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53805785 No.53805785 [Reply] [Original]

At first I didn’t really care about people being for the environment, ok yes do your thing wash your yoghurt pot out for the recycling ok it’s a bit weird but you do you. Then we had to start paying for carrier bags which was shit but ok whatever I’ll just not scan them and still have them for free. Then plastic straws, this shit started getting me mad, because what sense and logic went into using fucking paper, a weak, non water proof, absorbant material for the very task of fucking drinking with. And now this.
>anon we have attached the lid for you permanently for your own good so you can recycle it
>ends up just getting in your way or being ripped off and having an annoying bit of plastic ripped off

What is the business model behind this? Will it ever stop? I really don’t think the positive of being social justice outweighs the amount of people this pisses off. Is it just to try and avoid negative PR? When I want to litter I just throw the whole thing out my car window anyway. Environmentalists are starting to increasingly disregard for human life in their attempts to save human life, does it even matter if humans exist in 500 years if we are just all wall E people not allowed to do litterally anything. You can even make a very strong argument for a mass genocide and how it would drastically reduce carbon footprint, what are the pros and cons of nuking India on our environment? Probably a large spike but then a quick permanent reduction in co2 emissions

>> No.53805801


>> No.53805813

>What is the business model behind this?
It's marketing

>> No.53805819

>reads whole thread for 10 minutes on poopoopeepee coin and seriously tries to weigh up if it’s a pajeet scam or not

>> No.53805838

OP, I know it’s you on VPN/phone

You can seethe all you want but I’m not reading your thread Kek btfo fag

>> No.53805842

Yes but it makes the product shit, it’s like putting a small fuel tank in a car and saying a full tank now has less emissions, maybe I just invented a new marketing campaign for Toyota

>> No.53805849

HAHAHHA OP accidentally replied on his other ID

>> No.53805857

>Then plastic straws, this shit started getting me mad, because what sense and logic went into using fucking paper, a weak, non water proof, absorbant material for the very task of fucking drinking with.
Nigga, I got a long phallic object yo gay ass can suck on.

>> No.53805863

It is me, as I sit here taking my morning shit and replying to messages I will probably never read again after I close this tab and get in the shower. I just thought maybe others think the same and we could rant together but then maybe I’m getting ahead of myself and even biz has become sheep

>> No.53805867
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>You can even make a very strong argument for a mass genocide and how it would drastically reduce carbon footprint,
oh sweetie, that has been the plan all along.

>> No.53805884

They are glowies meant to demoralize you.

>> No.53805890

I’m already starting to see it, especially in the Uk they now push heavily on
>become vegetarian for the environment, cows produce a large amount of our emissions
Through farts? You know what else farts and does way worse shit like straight up burning things for warmth and nice meals?

>> No.53805934
File: 295 KB, 720x1259, Screenshot_20230222-063120~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes fren, you are onto something. Humans are the largest contributor.
Eventually the gov't will have to control every puny aspect of our lives to "save" the climate.

>> No.53806860

Okay retard, and the 2008 financial crisis wasn't caused by anti racists fucktards handing loans to blacks for "racial equality"

>> No.53806876

Why are you seething so much you mentally ill troon? kys

>> No.53806879

>humans are the largest contributor.
No, you stupid cocksucker, it's CHIMPS

>> No.53806892

i just roll my eyes and demand they give me my money back every time they say no straws or whatever

last week i was in the train station, went to family mart, got a yakult for the kid and a carton of milk and some other snacks

i ask for a straw for the yakult, sorry no straws i say ok i dont want the yakult, what about a straw for the milk, sorry no straws i said are you joking how are you meant to drink this milk with no straw oh just rip open the carton. what and watch my kid spill it all over the seat? i just asked for my money back and walked 100 meters to a non retarded convenience store

>> No.53806909

also its pot luck now whether you get a straw at 7/11. i sometimes go to the 7/11 near the train station for a coffee, suddenly they stopped supplying straws. now i just never go there. they must be losing tonnes of business over this because half the drinks they sell are in those tetrapack cartons designed to be used with straws. i guess they rely on the obedience of retards who will stand for that shit.

>> No.53806920

one day im going to go to a 7/11 and just buy 1 plastic bag for 1nt and throw it in the bin then go and repeat 200 times, each time plastic bag please, in the bin heres your 1nt

>> No.53806925

kys moron

>> No.53806927

Is this metrosexual water?

>> No.53806972

The point is to make your life hell and allow the government to micromanage your existence, all of this has been laid out quite clearly at WEF

>> No.53807087

Deal with it and stop buying shitty fizzy syrup water. I'm glad this inconveniences you and hope this makes you buy less of this shit as a result. The true cost of disposable plastic packaging is not reflected in the price you pay for the product - the disposal and recycling cost is borne by the taxpayer, whilst the manufacturer gets to profit from offering a seemingly cheaper product to the individual consumer and then abrogating responsibility for it after its sold. This has been deliberately lobbied for; decades ago you'd return your can or glass bottle and get a few cents back, but manufacturers didn't like this as it increased the sticker price and forced them to have to account for consumer habits in their product design. I don't want to pay for your lazy plastic convenience habits but I have to as my taxes fund recycling plants and other disposal facilities.

