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53803315 No.53803315 [Reply] [Original]

I met a really beautiful girl recently and we ended up having sex, we've had a decent amount over the last 2 weeks, it's been great, but I've caught feelings for her, and she said she's not really serious about getting in a relationship and has commitment issues essentially. It's cool I banged her and stuff but it hurts when you love too hard. The biggest reason she probably doesn't want to start anything with me is that we live 3 hours apart.

>> No.53803329

Every young man needs his heart broken by a whore. Learn that lesson and don't forget it.

>> No.53803340

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.53803345

don't fuck a whore next time

>> No.53803346

Thanks anon. I am excited for time on my schedule clearing up for my new job. Just sucks I want pussy and I want to be loved, I'm lonely as fuck all the time.

>> No.53803349

Tell her you will move to be close to her and then start hanging out in the bushes near her apartment complex.

>> No.53803353

I am 26 years old and I have never had sex

>> No.53803366

If you're fit and not totally dysgenic, get some cool clothes and get out and dance, talk to people, just put yourself out there and eventually some whore will let you fuck her. You might fuck it up a few times, just gotta keep trying

>> No.53803373

Sex is a foreign concept to me. Why do humans fixate on sex? I am a human and I am happy despite not having sex with another human.

>> No.53803374


Sometimes you want sex, but they want love. Sometimes you want love, but they want sex.

I would say "hey just ask the other person what they are looking for" but that won't work because when it comes to the heart and to sex, people often answer dishonestly, its just kinda part of the dating game.

This probably won't help but these are the facts.

>> No.53803377

Lmfao I was thinking of getting a small school bus and hanging out in her city.

>> No.53803386

A woman is more likely to rip your heart out and spit on it. Better off going to a brothel honestly

>> No.53803390

I am fit. I don't dress like a manchild. I do talk to people. I went out to clubs, concerts and festivals many times.
Never even kissed

>> No.53803395

how did her asshole smell?

>> No.53803397

Yeah it's all whatever. Wish life was simpler. This is my first real exposure to how people are post covid and with social media as matured as it is. I have not dated since 2016.

>> No.53803409

Didn't really get to smell it, was too bush eating her pussy, it just didn't really smell enough for me to notice.

>> No.53803428

Then you probably are not communicating your intentions enough. Even if you have to straight up tell a girl I want to kiss you, or ask her out etc..
You have to really go for it if you're building rapport and she's showing signs she's into you.

>> No.53803445
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They're all whores.

>> No.53803447

Why should he
After enduring such a life for 28 yo he can’t register joy anyway
It’s over for him and I don’t mean it in a bad way

OP complaining should be reason enough

>> No.53803460
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>Then you probably are not communicating your intentions enough.
That is very true. I'm basically incapable of flirting/showing sexual interest because it feels "out of character" like I'm not being myself. And it's not like I think girls don't enjoy being flirted with, I see other guys flirting with girls and girls even enjoying it.

But it just that it feels absolutely wrong and turbocringe to myself whenever I try it, nothing about it feels natural or right whatsoever. In fact it feels pretty much like this pic related meme. So no conversation ever escalates to anything more than that mere conversation.

>> No.53803476

Sorry mstr but you likely got sloppy fourths and fifths. She’s being hangbanrd by the entire neighborhood.

Protip: your mom did the same and now you’re here so don’t feel so bad

>> No.53803522

took me a lot of free whores until one stuck around, it's not easy but wanted it makes it worse. never wanted a relationship.
you can forget it once you moved on and changed. otherwise she lives rent free.

>I am happy despite not having sex with another human.
if you have 0 intention, that's asexual.

learn game and move on. you had an "oneitis" duie to lack of abundace.

>> No.53803578

You lose the moment you care about her more than she cares about you. You have to cut her loose. If she won't fill your requirements then she is not worth wasting time on. Right now you're simping. There's nothing worse in the world than a simp.

>> No.53803598

Don't emotionally overinvest too early.

>> No.53803601


Lol dude, you can't expect anything from a woman, sadly. I'm in my 30's now. So many relationships, and an ex-wife now.

Just as an example, I had this one woman I was really into. We were dating and banging and everything was going great. One day she rapidly breaks up with me so she can get back with her ex BF. And this ex-bf cheated on her, and constantly took contract work that would put him out of town for 6 months at a time. Overall he treated her like a dog. So after our good relationship, she left me to go back to that guy.

Lol one time when I was 23 I was dating this girl. Having a great time just dating and banging. One day she just ghosts me and I never heard from her again. No call, no text, nothing.

