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File: 247 KB, 1200x1772, John_McAfee_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5381966 No.5381966 [Reply] [Original]

Ok biz.

McAfee hypothesized that Verge Coin, Monero, Zcash, Digibyte and Burst were all amazing investment opportunities on Twitter and they've all subsequently shot up.

He's going to be announcing his favorite crypto every day on twitter so it could be a good opportunity to buy what he says.

Is this just a glorified pump and dump?

I watched the recent documentary about his life, and apparently he was paying underage girls to poop in his mouth... so... should we really be taking advice from this guy?

>> No.5382013
File: 535 KB, 714x664, 1511551042292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a fuck what it is. I need to regain my gains and salt isn't doing shit. He posts at 9:01 am est right?

I am going all in on whatever he posts as fast as I possibly can for 100 percent gains then selling

>> No.5382028

Yeah I had people calling me today bragging they bought verge. No idea how it works or what news is coming out. People who are following someone who is SAYING he is invested in these coins dong realize the that McPumpFee is a legend pnder

>> No.5382036

John McAfee is basically the Donald Trump of cryptos, watch him just kick ass and everyone that stands up to him gets fucked.

>> No.5382063

He posted about Burst 17 hours ago, whenever that is

>> No.5382067

I've formulated my own list of things to buy by homework. Shills gon' be shills, even if they're not pajeet poor.

>> No.5382069

>salt isnt doing shit
>20% in two days

>> No.5382072

Take it as face value, whatever he says will pump and you get in, get a profit and leave. It eliminates your need of homework for a quick buck.

>> No.5382108

>It eliminates your need of homework for a quick buck.
How do you know when to bail out?

>> No.5382126

At 100 percent

>> No.5382149

what time is on the island he lives on he should be waking up any moment now for next pump

>> No.5382157

Take your investment out and leave the principal.

>> No.5382162
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9 eastern. But he posted 10 eastern the day before.

You need to get in within 3 minutes of his post. It starts SKY rocketing immediately. Do you want gains or not this is not a joke.

>> No.5382193
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>> No.5382239
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i did this with XVG. Went 2X, I dont care if he fucks coons, kills people in Belize or pays girls to poop in his mouth. This man is a legend

>> No.5382252

I have autism now

>> No.5382279


>> No.5382290

I already know what he's shilling tomorrow, Edgeless. Check the charts if you don't believe me.

t. McAfee pnd discord group

>> No.5382314

>after dropping 40% in 6 hours

>> No.5382347

Great so we already fucking missed it.

>> No.5382374

t. edgeless bagholder

>> No.5382409

He has a discord group?

>> No.5382411

I won't believe you until tomorrow. But it does look like a coin he would shill.

>> No.5382424

>he was paying underage girls to poop in his mouth... so... should we really be taking advice from this guy?
Every single one of us would do it
So I say we shouldn't trust him because we shouldn't trust ourselves

>> No.5382468

Nah, normies won't know until a few hours from now.
Fuck you, don't invest in it. In fact if you have even one, go on Bittrex or whatever and sell it right now. Close the fucking tab, and go. Now.

>> No.5382495

>Every single one of us would do it
Not sure if serious, maybe you're that far down the rabbit hole

>> No.5382519
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Buys all those coins already, sells during pump, buys bigger stake in next coins while by the time he gets to them earlier onea have dumped hard as fuck. must be sweet to have a whole bunch of fanboys follow your every move.

>> No.5382522

>Fuck you, don't invest in it. In fact if you have even one, go on Bittrex or whatever and sell it right now. Close the fucking tab, and go. Now.
I sold you my bags already

>> No.5382541


>> No.5382604

Why do you fucking care what he gets out of it if you still can get 100 percent fucking gains

>> No.5382659

So what do we do? Refresh his twitter every 30 seconds until he tweets which coin? Lmao srs?

>> No.5382719

get it to text you immiediately duh

>> No.5382734

>Is this just a glorified pump and dump?


>> No.5382787

>Is this just a glorified pump and dump?
I don't know if I'd call it glorified.

>apparently he was paying underage girls to poop in his mouth...
He also killed someone in Brazil while he was holing up there cooking bath salts. There's a Bluelight thread about it, his name on the forum was Stuffmonger I think.

>should we really be taking advice from this guy?
He's a character. Taking part in any pump in dump that you're not the one organizing is a dumb move. They always make it seem like they're giving you insider info, but really you're just there to buy while they dump. If you're early in line you can still turn a profit, but your role is still to be a sucker.

>> No.5382871

>after everything dropped

Sell your SALT kid to someone who will appreciate it and hold it for the next 2 months while it triples in value. You're never gonna make it.

>> No.5382895

>he was paying underage girls to poop in his mouth... so... should we really be taking advice from this guy?

