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53807608 No.53807608 [Reply] [Original]

Any actual whales who live the whale life on this board?

I've never held a job in my entire life and I started collecting museum-grade antiques at 20 years old. Bought a cabinet from the Rothschild mansion at Christies auctions when my friends were buying tacky PC's with RGB lights.

For me it's very easy to tell zoomer money and old money apart. Rich zoomers got suddenly rich overnight with something like cryptos so they have no idea what to do with money, because it's so new to them. Buying antiques and art from auction houses is what real rich bois do. I naturally gravitated towards buying 500k tables when I realized I had to buy furniture anyway, and I hated the idea of buying mass-produced crap. I wanted my furniture to be one part of my investments. That's when I realized there's an entire secret world where millionaires fight tooth and nail over signed pieces of French furniture. To a young layperson with no acquired taste, this may look like "old tacky shit", but there's a reason why you don't see millionaires shopping at IKEA. Money or not, being rich is a personality type.

Asmongold is a perfect representation of young money. He didn't want to get rich, he didn't try to get rich, and he doesn't know how to be rich. The Internet made a lot of undeserving people rich on a fluke.

>> No.53807623

This shit is ugly and you have awful taste lmao

>> No.53807672

You publicly outed yourself as a poorfag.
It looks good when you are cultured and/or rich.

>> No.53807708
File: 3.53 MB, 2749x2160, billiards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my whole life I've wondered why people with an untrained eye think the best pieces of furniture in the world look ugly.
In the 1800s, this stuff looked awesome because of the sheer quality of the craftsmanship and materials. It was really hard to produce something that's ornate and gilded. You couldn't use 3d printers to create complex shapes fast.
I think the modern person is so used to seeing cheap kitsch knockoffs of the real thing that they've started to perceive anything lush / ornate as kitsch. Which is a very interesting phenomenon. I think a lot of our furniture is just black and white boxes because of this phenomenon.

Here's an amazing American pool table from 100 years ago. Very nice inlays overall. It was handmade and probably took months and a team of people working on it. Today you could just use a CNC machine to do it in a matter of hours, and the modern person automatically assumes that's how it was made so there's no inherent respect for the work.

TL;DR: Poorfag issue

>> No.53807718
File: 534 KB, 552x944, desk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not shitposting on a full malachite desk.

>> No.53807729

This. I started uploading tv shows on megavideo 15 years ago, I was 18 at the time. I made crappy money, then wrote a simple auto submitter and I made $400 a day by uploading links on tv-shack 6 hours before the burgers woke up. Hence my links were always at the top. Other sites paid in BTC. Never really worked. Anyway your field looks quite intresting to be honest.

Funny: I once took an etiquette class, rich fags know how you eat, speak and drink, hold your fork. It gives you away. Fun memories

>> No.53807737

I'm afraid you've fallen for the

>labor == value


it's similar to the old
>Bitcoin costs electricity to mine so has inherent value tied to the electricity price!

>t. I love old houses, but hate old furniture.

>> No.53807787
File: 162 KB, 726x546, Screenshot_20221031_134927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a richfag, but I really like antique furniture. It often has a really good quality and I know where to buy it cheap (there is a store in my city that offers "cleaning" the flat when someone old dies. This happens when old people die without close family/or family simply doesn't care. They take all the valuable stuff they find and sell them for cheap, including furniture from the pre-war area). It also looks A LOT better than Ikea shit, at least if you take some care of it (pic related is the desk I got). I also got some nice paitings from the pre-war area cheaply (not worth more than 300€ each, but I still really like them they look better in my opinion than all the modern shit).

Same what you wrote somewhat applies to clothing btw. No old money richfag I know would ever buy crap like Gucci or fast fashion like H&M plastic. They look for good quality and durability without getting scammed by nigger brands. Many have e.g. their own tailors for this purpose.

>> No.53807803

Woah, you bought expensive tables when you're young. Most people only buy that stuff when they're old LOL! I appreciate how superior you are because old furniture is really sophisticated, new things are not. Now I hate new things, I like old things because other people who like old things also like them and people my age like new things which I now understand are not classy or cool. Damn I don't want a car I want a table! Or maybe an old car LOL! But not an old car that young people have an old car that old people have! Being rich and young but doing stuff that old people do is awesome, do you have any old spoons or forks that would be awesome!!! God I wish I didn't buy a new watch with my money, wish I could have got a watch that some guy wore 200 years ago so that all the other people at the auction realised that I like old things and that I am like the queen of england and the rothschilds lol. Thanks for your post, I really enjoyed it and wanted to let you know that you are really sophisticated and classy and totally different to all the other boys. Enjoy your table, it looks marvellous and I bet you are so happy you didn't buy a Ferrari or everyone would be like WHY DIDN'T THAT GUY BUY A NICE OLD TABLE THE IDIOT. Thanks again, bye.

