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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53812228 No.53812228 [Reply] [Original]

I make double that in a top 10 city that's not SF, NYC or Chicago and feel like a poorfag and I don't even buy starbux coffee like all other zoomers

>> No.53812233

>inb4 any autists

50-70k ofc

>> No.53812275

Age and net worth?

>> No.53812444

I make almost $200k in metro Atlanta. I can't imagine making a third of that and not being able to invest heavily so I can retire before age 40 if I want. How the fuck do normies cope??

>> No.53812499

Because our parents are wonderful people that let us live at home, and because we realize that the boomers are trying to rugpull the economy there’s no point in saving so we spend all the money we have living the life now while the economy and society still functions.

It’s all going to collapse at some point, might as well enjoy the Starbucks and pizza and not pay rent before the topsoil is all depleted and the oil is gone and the EU is collapsing ect ect

>> No.53812535

i make $100k outside of philly. i feel like i'm barely middle class, especially when you consider a non-niggerlicious starter house is like $350k. comfort starts at like $135k. true middle class at $150k.

>> No.53812563

Probably by not having to waste their lives in metro Atlanta lmao

>> No.53812569

I ask this question all the time.
The answer l, basically, is everyone is broke or going broke in realtime.
Credit card debt has hit new all time highs every single month since oct22 after years of tracking downward.
Savings rate has now also dropped to lowest ever recorded.
Thats the answer, almost everyone is completely fucked right now, the only reason it hasnt totally failed yet is because mass layoffs havent hit.

>> No.53812577

I lived in a medium sized place on $55k. Supported my spouse and I for about 2 years. It was fine. We saved maybe $150/month only. No travel or new cars or anything. It was a tight time, but we survived. Rent was $1100 for a nice 2 bedroom in a nice area.

>> No.53812588

Idk anon, I was there a few years ago and it was so demoralizing I was starting to feel suicidal. I make $150k now and I feel like I can have all my bases covered but after bills, savings, and 401k, I have literally nothing left. I guess it's not all bad, but I feel like I won't be able to have my bases covered AND actual enjoy life.

>> No.53812607

I meant to say I won't have both until I'm at $200k+. At least I've got my 401k and I vestments going for me.

>> No.53812637

I was broke as fuck throughout college so that’s the behavior I adapted. I spend a fair chunk of money on crypto because there just isn’t anything else worth buying imo.

>> No.53812653

31 y
dont know about NW but I make 135k and own a small 200k condo (when I bought it 5 years ago) and maybe 40k in stonks and crypto

>> No.53812668

I don't think i feel feel like a poorfag nigger at 70k, but I would feel like I am just working to pay my rent, and food and an eventual vacation per year or so

>> No.53812679

You don't make 200k. It's literally impossible for every faggot on 4chan to be making 200k, when most people consider 100k to be good. Just shut the fuck up and stop wasting my time with these stupid ass threads.

>> No.53812751

Bro, there are only like 6 to MAX 15 people posting here.

>> No.53812758
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Did you study math beyond 3rd grade anon?

50+70 / 2 = 60
60 * 2("double that") = ?????

>> No.53812769

Anon, what world do you live in? It's very common for mid level folks in corporate world to make well over $100k. I know many people who are among close to $200k with meme degrees because they showed up every day for 15 years.

>> No.53812776

i know right

>> No.53812819

i work in corporate accounting at a very, very large company. outside of tech or sales, $200k isn't common unless you're in a director level role. my boss is a senior manager with 15 years experience and he might make $150-175k after bonus.

>> No.53812889
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>> No.53812890

I live in Europoor country of Estonia.
15K per year after taxes

fuck you with your six-figure lives

>> No.53812907

>inb4 data mining thread
make over 125k and it’s actually not bad but I live in a very lcol area

>> No.53812931

consultants at deloitte aren't accountants. i worked at EY in audit. senior manager (8+ years exp) at big 4 audit is $150-175k. you aren't hitting $200k unless you're a director or unless you're one of those hardcore senior manager nerds in a specialty line of service (obscure areas of tax.)

>> No.53812993

ok, im not so much into that business so I just picked a name I knew. which companies are we exactly talk them about?

Let's look them up, Im not trying to troll you

>> No.53813039


>> No.53813171

by getting involved in investing we've given ourselves wallet dysmorphia. normies dont think about the levels of wealth above them like we do, as long as they can contribute to their 401k and afford their lifestyle on a paycheck-to-paycheck basis they're "doing fine"

>> No.53813224
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looks quite ok, 75th at almost 200k each ?

>> No.53813242

no savings or in debt

>> No.53813409
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Imagine earning only 20k hahaha ahhh AAAAAAA

>> No.53813420


>> No.53813427

I live on like $20k/yr in SLC without any bennies. What the fk are you spending your money on?

>> No.53813664

real life isn't like an RPG where you just grind XP until you level up. most retards can eventually get to manager but beyond that there's a ton of luck involved and you need a combination of soft skills, technical skills, managerial skills, and presentation skills. the director i work with most often has 5-6 senior managers reporting to him, and each of those senior managers oversees a team of 3-5 senior analysts. it's a ton of responsibility to say the least.

like i said, hitting $200k in non-tech careers involves a ton of work and luck. it's rare, and often the result of 15+ years of working hard and being very good at what you do.

>> No.53813775

200k condo? Do you live on MLK Blvd?

>> No.53813901

"financial project manager" seems like quite a normal job? or assistant treasurer?

>> No.53814012

what job? i make 18k net per year in Bulgaria in a call center

>> No.53815413

nice try NSA