Here's another story. Was really into this girl, I'm 25 at the time. Worked forever to get to know her and get a date with her. Finally after literally months of effort, we go on a date and she comes over. For whatever reason, that night I was just kinda nervous and did not get hard for sex. So it didn't happen. After that she never really talked to me again.

Do I have advice? I guess, take things very very slow. And don't have sex until you have been together for a long time and are ready. I've also heard a lot of old people say you need to work on becoming friends first. Then lovers later.

But IDK man!

>> No.53803619

Now you can’t kiss girls cuz they took the vax

>> No.53803622


Sounds bearish. Also, as someone said, she's a whore

>> No.53803625

As a man unless you have insane amounts of status or are super hot you gotta do all the heavy lifting to get women. They won't approach you and their signs of interest are always cryptic bullshit where you risk getting labeled a creep and charged for sexual assault or harassment if you read them wrong. Good luck.

>> No.53803626

What happened with your ex-wife? I was thinking about trying to find a wife for myself but I can always use one more story explaining why that's a bad idea.

>> No.53803630

she's fucking other dudes, they're pushing her esophagus pretty deep and giving her more pleasure than you can while you're not around.

>> No.53803647

No, every young man shall receive a proper education from his father especially on this subject, the heart breaking can definitely be done without

>> No.53803654

And probably black

>> No.53803667

No one is good at something the first time they try to do it. You have to accept that you will be called a moron, a creep, a retard. Or else just continue with what you're doing, being a sexless Android.

>> No.53803689

Hard not to, I'm learning.

>> No.53803711

How do I stop caring? How do I stop romanticizing a life with these cunts in my head?

>> No.53803744


It's a sad story and hope I don't dox myself.

> meet woman online
> actually seems great
> is hot and cool and fun
> she is basically my same age
> overall things go great, I meet her parents to check that box
> things are still good
> we move in together
> i get her pregnant
> she changed when she got pregnant (wanted sex less, became less social) but overall was still cool
> marry her
> baby arrives
> she instantly becomes very different
> doesn't give a shit about me, never wants to leave house, never wants sex
> when we do have sex she wants the lights off, and just lays there waiting for it to be over, this really never changes
> also she puts on 40lb and totally stops caring about how she looks
> she gets more and more depressed, wants nothing to do with me
> Our kid hits 2 years old and I'm just putting in the work trying to make this bitch be happy and love me but she won't. she's silent and miserable every day.
> finally we go to therapy, of course I paid for it
> 12 weeks of therapy and the therapist basically realizes that I'm a good guy and my wife is being a sad bitch who hates everyone and everything. He tells her she is very depressed and needs help
> she fights therapy, fights me, does everything she can to end our sessions and sabotage it
> we stop going to therapy, because of her
> 2 months later I get home from work and she says she wants divorce
> I beg her to think of our kid and not do this
> she does it anyway

That was 4 years ago. Now I see our kid on weekends and she treats me worse than dirt. I try to be nice to her but she's just mean no matter what. She has no friends, no hobbies, does 0 with her life. Just works, sleeps and watches our kid on her time.

>> No.53803768

Women are fucking stupid. They make absolutely zero rational decisions.

Also men and women can't be friends but you're somewhat right in that you can start out as "friends". You can approach women without sexual intentions. It's tricky but you can make her chase you with the right moves because they're used to getting chased so if you do the opposite and catch their interest they'll go fucking nuts trying to figure out why you're different.

All the girls who ghosted you were talking to some other guy and he was higher value than you. If you want to avoid that you have to become a high value man. If you can be the best guy (not the nicest guy) that a woman has ever been with she will not be able to forget you. That means treating her right but also providing a sense of mystery and adventure.

Avoid falling in love. You can love them but you can't be in love with them. The latter messes with your mind and judgement. You need to look at her as she is not the ideal you have of her in your head. If she isn't giving you what you want, if she isn't respecting the boundaries you set then it doesn't matter what you imagine because she isn't going to deliver. Fuck her and ghost her. You have to be ruthless in the dating game to get what you want. And remember women above 30 and single moms especially are only for fucking. A ran through hoe can't be a gf. Woman with a dried up womb can't be the mother of your children.

>> No.53803775

Why do you care about her in the first place? She is one step away from putting you on blast on one of her socials and having everyone she knows and everyone who follows her mock you, denigrate you and pity you. If you make her upset or you do something she doesn't like, she will use women power to destroy you. You already know she doesn't like you "that way". So if you trip up, she can turn feral. She used you for sex. You're a piece of meat to her. Take that lesson.

>> No.53803787

shutup retard, that's not what simping is

>> No.53803814

You shouldn't marry a woman in current year because of the laws that will fuck you if she one day decides to leave for whatever bullshit reason. You can have a "wife" but you can't get married.

