehensive

>> No.53820621

Is it feasible that you could eventually live off the rewards from 32 ETH staked total? Like a decade from now?

>> No.53820629

Thanks for the advice fren. I am slightly retarded with computers, but I will educate myself on solo validating.

>> No.53820717

The graffiti for my validator is Retirement Plan. You could do something like rocketpool that has a smoothing pool but running it myself I get all of the mev rewards and feel like it’s less risky. Not your keys, not your coins and staking is no exception. If some of the node operators go bankrupt you can be damn sure your Ethereum will be part of their holdings. Just my opinion but during the next bull run I think not sharing my mev rewards is gonna be a huge deal for my bi monthly block proposals.

>> No.53820737
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A UPS works great and they're not that expensive

If you really wanted to you could also add a cellular network as a backup, but it's really not necessary.

While you're offline, you are only draining the same amount as you would be making while online and attesting. So if you're offline for a few hours, being online for a few hours brings you right back to where you were. In the grand scheme of things over the course of a year, don't worry too much about having 100% uptime.

I mean I dunno on ETH price speculation, but if you figure a yield of 4-8% (depending on whether you go for MEV / Eigenlayer, and how much the fee market heats up during the next bull), and let's say ETH is at $10k. One validator would yield you anywhere from $13k-$25k per year. Build your way up to 3-4 validators and yeah, seems pretty reasonable.

>> No.53820746

You sound gay

>> No.53820751


I would love to watch how you have sex

>> No.53820788

why do ethereum have the most feminized/basedlated holders?

>> No.53822651

damn you sound jelly lmao

>> No.53822752

the penalty for being offline is miniscule, i once moved and kept it offline for more than a week, it really doesn't matter. it's really a fun side project and provides you with infrequent dopamine hits whenever you get a block.

>> No.53823142

What is a good resource that isn’t a pozzed good Google shit website?

>> No.53823389

I don't know if it's what you want to hear or not, but unironically the ethstaker r**d*t or d**c*rd

For some good step-by-step resources, lookup the someresat or coincashew guides