>> No.53807831

kek /thread

>> No.53807848
File: 663 KB, 1080x974, 4chan battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm afraid you've fallen for the
>>labor == value
At least you seem to understand that these things took a lot of effort to make.
When looking at antique furniture, you always have to keep in mind that somebody made these by hand in a shed with no electricity or modern tools whatsoever. The fact that picrel was made without power tools blows my mind, and goes on my list of humanity's alltime greatest achievements. The fun part is that 2023 people couldn't reproduce this with all their 3d printers and CNC machines. We've lost the skill to build something like this. I've seen reproductions of this bed and they all look like garbage compared to the original.

Yes, the number one thing that makes antiques objectively good is that they're the highest quality furniture you can get. They were well made and they last forever basically. Give them a new coat of lacquer and they're good for another 50 years. If you want quality, you go for 100-year-old French furniture. Humans have never built better furniture. Proof of this is that we're still using them, but I don't think anyone will have our IKEA tables 100 years from now.

>> No.53807861

Would probably buy the clock if it works in an unusual way

>> No.53807866

yea, mediocre bait

>> No.53807870

>whale life
if you haven't inherited those tables you're just as nouveau riche as any of the people you're judging. actually worse because you're tryharding to be a big boy, you should save your money and shop at IKEA, since it suits you best.

>> No.53807878

How much does it cost you to insure such items?
Do you get regular checks on fire alarms in your house, etc?

>> No.53807905

yeah it's very easy to tell rich from daddy's money (OP) apart from new money.

New money pursues tech that upsets the old order (crypto, AI, renewables). Old money barters ancient furniture. Like a good wagie browsing the Ikea catalog, scaled up to fancy prices.

>> No.53807936

Imagine paying $500k for something that exists only for you to put things on top of. A $500k table provides no more functional utility than one you can buy for $50.

>B-but it's an investment

It has value until people believe it doesn't. And those sentiments can change on a whim.

You might be old money, but you sure as hell aren't smart money.

>> No.53807947

gonna be fun when someone trashes your tables

>> No.53807948
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>> No.53807959

What colour is your bugatti op?

>> No.53808088

And you deserve it because you want to waste your money on old furniture?

>> No.53808218
File: 80 KB, 640x480, 1654148712673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks gaudy more often than not because tards who only jerk off to a table because it cost a grand don't understand style whatsoever, so they end up with mismatching items instead of a nicely coordinated ensemble

/thread, op butthole savagely destroyed

>> No.53808231

kek'd and rek'd

>> No.53808267

the real and only difference is that inherited wealth is feminine wealth, and earned wealth is masculine wealth.
it's why most self made billionaires are male, and inherited billionaires female.

bragging about being a financial woman isn't going to get new or old money to respect you, despite your desperate wishes.

>> No.53808285

This means that I'll never financially pass. :(

>> No.53808341

you think there is a market for newly made high quality chairs/tables?

>> No.53808358

It's easy to tell that you're larping.

>you don't see millionaires shopping at IKEA
You see them shop at IKEA all the time. Millionaires are frugal, usually to the point of being extreme cheapskates. They aren't letting their retarded children eat at their million dollar table, which they consider a work of art.

That's another thing, they don't go 'yo bros this old ass expensive furniture is where it's at!,' they usually get into collecting in a narrow field, they will ony look at certain pieces from one or a handful of makers. They consider it art, so they don't call it an 'old desk,' or 'antique lamp,' they'll say 'I have a [maker][style][attribute][year].' They'll assume you know that it's furniture and what kind.

If you ever meet a collector with an extremely valuable collection, they aren't going to tell you that old shit is all super great.They'll be able to justify each piece in their own collection, because they have great taste, but the other guy that spent a million dollars on a table is a fool.

>> No.53808373

I have a bookstore as a side gig for fun, LOTS of 200 year old etiquette books.
It's just bullshit for women with nothing to so.
They im course teach their sons.
You aren't going to be mistaken for rich by knowing it.

>> No.53808383

>be op
>be new money
>seethes & malds about old money not giving a fuck about his existence
>sub room temp iq suddenly has an idea
>buys old furniture because old money all have old furnitures in their homes
The simplest way of outing new money that wants to larp as old money is by seeing how they think that old money acts. It never fails.