Geniuses have the weirdest fetishes

>> No.5382909

mcafee is basically a glorified white ian balina

>> No.5382927

why do you retards keep saying pump and dump when verge and burst are still 2x or 3x from fucking yesterday. wheres this dump? look for burst to ABSOLUTELY pluto shot in the next week.

>> No.5382957

Where can I see what this Ian balina fella reccommends?

How many hours til next mcafee pnd? 6 hours?

>> No.5382962

>lost 96% of his wealth in the dotcom bubble >pays to have girls shit in his mouth

sounds like /ourguy/

>> No.5382971

way ahead of you m80

>> No.5382974

So, should we buy and hold for 24 hours til his next signal?

>> No.5382993

hes an ICO shill

honestly it depends on the type of poop

>> No.5382996

and the product his name is tied up in is also a pile of crap. mcafee? no thanks. id rather install aids on my computer.

>> No.5382995

kek. your still holding XVG, you are literally retarded. Thats just a rebranded DogeCoin, i sold at 2X yesterday and holed up in XRP
The Jew in me has to share this. fuck you /pol/

>> No.5383023

What's his best call so far? Did he call wabi?

>> No.5383029

Do I need an account? Don’t have twitter

>> No.5383048

it takes 5 seconds to search this idiots name + twitter and you will have your answer.

>> No.5383056

If you had as much money as McAfee you would be spending on girls pooping in your mouth too,

but you don't

>> No.5383069

if you catch his tweet right away - BUY IT
then after you make like 50-100 percent SELL IT
then after it goes down buy it again for that second wave


>> No.5383085

Makes sense, will do that today on his next call
I sold at 50% and got out, didn't know it was a pump and hodl

>> No.5383091

>Did he call wabi
Wabi might get pumped by some group at some point, but it's really looks to me like one of the scam coins. The concept sounds interesting at first, but when you look at it more closely and you look at the qualifications of the team, it's more on the level of a student project than a real professional venture.

>> No.5383127

I'm only still holding burst - XVG is done going up I believe. Zencash > this vaporware anyway.

>> No.5383143

That's the smart way. If you see his tweet and it's not already up any significant amount, it can be profitable to go in, but if it's already gone up and you just hope it will go up even higher, odds are you'll be the one left without anyone to sell to.

>> No.5383208

correct. Dont CHASE the pump EVER

IF its already up 30 -50 percent you lost your chance - take a deep breath and sit it out. Ive been fucked by PBC once before but losing is learning

>> No.5383247

Still better than some shitheads drawing some memelines and posting it on twitter, while they dump their bags on idiots.

>> No.5383273

Is there any way to get PBC info without paying em' ? Someone help a bro out.

>> No.5383286

I also think he secretly wants to cut his own dick off and eat it.

In any case I'm gonna need a QUICK RUNDOWN soon

>> No.5383301

(((leak channels)))
That way you get sloppy seconds instead of thirds

>> No.5383313

Any links? (NOT CHAINLINK)

>> No.5383430

Edgeless got a casino license but it's a shitty casino license that player's don't take seriously. One whale dropped a lot of money after announcement.

>> No.5383499

On which exchange you can find pretty much anything he says? Where is most of the shitcoins?

>> No.5383525 [DELETED] 

Dunno dude these guys here https://discord.gg/Q4E6q4F have better calls than McAfee, he just promotes pumps and dumps...

>> No.5383565
File: 280 KB, 846x759, SmartSelectImage_2017-12-20-00-19-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zencash suspiciously shot up from 220 to 350k data and has held steady at 300k says since then.

>> No.5383680

Because on bittrex it says that registrations are blocked for now.. When will i be able to register?

>> No.5383698

>t. McAfee pnd discord group
link liar

>> No.5383707

McAfee is the final boss of shitcoin.

>> No.5383727


How is that suspicious?

>> No.5383754

you mean caused

>> No.5383759

That is an easy trick to pull off. It's a revolver m8.

>> No.5383875

>apparently he was paying underage girls to poop in his mouth
this is possible, but consider the following:
- documentary was made by a jewess
- jews have a documented history of being obsessed by scat
- jews have a documented history of attributing said scat fetish to their enemies
- jews have a documented history of playing fast and loose with the truth
- this particular jewess misrepresented herself as a reporter amongst others to intrude on McAfee at his libertarian press thing after he specifically declined an interview
- not only she thought this was ok, she acted smug about it like a "gotcha" thing
- ergo, there's strong likelihood her moral character is dubious at best

It's easy to pay a few third-world girls to say they pooped in his mouth. Then there was that American scientist chick acting like she was trying to win an Emmy.

It COULD be all true, but let's be honest: isn't it just as likely the continued success of a gentile white man evading Zog law enforcement and being an unhinged salesman would be an affront to the New York Jew?

