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53799653 No.53799653 [Reply] [Original]

probably wont get the best help but fuck it I like you guys, here it goes.

have small automotive service and repair biz with good conversion rate and often times get lots of repeat business. It seems once I have the people in front of me they love it and will come back but im struggling bringing in new customers and leads. what alternative or guerilla marketing strategies would you or have you used? prepared to spend some money but im looking for something low cost high return. if it takes a bit of work on my part thats fine. shill me your best.

>> No.53799685

dont spend money on this kind of marketing, people hate it and mostly going to associate your business with being cheap

>> No.53799745

>small automotive service and repair biz
just make a youtube channel talking about how mechanics fix shit retarded.
make up bullshit stories for content:
'I had a customer come in for a second opinion, you know shopping around, the other garage he talked to quoted $300'
'well, the thing is, that's not even the problem, but if it was that, that should only be like $120 anyways'
'and it turns out, all he needed to do, if he ran the codes on the car, he would've just found this lightbulb was disconnected'
'so then I just connected the light bulb and didn't charge him anything'
talk about integrity/honesty and demonize other garages, but don't actually name them.

>> No.53799862

this is more fucking like it. Ive toyed with the idea of this, I have some A/V equipment already. my only concerns would be content saturation and how posting on such a wide platform would actually translate to local work. I mean what does 50,000 views mean if they are all 2000 miles away. still, it wouldn't hurt to try, no cost and Im doing the work anyways. what else ya got frens?

>> No.53800047

put up a sign that says you'll dispose of car batteries for free. you sell them to the scrapyard for a nominal profit, but it's a free added-value thing for customers.
generally marketing is just a money sink and if you hired someone to do it, they'll get pissed if you ask them what kind of RoI you could expect from their 'campaign'. marketers operate without accountability.
I've seen some garages turn away customers if it's not a brand of car they want to work on, e.g. a small shop only does toyota's. that gives them an identity and differentiates them in searches, it also makes it easier for them to do a good job... on toyotas.
it'd be more helpful if you describe your brand identity better then just, 'it's a garage'.

>> No.53800097

Try doing this >>53799745 on yikyak. It's a stupid app for college students / hs, all anonymous posting within a 5 mile radius.

>> No.53800122

This, but you should name other garages. Stories don't have to be real, just fabricate shit about them not tightening wheel bolts and the mechanics leaving subway or burger king trash in the car.

>> No.53800170 [DELETED] 

The ultimate cheap marketting: Google.

Fake reviews boost your ranking. You want to be the top of the list when someone searches car repair shop. There’s tons of things you can do to boost your listing but you will get 10k views per month when it’s fully functional. That’s 10k people looking up car repairs. Not just random ads.

>> No.53800186 [DELETED] 

Not saying pay for sponsored ads although those can help if you do it right. It’s more about where Google puts you when ppl look up car help.

>> No.53800227

>should name other garages.
>Stories don't have to be real
that's gonna get him sued for defamation,
assuming the marketing is effective.
telling bullshit stories for content is totally fine, but you can't straight up slander another company/person.
you can't even be like "I heard blah blah blah at that garage, but I don't know if it's true"

>> No.53800378

really want to hear your brand/mission that deviates you,
but another thing you can do,
like, when do people go to a garage? your business isn't like an ice cream shop where I just go because I feel like it.
people come in because they need something fixed or the law forces them to, e.g. a state inspection.
so, I don't do as much maintenance as I should, but the car is an 'investment', and you should protect it, and I know there's maintenance there I'm skipping.
some dealerships proactively contact car owners to tell them to do some service/maintenance because it's so many miles.
just like a dentist, reminds you to come in and get your teeth cleaned.
and if you told them you can cut them a deal for this week while you're calling them, well, you probably have a better retention rate.
free air for tires is a good freebie to get people in, as long as you have some bullshit things for them to buy as well, like air fresheners or something.

>> No.53800531

He can publicize that as well, spin it like "they don't want the truth out so they try to silence me" and schizo shit like that. It does extremely well for engagement, people are so retarded most forgot how to turn bread into poop.

>> No.53800547

Get your all your friends to leave you 5 star google reviews
Create emails and leave reviews on other local places and leave yourself 5 stars
Do 1 of these every few days

>> No.53800778

>and schizo shit like that
oof, I yield. that's a better idea.
go full Mike Lindell.
>Michael James Lindell (born June 28, 1961), also known as the My Pillow Guy, is an American businessman, political activist, and conspiracy theorist.