Simping is when you're giving a woman more attention than what she deserves. If the only thing she provides is sex she isn't worth much attention at all.

>> No.53803828

faggot incel

>> No.53803839

you are mind broken m8, it's not them, it's you

>> No.53803874

You worship women like a simp. You are a simp. You are a loser. She will dump your ass when you least expect it and you will be heartbroken and know I was right. Women made relationships into this. I'm simply playing the game with their rules. I know I'm right because I have found massive success.

>> No.53803935


I hear what you're saying good advice.

I have trouble putting on an act like I'm the most confident powerful man that ever lived. I'm a lot happier just being occasionally insecure and vulnerable and sharing that with them. And if they leave me for it then fuck it, I would rather be me and not put on an act.

But I do see what u are saying

>> No.53803974

After reading this, I'm happy that I'll forever be a khhv.

>> No.53803988

you must be young. you get over this once you realize all women are honestly whores. sorry you had to find out this way anon

>> No.53804033

Already been in a few relationships but sure. Sucks, just want to be loved, is that retarded of me?
How do I ghost them? Recently their friend died and she's kind of grieving. I was there for her a little bit, we fucked etc. Should I just not message her unless she messages me? It's just fucking hard. How do I make it not as hard?

>> No.53804036

You guys must be ugly. I’ve really never had a problem with girlfriends except that I end up cheating but that’s a different story. There are plenty of marriage material women, but you gotta be marriage material yourself.

>> No.53804052

I don't know I just thought it was good chemistry. She's cute and stuff but yeah maybe I'm a retard and shouldn't care.

>> No.53804063

yes. I hate women more now that I've had sex and dated some of them. Not gonna say all women are the same but if you were like me you were fed stories of how awful and gross and perverted all men were to poor innocent women, and now i've been in tons of situations where a woman only wants to fuck and leads me on. I'm not even remotely a chad either. Fell hard for a girl i didn't know had feelings for me in HS and she led me on and it basically came out that she just wanted to sleep with me to fufill her HS fantasy since I ignored her.

I think that's when I dropped the fairy tale dating bit. Just fuck them and move on, they aren't worth your time and you might as well enjoy the easy access to pussy and get on your sigma grindset.

>> No.53804098

I'm sorry that that happened to you, but yea depression does that. My parents were both depressed so I grew up pretty much never going anywhere.

>> No.53804112

Beautiful women are only for sex. Chad's will be whispering in her ear daily. Men love to fuck pussy. It's inevitable they take more dick.

>> No.53804160

See, sex ain't all that. ..

>> No.53804179

Your advice is to use subtle manipulation techniques to trick women into liking you. >>53804063
You guys are betas and you're incredibly easy to spot. I hate that I share an intellectual space with you people. You simply won't leave your shit on /r9k/ where it belongs. You've polluted the entire board with your inability to attract women. It's not our fucking problem.

>> No.53804182

>I have trouble putting on an act like I'm the most confident powerful man that ever lived.
I'm not saying you have to put on an act. Be yourself and demand respect from the women you're interested in. If she doesn't respect you then she's a waste of time.
>I'm a lot happier just being occasionally insecure and vulnerable and sharing that with them
That is fine but you have to know your battles. Women can't deal with man problems but there are things you can share with them. You can also share feelings without necessarily getting down to the issue at hand. That's what women do when they come and complain to you about some stupid shit that they went through. They want you to make them feel better, not to provide a solution.

>Should I just not message her unless she messages me?
That is a good start. If your interactions are too one-sided it means she's just stringing you along and she's probably talking to or fucking multiple dudes. I drop a woman the second she shows any signs of this. I won't compete for her with other dudes. If a woman wants me to take her seriously she has to show me respect. Respect is more important than love. You can't date a woman who doesn't respect you.

In the inevitable case where you get your heart broken you need to use that sadness as fuel to improve yourself or your life. You can't let the sadness control you. Even now if you find it hard to ghost her you gotta put those feelings into use. Hit the gym, learn a new skill or go make some money. Make her regret the time she didn't take you seriously but also never accept them when they come crawling back. They had their shot and they lost it.

>> No.53804190

shut up nigger i'm not an incel. Congrats -- you learned to play the rat race, do you want a fucking cookie?

>> No.53804200

Yeah, sex is pretty lame. I usually only enjoy it if I drink

>> No.53804206

Told her not to waste my time if she is,she claims she's not. Does every hoe lie about this?

>> No.53804214

>rat race
I'm not a part of it and never intended to be. I do my own thing. I took what I had to and left when I got what I needed.