>> No.5384648

Today's coin will be RPX (Red Pulse).

You have been warned.

>> No.5384692

i hope he dumps on you so hard you loose all you money and kill yourself
dumb fuckers indulging this stupid hype pnd's

>> No.5384922
File: 174 KB, 1200x1000, 1512292425005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because i buy and hold the one's he'll shill on day 100 now so that when he puts his verge and dgb gains into them i'll already have a solid position.

>> No.5385624

I'm thinking about having a portfolio of

btc 66%
monero 33%

What y'all guys think?

>> No.5385712

He's part of a pump group so the coins he posts about always get a nice pre-pump before hand so even though they 200% you're only looking at 130% or less depending on how fast you're able to get in. Verge has been an outlier.

>> No.5385749

The rich only get richer, loads his bags then shills the next day, mad profits, as long as he something that is not retarded to back up his claim...

>> No.5385759
File: 139 KB, 828x1034, 1508341501491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kick ass
>cum on goyz pls vote for the jews or ill put u on notice hehehe

>> No.5385924

what exchange will his shill coins be on?
if they aren't on binance wtf am i gona do?

>> No.5386048


>> No.5386110

Motherfucker that's 3am in my trash country

>> No.5386155

I can't believe this fuckhead moves markets. McAfee is a fucking retard, but idiots trust him.

>> No.5386214


I have to agree.

If you listen to the part of the documentary where the woman says John raped her, her story makes no sense.

>> No.5386244

If you buy before the huge pump and hold the coins he shills you will still do well

>> No.5386251

if it isnt obvious. People on the side are paying him.

he even admitted on twitter to not owning some of the coins that mooned that he made calls for

>> No.5386307

I know. I'm considering throwing fundamentals out the window and trading on his Twitter feed. The past few moons were all his calls. It's insane.

>> No.5386321
File: 523 KB, 1280x850, 1433643399210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he always makes the calls when I'm beddy byes

>> No.5386345

they just announced that they got a gaming licence yesterday tho. Check their twitter

>> No.5386618

are yall storing your btc on bittrex or binance for this?

>> No.5387049

All coins are up dumbass

>> No.5387080

good choice.

>> No.5387289


No kidding. Besides the obvious acting, her story was contrived.
She hid under the desk and... what? John just left knowing she was inside?
She called "friends she had". Yeah I totally see this pristine holier-than-thou scientist making friends with the poor locals.
Said friends just drove casually to pick her up... in McAfee's compound the documentary established was guarded by 12+ guys with machine guns???
The whole story is so full of holes and reads like a female version of a Hollywood flick.
A more likely scenario: she was somewhat under the charm, they eventually boned, it was somewhat consensual, she regretted it after the fact, they had a dispute about that that culminated in an argument about the fake research, he yelled at her, she started acting mental and breaking shit, he told her to get the fuck out, she did, and in typical female fashion felt resentful and jumped on the opportunity to trash his character and absolve herself as the "good-hearted scientist who got tricked by evil man"
It's all so schizophrenic. On one side, the jewess gets these third-world girls to say McAfee NEVER had vaginal sex with them, only ate their shit. On the other side, we're supposed to believe he raped the scientist. It fits with women fantasies of rape as a tool of oppression, but it's distinctively not a male attitude. Either McAfee is a shiteater or a rapist, but not both and possibly neither.

>> No.5387339

how can I get into this discord group? is it called hodler by any chance?

>> No.5387456

how come this is so pumped already? is this literally the pre pump

how does your group know what its going to be?

>> No.5387544

Prove you’re in this discord

>> No.5387547

The fuck are you niggers talking about?
1.5 hours left for the next call right? Wondering if he's gonna do it today Saturday.
What are you guys going to do? Buy and hodl or buy and sell asap?

>> No.5387608

buy and sell the first candle, then rebuy the first dump, sell in 5 hours

>> No.5387637

should be happening within an hour. last tweet was 23 hours ago

>> No.5387671
File: 229 KB, 604x588, nigpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell at 20-30% i aint gettin pajeeted boi

>> No.5387678

what do you mean by that. does it pump and then dump on the first 1 minute candle?

>> No.5387746


>> No.5387757
File: 116 KB, 913x790, 1513971364480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking retard

>> No.5387768

15min candle yes

>> No.5387776


>> No.5387802

If you bought today's call @ 200 days (as soon as he made it) and hedl til now you would almost x1.75
Ok thanks

>> No.5387867

Anyone know which of those coins are actively used on dark markets?

>> No.5387869

>free pump money without having to do any research
what a time to be alive

>> No.5387891

what exchanges do you lads have money on?

