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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53803755 No.53803755 [Reply] [Original]

A previous employer just called me saying they owe me $25K in back-pay due to an error. I worked for them for about 6 years, and they said the error started 5 years in when they updated some systems. They only found out as they updated again this year and said they screwed up with part-timers like myself. I worked in IT. Is this BS? It sounds to good to be true. Seems like if they do give me that money, I'll get a call weeks later saying even that was a screw up..

>> No.53803763

Don't give them details. They can send a check but it's probably fake and gay.

>> No.53803789

It's far more likely that op's thread is fake and gay than a corporation deciding to pay back unpaid wages

>> No.53803823


I can kinda see this being true if you worked weekends/holidays and this has been going on for 5 years. Which country are you from, and when did you stop working there? Ask for an official email before giving any info, and ring your old boss to confirm as well.

>> No.53803900 [DELETED] 

I work in Australia, and quit last September (oddly enough due to piss poor management).

>> No.53803946 [DELETED] 

they didn't ask for deets outside of my email being the same
they asked if I was still with the same bank which they named and that's it

>> No.53803966

You should move now and don’t let them contact you again

>> No.53803971

if it's 5 figures then they definitely have to legally lol

>> No.53803986

>I worked in IT. Is this BS? It sounds to good to be true.
Its goyslop

>> No.53803999

they didn't ask for anything besides checking that my email was the same and i was still with the same bank

aus and mid/late last year

>> No.53804124
File: 51 KB, 474x711, th (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW Larry David is a better actor than Jason Alexander.

>> No.53804143

Love LD, but he's a garbage actor compared to JA.

Just like Seinfeld is by far the worst actor on Seinfeld

>> No.53804201

if it checks out with your old boss then just wait for the money
just put it away and don't spend it all in-case anything happens
if it's legit the they're just scared of being fined if and when they're audited

>> No.53804346

What, you never got the 'accounting error in your favor' card in Monopoly? If you're concerned you can call somebody else at the company to double check. Five years is quite a bit of time to be screwing up your W2, but it's not unheard of. I did payroll before and I never confirmed shit, I just paid 'em same as the last week.

>> No.53804461
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>Love LD, but he's a garbage actor compared to JA
I respectfully disagree and request you name a show where JA carries the full weight of the story. There ain't one because he's a just a solid supporting actor at best.

>> No.53804494

>Five years is quite a bit of time to be screwing up your W2, but it's not unheard of.

company changed hands twice while I was there and as I said I left due to awful management so it's no surprised they screwed up this big
I've emailed my boss and supervisor who's still there to check if it's legit anyhow - won't give any info out as they should just put the money into said bank acc as they know it

>> No.53805810

Could be a scam potentially so be careful. A lot of scams work like this.

>> No.53805931

Take the money and run

>> No.53805949

Costanza wouldn’t have been as good with larry. The fat jokes alone would be gone.

>> No.53805966

the scene where he describes his encounter w the whale
first make sure it isn't a scam then ask for an extra 5k, you kind of have the by the balls since you could have put that money into something and easily made a shit ton.

>> No.53805997

he doesn't act though...

>> No.53806037

he does a terrible job of acting. He has a great voice tho.

>> No.53806044

checked, then confirm it and DO NOT send any banking information. you're probably getting phished, wagie.

>> No.53806497
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Something like this happened to me back in the day where i had 2 jobs and no time to spare to check on finances. Turns out my money wasn't short, my boss was shorting me by a thousand per month. I worked there for a year and a half and quit because i found a bigger job that didn't need me to slave away all the day. A month later i get a call from my boss, he invites me to drink a coffee and catch up, i actually liked the guy so i accepted and when we started talking he pulls out this big ass folder with lots of accounts and it turns out HR were literally robbing everyone from our team and since nobody was keeping tabs (small team of 4, they paid us according to the clients we had each month so wages varied), this went unnoticed. He practically begged me to accept the money that was stolen from me (14k in three weekly payments of 4.6k) so that we wouldn't sue the company. I took the money and now im sitting in a pile of tokens (30% BTC 30% ETH 30% XOR and the rest in smallcaps) that HR saved up for me.
So yeah, these things do happen

>> No.53806558

>Turns out my money wasn't short, my boss was shorting me by a thousand per month.
>it turns out HR were literally robbing everyone from our team and
Was it your boss or hr? Did your coworkers get comped too? Anything happen to hr or boss?