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53816733 No.53816733 [Reply] [Original]

i am kinda a loser rn, I make 200k/yr at 23 doing audit stuff but I drink a lot and am not where I want to be. I meditate exercise and journal but occasionally fall into bad habits. how can I hone my mind and use it to achieve what I want?

>> No.53817047

You make 200k at 23 I don't think finances are your problem buddy.

You probably need to go harder in the gym, make more friends, have some adventures or get therapy. Or do all of those things.

>> No.53818183
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nah but biz told me I need at least 8 figs to make it so that's the goal
again the main thing is bad habits my ideal routine is:
wake up 5:15 am
meditate 30 minutes
yoga 15 minutes ab workout 30 minutes cold shower 6 minutes journal go outside 5 minutes + hang on bar for spinal decompression since manlet then deep work from 7-10:30 (sometimes meeting get in the way of this) 20 min jump rope workout (I use a weighted jump rope because manlet) 15 minutes energy cleanse meditation do zk learning/programming from 11:30- 3 eat at 3:30 if not fasting learn japanese (studying for n1) until 5 do ring training until 6 meditate 30 minutes + visualize 30 minutes then gratitude journal + read + plan next day goals until 8 talk to my autist friend until 8:30 talk to hot asian gf until 9:30/10 do again only problem is consistency sometimes I slack off and drink instead

>> No.53818198

such as today else I wouldn't be on this shithole site

>> No.53818206

lol what a loser
I made $2 million a year at your age.
Seriously, you're not even trying OP.

>> No.53818215
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have had a therapist though she led me out of my incel phase into my bloomer phase rn (actually she was useless, I did it all by myself but she was nice to talk to anyway kek)
yes I use internet memes to distill complex interactions into a complete reductionist caricature so ppl can understand them

>> No.53818232
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fair enough, even though you probably are a larper I do regret playing league and not realizing the power inside me at a young age"
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