>binance, bittrex and cryptopia here

>> No.5387930


>> No.5388007
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>> No.5388105

The only darknet marketplace rn is dreammarket and they only accept bch and btc
Maybe some super underground site with 50 users accepts monero but I don't think so

>> No.5388192

is bittrex interface fucked for anyone else? wont show the orders etc

>> No.5388246

in the lower right corner: socket status = slow

>> No.5388254


>> No.5388296
File: 290 KB, 497x732, 1500073603142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought digibyte all in LMAO LETS GO

>> No.5388346
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all those people who thought it was digibyte

>> No.5388402

Kek i fucking got off with 15% profit because i thought people will fall for that shit

>> No.5388453

bought at 550

how fucked am I

>> No.5388528
File: 27 KB, 300x300, 1512970876001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought at 580 lol, already in profit.

>> No.5388589

how the fuck did you know it was gonna be DGB? OP posted this an hour before his tweet lmao

>> No.5388619

>There's a Bluelight thread about it, his name on the forum was Stuffmonger I think.
Epic thread

>> No.5388653

>t. missed the pump, buy my bags

>> No.5388705

Dump at??

>> No.5388711

Fucking transfer from gdax to poloniex is taking sooooo long fuck this shit c´mon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5388733

He's going to back SYS next.


>> No.5388761

599 -__-

>> No.5388825

If you bought above 500 you're a moron

>> No.5388860

DGB IS 790 SAT AT CRYPTOPIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5388910

I put in .13 BTC in DGB one minute after his tweet but it shot up so fast the order didnt get filled fml

>> No.5388919

i think it's just a start, some other shit he shilled is still 200% up.

>> No.5388932

BOUGHT @ 662!!!!

>> No.5389043

those were pumped by pump groups too.

This one isnt afaik.

>> No.5389088

This guy still smokes big pharma tobacco cigarettes you definitely shouldn't listen to him

>> No.5389130



>> No.5389144

while you idiots spend your money on coins, I'm making them for free by mining.

I'm currently mining Monero and getting coins for free.

>> No.5389171
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>> No.5389173

ZenCash is the most likely 10x privacy coin. But it's already ran by IOHK and DARPA money so he wont.

>> No.5389651

Ahahahahahahahaha you fucking moron

>> No.5389761

AAAAAAAAAAAANd it's dumping.

>> No.5389868

if a coin was "free" why would it have value? fucking dumbass

>> No.5389873

reminder, it took verge 10 days to moon like it is now.

>> No.5389962

what do you mine them on? regular gaymer pc or a dedicated mining machine?

>> No.5389990


Did he recommend Verge 10 days before that?

>> No.5390017

>mining is free

>> No.5390060


This was December 13th, 10 days ago

>> No.5390128



So you think DGB will moon further?

>> No.5390129

tfw digimarines just dumped a moon mission thinking it was bags

quick buy back in at a loss ahhahaha

>> No.5390161
File: 155 KB, 942x648, 8cceFIk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is McAfee the only reason XVG mooned?

Fuck it, let's hold DGB a few days and see what happens.

>> No.5390181

at least 200%
sell now, rebuy with loss later

>> No.5390217

Can you Faggots not read? Mcaffee accumulates garbage coins for cheap. Tweets them and dumps them. You shouldn’t be involved if you know whats good for you bank book. If you own good coins he will never tweet about your shit. It’s already too late when he tweets.

>> No.5390707

He dumps them?

every single one went 100% right after the tweet and additional 100-200% the following days.

Doesn't look like a massive dump to me.

>> No.5390875

just wait until mcafee says smth about tron
that coin will moon to cybertron. no joke

>> No.5391169

Fuck it, i poped in 5000USD
If anything it will be a fun pink wojak digimarine ride later.
But it feels like this will moon big time.

like VERGE

>> No.5391308

how many days will mcafee continue his daily coin of the day?

>> No.5391891

>takes advantage of a multi billion dollar unregulated market place and creates one of the biggest pump and dump groups in finance history by utilising a social media platform

the absolute madman!

>> No.5391922

Holy shit you people are idiots.

>> No.5391923


>Be a liberal

>love jews

>attack anyone who disagrees with you and call them Jew lovers


>> No.5391948

cocaine must be awesome

>> No.5391977

>How many days will McAfee want to collect +100% returns in 5 minutes?

gosh I dunno

>> No.5392016

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/9PyhoXey73EpW" width="480" height="362" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/acid-october-gifdump-9PyhoXey73EpW">via GIPHY</a></p>

>> No.5392268

Because "muh favurit celebrity" said so. You don't get it, do you? If this mcafee guy told these cucks to buy bottles of fart because they are looking very cheap right now, they would actually do it. Fucking zombie nation.

>> No.5392396

Better be careful your dad's going to give you the belt once he sees the electricity bill