>> No.53807355

you stop it by getting rid of asians and browns, the "people" that throw all the plastic in the ocean and on the ground.

>> No.53807511

>everything I can't explain is marketing to get attention
Fuck off you bore

>> No.53807625

nice fake picture

>> No.53808133

>the "people" that throw all the plastic in the ocean and on the ground.
My country ships all our plastic to thirdies who then dump it in the ocean. At that point we kind of have ourselves to blame for thinking they'll do it the right way by doing it cheap when we can't even do it right for 10x what they charge.

>> No.53808140

It's true, though.
The company will do shit like that and consoomers will buy it cause muh environment and muh microplastics and the government, making up all kinds of dumbass and overkill regulations, stay off of the company who have now reduced plastic waste by whatever arbitrary percentpoint that the government decided on.
I work in packaging R&D and I'm so fucking tired of this kinda bullshit.

>> No.53808194

>I work in packaging R&D
Can you tell the assholes who make mixed paper mixed plastic to stop being dicks and just ship it as cardboard with a plastic bag inside so they can actually be separated and not waste both? it only fools people too dumb to realize it's not actually recycleable

>> No.53808202

>drinking the sugar Jew

>> No.53808299

If they really gave a shit about recycling and the environment they would have kept using glass bottles which ACTUALLY CAN be recycled.

>> No.53808302

>we kind of have ourselves to blame
did you ship it to them to throw in the ocean? no? then it's just non-whites being criminals as non-whites do.

>> No.53808325

Yeah just cut out the other half of the sentence retard.
We have ourselves for letting them do what we know they do. We could just cut them out of the deal and they get no money and our trash doesnt end up in the sea, but no we let it happen by continuing to make deals with criminals.

>> No.53808329

Oy vey don’t make valid points or you’ll be reported to your higher-ups

>> No.53808346

yes as opposed to "civilized" countries that load it on a barge and sail it to turd world dumps, or just bury it in a gigantic hole in the ground like retards. lmao.

>> No.53808447

If environmentalists gave a shit about the environment, they would personally butcher every single Indian and Chinese person, bomb the federal reserve, and cave in George Soros' skull

>> No.53808467

Modern environmentalism is just about getting the plebs to get used to and accept a lower standard of living. Without China and India on board all these measures are useless.

>> No.53808473

Why don't they just go back to glass the stupid greedy boomer faggots

>> No.53808475

Thats good now you won’t drop the cap in the dirt

>> No.53808490

Kill the men who simp for women and do whatever to try and please them. Then enslave the women. Once this is done the skeevy boomer jews pushing it will have no golems to protect them.

>> No.53808525

The business model is selling people used trash that's already been paid for multiple times over, aka (((recycling))). They don't want you to lose their cap because they can sell that cap to one thousand people over. It's worth $100 to them.

>> No.53808549

>what business model is behind this
Only the nose knows

>> No.53808567

Lmao not my problem, sea nigger

>> No.53808575

I hate how they always do these things in a half assed way. Oh plastic is bad for the environment so lets just make plastic bags that are made out of even more plastic and have people pay for it. Honestly I wouldn't mind getting rid of plastic 100% since microplastics are fucking up males but they need to come up with a good alternative material

>> No.53808718

i'm an american, retard.

>> No.53808968

>nuke China and India
>all the debris in the atmosphere leads to a nuclear winter and kills off almost every white person
>meanwhile, Israel survives
thanks goyim :^)

>> No.53809103

How about you stop drinking soda you obese American NIGGER

>> No.53809282

this, I hate plastic and if we could ban single use plastics i would support it. I don't really mind when companies do stuff like the biodegradable straws or the OP, but we all know it's just marketing stuff. If we want to solve the problem it will take actual serious action.
But people don't care and will keep pouring boiling water through their toxic single use plastic coffee pod every morning and then drinking it out of a plastic travel mug, and then after they die from cancer, their kids come out as trannies. But it's just too much effort to buy coffeebeans that come in a paper bag, and brew them using a paper filter in a ceramic pour over, and drink it out of a ceramic or steel mug

>> No.53809306

Tl;dr your post

>> No.53809319

its just self flagellation at this point, to a religious level for the church of liberal delusion

it will never end. no amount of self flagellation will be enough because its not about the results, its about the display. at this point, any additional steps taken are pissing into the wind when india and china exist

>> No.53809330

>ends up just getting in your way
are you a five year old

>> No.53809337

ChatGPT posted this

>> No.53809348
File: 727 KB, 1381x2035, AD33ED47-7A2C-4FEC-B927-C19110EEC54A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Asians (excluding the Japanese who are the literal cleanest people on earth and would never litter beautiful Nippon)

>> No.53809569

This. Since when dis brewimg a cup of coffee cost 50 cents? K-cunt niggers dialate. My coffee maker costs lest than a 2 week supply of k cups. But noooooooo. Its just so good. The way our society consumes coffee in all forms is a representation of everything wrong with it, including starcucks.