>> No.53808386

>t. zoomer who religiously emulates nick rochefort

>> No.53808391

Lovely furniture but lol at paying those kind of prices.

>> No.53808393

As I told the etiquette guy. You WILL NEVER be mistaken for rich by actual rich people no matter what.
It's pathetic.

Other than that he correct about the furniture.

>> No.53808408

>Funny: I once took an etiquette class, rich fags know how you eat, speak and drink, hold your fork. It gives you away.
It's also how you dress.
And I don't mean just wearing the right clothes, there's stuff about how you wear your socks and what you put in your pockets, cuffs and so on.
Most of it seems to be picked up in Swiss international schools.

>> No.53808409

Post your furniture with time stamp or LARP, that’s all.

>> No.53808426
File: 199 KB, 1200x1600, IMG-20221116-WA0019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brazilian well-made furniture anon reporting in.

>> No.53808451

The problem is uniformity, most of your items will clash and juxtapose each other rather than complement each other. Your environment will lack flow in other terms.

>> No.53808494

>dullard trying too hard to be a pasta

>> No.53808518

Are those chairs bullet proof?

>> No.53808570

lmaoing at your life nigga.
It's not because you can buy expensive things that you are cool. You will never be perceived as cool for owning the personal table of Napoleon or shit. It's all masturbatory shit.

Old things should go to museum where people can actually appreciate and learn about them. If it's rotting in your living room, who cares? For who are you doing this? You want to impress the rare rich people that will come in your house?

>> No.53808593

You sound like a smug and arrogant; this is coming from someone who's family is old money.

Learn some damn humility. Your entire post reeks of self-satisfied gloating. You can't buy class, I guess.

>> No.53808640

>I've never held a job in my entire life and I started collecting museum-grade antiques at 20 years old.
so you inherited money?

>> No.53808771

This. Peacock all you want about your "refined taste", it's a fucking table. If you were part of my genetic line, I'd be asking you why you aren't building an empire or furthering the family with those resources. Just like all the other dumb, broke schmucks on the treadmill, buying 80,000 dollar luxury vehicles that do nothing better than my 12 year old ford. At least you look good on the outside, eh?

>> No.53809492

dou you have a decent villa to go with it? if its the paper shit burgers call a house or even worse, an apartment, then its waste of money

also post networth and how tf did you buy 500k furniture at 20yo

>> No.53809522

JFK didn’t pay 700k for that table.

>> No.53809591

Another day, another confirmation the rich don't deserve money.

>> No.53809831

if you find a hand crafted nail produced by the romans, would you say it's more expensive than an industrially produced nail of modern times? if technology allows to produce the same quality in less time, then products that used the old more time consuming technique don't magically become more valuable.

>> No.53809855

What kind of idiot changes their lifestyle to impress a bunch of old money fucks?

>> No.53809972

Also you can hardly get a whole home furnished in the same style of furniture if you only look at vintage items. Not to mention even the same styles have different eras and look different. Early and late art noveu look very different. Imagine if you have to match everything you have to one style. Maybe you can if you are a billionaire and hire someone to hunt down furniture that match at every auction possible and will still take 1+ year. Some people put vctorian era cabinet next to art deco furniture and it looks terrible. Unironically the easiest way to show you are just dumb ape that want to pretend to be sophisticated.
roman era nails suffer from bad material problem. But if you take 300 year old nails they are better than modern nails. Modern nails are actually pretty dumb because they are round they actually do bad job holding things together. Classic nails were wedge shaped they were also forged and the way they were made ensured they will probably never rust because their surface was similar to case hardening that early guns used. There were also rules how to nail the wedge shaped nails to the grain of the wood so you don't just split the wood.
That being said screws are better than both of them and by alot.

>> No.53810876

that was actually a good watch. it completely misses the point i was making, but i can't argue the superiority of roman nails.

>> No.53810891

*classic nails

>> No.53811136
File: 64 KB, 1000x1000, general-tools-dowels-840014-64_1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things in the past were expensive because they were almost completely hand made. Because they were expensive they were made to last. When you buy furniture from IKEA it is made to last at most 10 years. If it last more it is actually badly designed because it outlasted the time IKEA planed for you to buy a new one. Hand crafted nail is better than new mass produced one because nails were actually expensive in the past and no one will buy nails from you if your nails are not good. The furniture made with said nails is also better because if the nails are expensive you will not use 30 nails for something like one drawer. So if you put nail you put it on only when there is no other option and you make the joints to fit together and hold the whole thing with minimal nails. If you see a straight dovel like on my photo that is commonly used today on old furniture chances are this was something made by apprentice carpenter and he got a lot scrutiny for it. Same with things like leather. You can get great leather shoes today, probably better than ones made 100 years ago but they cost 1000$. Same with glassworks, same with everything. The difference is today you can get good quality stuff if you know what you are looking for at fair prices. Maybe they will not be collectable in the future but they will serve you right for many years.

