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53805089 No.53805089 [Reply] [Original]

I want to move on. Take the morsels of value that may have been there with me and thats it

>> No.53805114

/pol lives forever in our hearts but isn't it time you joined the lodge son?

>> No.53805115

Read "Combating Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan

>> No.53805135

>Take the morsels of value that may have been there
there were none. now apply your knowledge of 20th century banking to getting rich off crypto like the rest of us.

>> No.53805141
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>millions will cry

>> No.53805169

Once you get a little older and wiser you’ll realize obsessing over politics 24/7 is for low status losers and retards, most of them are too dumb to get out of the loop that they are in and too low status to have anyone in life that actually gives enough to pull them out of their pit. They just sit around and react to fake article rage bait headlines and tweets all day. /pol/celism is an unrecognized mental disorder

>> No.53805172

donate to the ADL.
everything is forgiven, as long as you show fealty.
Slava Ukraini!
Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.53805183

/pol/ is a massive demoralization campaign, plain and simple.
Browse /news/ and be done with it. "But it's a slow board!!!!" You've read enough infographics for one lifetimes

>> No.53805190

>kikes are so kike ingrained that they will forgive being called a kike as long as you pay them
How much we talking kike? Can you send me a weekly invoice or do I pay per kike?

>> No.53805195

Obsessing over politics is for low status losers such as politicians, kings, bankers, university administrators, newspaper magnates, generals, bishops, and corporate leaders. All obsessed with politics and all very low status.

>> No.53805204

I mean really you don't have to do anything. You just have to be like a dissident in the Soviet Union. We have to lie in wait and do what we can here and there, but for the most part just try to improve your own situation. Fuck niggers, fuck Jews, fuck jannies

>> No.53805205

>kikes, kings, kikes, kikes, kikes, shabo goys, chess piece, and kikes
Bet you feel pretty dumb now

>> No.53805214

>How much we talking kike?

>> No.53805222

I'm sorry did I say kike? I meant to say DR kike

>> No.53805231


The elite and the bottom have a lot in common like living off of gibs, being bound to the land they are based etc.

Doesnt mean they are the same. If you cant see the difference in these similarities im afraid you are an idiot

>> No.53805239

you have to go back >>>/pol/

>> No.53805249

lobbying is hardly the same as obsessing over politics. the elite dont pick sides they make sure all the politicians are working for their best interests.

>> No.53805257
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going to my first uni class soon, i don't know if i should remove my nail polish, it's a little embarrassing desu

>> No.53805295

big difference between practicing politics and posting about politics, chud

>> No.53805319

Hateful content will gaze into you anons. Stay safe dont become an angry chud by gazing too much into it. No one cares, save yourself. Individualism over collectivism. Freedom over security. Accelerating the collapse is much more fun than trying to stop it.

>> No.53805347


honestly, what's the deal with masons? are they cool and they work in secret to make the world better and fight kikes and demons and niggers and such or are they part of it all, the great maw of abomination? what's the truth?

Also, op you're a fag. Pol has been right about every single fucking issue ever if you have true sight like I and so many others of us here permanently do now. It's a gift and a horrible, horrible curse. But we now see clearly. you thinking you'lre hanging up pol is just because you feel kinda bad about saying nigger when you're white but that's okay because some people just really are niggers and you can't say that in public because niggers don't fear death and they'll kill you for just telling them the truth as is the white man's burden to do so aciduously in all situations because the white man is a higgher form of being and our soul's work is aspirational unlike a nigger's.