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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53794106 No.53794106 [Reply] [Original]

>tenant offered to pay $20k to renovate things in one of my rental apartments
>I agree
>they move out 2 months after renovation is finished


>> No.53794139

Did he at least tip you on the way out

>> No.53794158


>> No.53794167

Have you checked the apartment?

Likely everything of value has been stripped. All wiring and pipework.

It's how I afforded my first property.

>> No.53794243

You'd have to be pretty stupid not to at least get someone else to check after a tenant leaves. Therefore I'm betting OP didn't do it.

How much can you get for all the copper in say a 500 sq ft apartment?

>> No.53794283

>$20,000 to make an apartment slightly more livable
Is this what renting means these days?

>> No.53794372


>> No.53794374

OP frantically checking after reading this kek
it's over

>> No.53794404
File: 74 KB, 581x500, KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP was so smug with this post lmfao look at the gif he posted.

only to realize he got outsmarted and the tenant is gone with all his internal wiring and piping


>> No.53794802
File: 1.20 MB, 1080x2340, pee pee poo poo landlord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53794844

something about real estate attracts the dumbest gorilla nigger retards to have ever walked this earth. kek.

>> No.53794861
File: 101 KB, 855x783, 1657135597691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least OP got paid upfront, right?

Right, OP?

>> No.53794874


like 2k tops, except the work to do this is worth probably more.

>> No.53794891

>boomer plumber says he'll do the job for $5k
>shows up 1 day while drunk, barely does anything
>disappears for 3 weeks and ignores 90% of your calls and texts
>negative $2k monthly cash flow due to lost rental income while mortgage, taxes, utilities, etc. still due
many such cases

>> No.53794912

my point is there is no way OP lost something, the tenant is just a retard also in what fucking world do tenants pay major rennovtion costs???

>> No.53794947

OP is a kike making his tenants live in unlivable conditions.
The worst landlords of NYC (among other places too) all happen to be kikes, what fucking coincidences.

>> No.53795161

I take $500 for things that never happened
Enjoy going broke on your judaism

>> No.53795351

sounds like my mom's neighbor. This is very common.

>> No.53795436

the jewish landlords ive had in the past have been some of the most relaxed ones by far because they owned the buildings for 50 years already. ive also had overleveraged pajeets that watched a couple HGTV shows and didnt know what the fuck they were doing. they were far worse than the jews

>> No.53795452

Rentoid life is hellish

>> No.53795605

Why isnt it legal to murder landlords? It was in the middle ages, and that made serfdom fair, if you can murder your lord, you become lord

>> No.53795686

all the rentoids seething in this thread

>> No.53795779

Money laundering.

>> No.53796178

OP must be larping. Most tenants go to court over any suggestion to share costs for any form off renovation, never heard somebody paying for the entire renovation and then just moving