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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 818 KB, 2048x1537, facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53800235 No.53800235 [Reply] [Original]

>Why would anyone want to work from home, I love the energy that you get from being in the office!

>> No.53800464

i wfh and haven't talked to a women in 3 years

>> No.53800577

This picture is gold

Black Lives Matter poster yet not a single black person in the picture. LMAO

Everything about this picture is gold

>> No.53800623

What is this? Cuckold Inc.??

>> No.53800655
File: 33 KB, 132x265, wil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starring Wil Wheaton??

>> No.53800661

Nice Masonic construction.

>> No.53801454

Facebook offices.

>> No.53802293

They're all located in the $300 million HR+DEI executive office

>> No.53804192


Two guys on they left know what they are doing (guys who don't need other screen than their laptop).

>> No.53804233
File: 149 KB, 439x500, 1673400328595004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> exposed brick walls its SOOO DYNAMIC and dude dude we can go to the barcade after!

>> No.53804247

What the hustler and bustlers don't tell you is that exposed heating and cooling is loud. Its air moving through flimsy light metal and it's never once been cleaned.
Retards are working in a 70 decibel environment for no reason.

>> No.53804274

as someone who still goes into the office 5 days a week it's funny how much of a herculean task it seems to wagies now

>> No.53804292

It's not herculean, commuting into an office is a humiliation ritual because I can do every aspect of my job remote.

>> No.53804300

apart from the iMac?
yeah, kill the HVAC
no need to imagine the aroma of massed stale chink then

>> No.53804313

they literally have 2 other screens in front of them

>> No.53804332
File: 642 KB, 736x853, ED5CC9A3-C294-47FD-BFA7-5444045707AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.53804364

I work at a midsize tech startup and we only have 1 black person. the CEO is always talking about eliminating racism and hate and stuff lmao

>> No.53804370

just because you can doesn't mean you should

>> No.53804413

Open offices are psychological terrorism meant to make you confused and demoralized so you don't resist.

It's the same tactic cults use to trap their members.

>> No.53804793

>implying you would hate having drinks and playing arcade games

>> No.53804834

>work for multinational company
>in meeting today where some higher-ups share news and answer questions submitted anonymously in chat
>someone asks when work-from-home rules will be changed to have more people in the office
they painted it as: "there were more people than usual in the office today and there was a lot of energy and collaboration going on"
>VP of company or whatever says there aren't any plans to change the WFH rules
>later some based anon posts to the chat thanking him for not forcing people to go back to the office just to make one person feel better

imagine being that much of a faggot, that you have to bitch to your boss's boss's boss that you want people to be forced out of the comfort of their home because it personally makes you feel better.
I can't stand those people that act like "le more participation" or "le more productivity" are good reasons to end WFH, it's gotta be some kind of boomer jealousy. offices are over.

>> No.53804867


I can physically feel the amount of sound echoing off all the hard surfaces in the pic. The HVAC would be equally obscenely loud.

>> No.53804877

could be worse i suppose. they could actually care about black people instead of just putting on a dog and pony show.

>> No.53804947

>it's got RUSTED BEAMS and everything, you just gotta LOVE the hustle and bustle of the office

>> No.53804949

Would the ceos last name happen to end jn stein?

>> No.53804960

I work in person and I haven't worked with any women of the correct race and age range for me to be interested in for 4 years now

>> No.53804971
File: 369 KB, 1400x1050, grandcentral.0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high ceiling = comfier for more people.
its the same principle behind Grand Central etc - Victorian-age architects actually knew shit. Moar people? Higher the roof. You crammed this lot into some standard 90-inch ceiling rathole office, now THAT would be insufferable.

>> No.53804988

lmao why. it's basically like coming to fucking pre school full of idiots that DISTRACT you from your work

>> No.53805227

Open offices suck, even in the best case scenario. That said, I've gone back-and-forth on going back into the office "more generally". I think my current stance is that the best-case scenario means being in the office with coworkers that you genuinely enjoy being around. I've had some jobs where my coworkers were my best friends, and I'd take a lower salary for that in a heart beat.
That said, I think WFH is best in the average case. I don't particularly like most of my current coworkers (not hate, just indifferent), I imagine it's the same in a lot of places. There is no benefit to be being physically in an office, even socially.

>> No.53805479
File: 64 KB, 131x100, 95FCF39F-F444-48CF-AF0C-0A151F2823D7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My late stage startup ceo has he/him in his bio. Last week they disbanded the diversity and inclusion employee group, laid off a bunch of women on maternity leave and a couple indian pms.

>> No.53805559

I’ve never worked in an office building in my life, just the plant.

>> No.53805616

Based horticulturalist

>> No.53805652

>they painted it as: "there were more people than usual in the office today and there was a lot of energy and collaboration going on"
let me guess that person was a pointless middle manager