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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 447 KB, 529x876, 1676958564708419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53799599 No.53799599 [Reply] [Original]

>Out for a night of fun minding your own business with friends
>Talk about crypto with friend.
>Drunk woman overhears your conversation starts attacking you.
>What do?

>token burner video:


>> No.53799618

thats a man

>> No.53799677


>> No.53799688

checked, then its not just me

>> No.53799719

reup i want to see this beautiful snowbunnie and her blvck bvll

>> No.53799762

still working here


>> No.53799784

Lmao fucking based

>> No.53799802

>camerman talking to scientist and negro
>whiteknight steps up
>gets angry on their behalf

like clockwork

>> No.53799813

kek who filmed this?

>> No.53799817

Honestly, you stop caring once you realise that these women are losers. No matter how educated they are, no matter how wealthy her dad is, no matter how much money or fame she has, these girls are fucking losers.

>> No.53799822
File: 109 KB, 246x440, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how he's just like "cmon man just tryna *sucks lips* y'knowimsayin bruh" and the chick loses her mind like her programming has just been attacked.

>> No.53799828

Did the white knight get any reward?

>> No.53799848
File: 204 KB, 480x1338, 1655487966485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53799850

Some fucking faggot in this thread reported the video

>> No.53799872

he defended a nigger and a mudshark
in niggerworshipland this automatically elevates you to sainthood

>> No.53799875

someone reupload it

>> No.53799880

How did they successfully brainwash roasties to accept going out with black men?

>> No.53799891

Anyone have a link to the video? The girl is kinda hot.

>> No.53799896

''This video has been removed for violating our Terms of Service.''

>> No.53799897


>> No.53799904

they just finished convincing 90% to kill themselves with experiential vax.

>> No.53799905

>at bar by myself outside Baltimore
>talking with random black dude about the BLM riots in the city and if he thinks they're effective, genuinely polite and chill conversation l
>fat cunt steps in and starts shitting on me telling the guy how I'm a piece of shit and racist for bringing it up
>dudes in her friend circle try to calm her down because the nog is cool with me
>lol right in her face. no one gives a fuck
The other anon said it best. These women are fucking losers and their lives suck ass. Don't worry about them.

>> No.53799910

I hate these faggots so much, I'm at the point, where i feel, that i need to include
in every sentence just to keep them away.

>> No.53799913

chuds are so embarrassing

>> No.53799921
File: 40 KB, 283x320, 19A53125-812B-4D48-9856-48A1A9C1FAF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you jewish?
>no, FUCK NO


>> No.53799926

Need new link

>> No.53799933

Nigger where s the video

>> No.53799965

RIP LiveLeak.
RIP Leaked Reality.
Where can I go to get my daily dose of cops shooting niggers, Chinese industrial accidents, and traffic crashes?

>> No.53799972

I miss all that shit too. defined my teen years

>> No.53799975

Checking these digits
>tfw snitch anon lurks among us

>> No.53799996

Just use /wsg/ and link the webm here.

>> No.53800030


>> No.53800034

they took it down here is the mirror


>> No.53800035

bruhs post the link/webm, i wanna laugh

>> No.53800036

checked and seconded

>> No.53800051

nevermind, thanks anon

>> No.53800070

So where did she talk to them about crypto you baiting faggot?

Hope he kys

>> No.53800091

thanks anon
I didn't know people really acted like this outside of 4chan

>> No.53800099
File: 598 KB, 875x807, beerus hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude what the fuck i thought this was an actual video of some bitch being an entitled Karen and attacking some guy for talking about crypto. Instead it's just a video of some microdick ranting about race mixing. Jesus if I wanted to see that shit I'd just spend all day on this website.

>> No.53800119
File: 32 KB, 640x640, tfwtoosmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead it's just a video of some microdick ranting about race mixing.
this, also whats the point in convincing these people?

protip: if you truly want to fix demographics you should shill Covid Vaccines to these people and their children.

>> No.53800165

Based. That autist is doing God's work. Call out the roastie. Call out the nigger. Call out the faggot. Autist don't give a fuck.

>> No.53800200

Disappointing, really. Better than feeling left out without seeing it, but it's just a guy being whiny in a very insecure way.
Also, the chick has a weird face, some kind of uncanny expression.

>> No.53800210
File: 74 KB, 591x695, IMG_20230131_094654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's keeping the nigger as a science experiment and testing new drugs n shit on him. I applaud this based and smart woman

>> No.53800222


>> No.53800241

same and checc'd our reading comprehension is low brother

>> No.53800252

Quite based.