>> No.53811335

>"I buy rich people stuff unlike you peasants"
>Shows a bunch of cheap tacky shit

Can't wait for some "rich" anon to brag about his IKEA coffee table.

>> No.53811367

I was looking at this same exact section of this site lmao. This the type of shit the rothschilds buy

>> No.53811420

Money really can't buy taste i guess.

>t. Guy whos friends with architects and designers

>> No.53811496

nice cabinet fag, my PC can play any game 1440p high settings and high framerate

>> No.53811532

>Thinks he's sophisticated because he likes antiques with jewish prices


>> No.53812696



You can't call yourself a whale unless you have a gotchi.

>> No.53814048

>When you buy furniture from IKEA it is made to last at most 10 years.

99% of their furniture is made from particle boards. They won't even last a year.

>> No.53814110

These furniture were usually made to order and to the specifications of the customer. They were meant for the original customers. If you think they look good, then you're just larping.

>> No.53814156

What about wear and tear? I don't think that people buy these to sit on them or stain them with coffee

>> No.53814289

There is nothing wrong with particle boards if it is well insulated and with sufficient density of middle layer (IKEA is bad with this). Particle boards are terrible if they climate you put them is humid places. Everyone is switching to mdf anyway, mdf can last way longer when it comes to furniture.

>> No.53814580
File: 1.17 MB, 2250x2839, 20220613_140233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like unique stuff
t. actual poor guy

>> No.53814631

i hate this thing . what is it again, a analog calculator or some shit? a calendar? a fucking MANUAL crank driven encryption device?!

>> No.53814719

Mechanical calculator

>> No.53814810
File: 86 KB, 1024x775, 1666567599130579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a profoundly sick, judaically poisoned society would consider "labor = value" a meme. And indeed, shitcoins are a perfect embodiement of this talmudic sickness where everything is centered around limitless speculation. Everything in jewry is centered around their speculative mind, and not only financially, but in the domains of science, politics, philosophy, laws.. everything is nothing but speculations, as far as their demented mind can go.
That's why they stay as far away as possible from producing/manufacturing tangible goods, where the limitations of nature and fundamental laws of physics are curbing their speculative enthusiam, and thus require efforts you CANT escape.
Meanwhile, in finance, the only limit isn't even the sky, but their ability to sell lies and mirages, which is much higher than the sky.

>> No.53814841
File: 276 KB, 512x512, bezos2k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello MK.

>> No.53814911

>they've started to perceive anything lush / ornate as kitsch. Which is a very interesting phenomenon
>huurrrrrrrrrrrrrr here's my insightful retard opinion
This shit has been going on since as at fucking LEAST Bouguereau. Real beauty is in refined elegance, not tryhard bullshit. Wealth whispers

>> No.53814933
File: 1.74 MB, 1492x1458, Screenshot 2023-02-22 at 22.27.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>they've started to perceive anything lush / ornate as kitsch.

No it just looks like shit. Stop deluding yourself. 2000's website looked like shit compared to modern day website's. Things improve. Stop acting like a 70 year old poser who couldn't get his dick up with an entire bottle of viagra.

No your ugly rare furniture doesn't make you look cool, and neither does your pretend knowledge of wine. The only hot girls you' ll ever sleep with are whores.

>> No.53814971

OP is new money trying his very hardest to look like old money. Like when a dude cuts his cock off and acts like what he thinks a woman is supposed to act but forgets he's a 6'2" man in pantyhose

>> No.53814979

for me, its bismuth or nothing. gimme a bismuth desk

>> No.53815064

I'm a poorfag but I love antique furniture. I go to estate sales, garage sales, and 2nd hand stores all of the time for hand made good ol fashioned furniture.
The stuff I buy is rather understated, nothing like the stuff in your pics but would be our based by a poorfag like me when it was new.
Ive found great street finds before and given them a little love. Solid wood anything and not this pulp glue Ikea shit is what is fills my house.
Lasts forever for a reason. Anything made in the 60s and up is utter trash.

>> No.53815184

Holy fucking kek my sides are in orbit

>> No.53815245

Kek, money can't buy taste. I'm a richfag and while I agree antique furniture is valuable, I just don't put that ugly ass shit in my sea view mansion, it stays in storage accumulating value, that's all Iever do with it