>racism bad

>> No.53800280

>nobody moves into black or brown countries
what a retard, usa has the highest immigration rate of any country by far

>> No.53800288

Based WHITE man calling out nigger loving roastie and her orbiting simps.

>> No.53800357
File: 4 KB, 212x249, 1675297357480176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a serious note, how did he get a girl like her?

>> No.53800364

Kek, it's amazing how many people in real life and on this site fall for this low IQ bait. That guy is obviously just trying to piss people off and they fall for it hook line and sinker.

>> No.53800368

Was this supposed to be funny?
>pathethic incel butthurt over couple
>even more pathetic incel steps in because the couple doesnt mind enough to become aggressive

>> No.53800370

I doubt she is a scientist.

>> No.53800373
File: 120 KB, 975x715, klum children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all about a good prevention campaign towards white women. show them picrel. do they want children who look like them?

>> No.53800377

he's a handsome guy and probably has a huge bbc. also isn't terminally insecure like the guy filming.

>> No.53800399
File: 180 KB, 392x409, Screenshot 2023-02-21 123429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im actually a scientist

>> No.53800403
File: 171 KB, 1256x1094, 1672969383416464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not about crypto you lied to me faggot
But really what was the purpose of filming this?

>> No.53800409

use ipfs retards

>> No.53800423

tDOTme/leaklive is decent

>> No.53800433

Wow the incels protecting the nigger, yet he is the "competition"

>> No.53800446


>> No.53800450

she's fucking disgusting LOL
he can do better

>> No.53800456

I'm on /biz/ or /pol/ ?


>> No.53800493


>> No.53800519

>muh pol
get out of this site you fucking soft little bitches, reddit is more your speed.

>> No.53800534

I enjoyed it. Specifically how the only response was "shut up stop no" lmao

>> No.53800566

Damn Carlos I had to read this 3 times before I realized it was you

>> No.53800601

Normies are scum.

>> No.53800613

bottom signal jannies allow this quality

>> No.53800620
File: 868 KB, 326x326, 1654985866590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The overton window is shifting. Doesn't help that this retard is drunk. He's no better than that woman, just spouting shit he reads off the internet. He doesn't live by any moral code.

>> No.53800648

I mean he ain’t wrong but this ain’t the way to go around it. Being antagonistic isn’t going to do shit for his cause. Honestly I hate niggers but that black guy was pretty based, must have high white admixture to not chimp out. Props to him for holding back his inner chimp

>> No.53800657

> Wierd face
It happens to most women after they’ve crossed a certain threshold of dicks. Some call it the thousand cock stare.

>> No.53800665

yeah the austic guy didn't do himself any favors with this cringe ass video

>> No.53800676

> white daughter gets super model genes
> black kids look like retarded mongrels
Fucking lol

>> No.53800677

Miscegenation is odd

>> No.53800710

she's a dick scientist

>> No.53800716

wtf is this batman?

>> No.53800719

whats funny is the nigger knows what the guy is saying is correct and is smiling about it.

>> No.53800738

Well that was a waste of my time

>> No.53800749

I'd fuck her

>> No.53800815

>must have high white admixture to not chimp out
I also thought it was interesting to see him defy every stereotype you'd expect this board to assign. Also that, besides the obvious skin color, the nose is the only part of his facial structure that seems black.

>> No.53800821

Nobody fell for it except the drunk bitch. The black guy was just laughing along and the other dude was just telling him he was being a retard and to fuck off.

>> No.53800829

yikes, this is why i couldn never hang out with any of you. touch grass you fucking losers.

>> No.53800862

OP and the dude in this video are massive faggots


>> No.53800882

Women view men who tell them what to do as their mean fathers. So they will deliberately have pitbull looking kids to spite you. But then later on the black dad will be gone and they'll be like "no you can't date a younger russian woman who wants a green card, you have to take care of me and my kids" and you'll be like 'no' then she'll be a lolcow making posts about how hard it is to find a date while having mixed race kids and being in her 40s or something. Lol.

>> No.53800886

/biz/ is and always will be a /pol/ colony

>> No.53800934


>> No.53800967

he knew the guy was right and was laughing about the two whiteys defending him

>> No.53800984

the exact kind of mentally ill woman that doesn't feel sick at the mere thought of shitting out a brown child

>> No.53801011


>> No.53801033
