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File: 1.35 MB, 545x875, 1674487818154487.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53793891 No.53793891 [Reply] [Original]

how rich is he

>> No.53793904

jesus what the hell

>> No.53793911
File: 13 KB, 390x280, domestic-violence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's that shit, and why isn't he beating her already?

>> No.53793914

God that is so hot. He is such a fucking stud

>> No.53793923
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>> No.53793934

Not very if he has to dress like a woman for attention

>> No.53793943
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>> No.53793957

Imagine having a daughter and seeing her dress like that

>> No.53793963

The hoeflation is strong with this one. Tiktok has 6s thinking they're 10s.

>> No.53793968

tongue gigachad

>> No.53793978

I'm 30 years old and I've never even kissed a girl or touched a boob or seen a vagina.

>> No.53794008

Based. Fuck gaymers

>> No.53794027

I feel visceral hate when I see women dancing like this
Is something wrong with my?

>> No.53794033

I would understand disgust but why is she laughing? It's just so cruel. If I had to kiss a fat ugly woman I'd probably have some slight look of disgust on my face, but I wouldn't laugh at her.

>> No.53794045

In the US almost 70% of women are overweight or obese. So being not fat makes a girl an automatic 7. Her being fit and not ugly (still not cute) means she's a solid 8. It's not so much hoeflation as it is the fatflation of the majority of the population. Fifty years ago she would be a 5, now she is an 8, all becaus the are so many fat people weighing down the other end of the scale.

>> No.53794046

I feel it too. They look retarded but you know it's been fully normalized so you have no choice but to be pissed off.

>> No.53794053

Even fat women now have miserable bullshit standards. They still fuck around, have garbage personalities, are just all around unreliable pieces of shit maybe even more so than thin women. Ask every military veteran that goes to Afghanistan and then comes to find out his fat bitch wife has fucked the entire trailer park

>> No.53794184
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>10 new posts

>> No.53794204

>why is she laughing

Because he’s tickling her. He’s not grabbing her and going in for the kill. He’s doing everything slow and lightly touching her.

>> No.53794215
File: 2.77 MB, 720x1280, 1664059782593759.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr durr everyone wants me even in my baggy clothes
Gtfo outa here ho.

>> No.53794284

how much would she ask for to a kiss?
or to beat me up?

>> No.53794389
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>> No.53794396

it would feel like fucking a race horse

>> No.53794399

When he's is BLACK

>> No.53794413


I hope someone beats you up because you sound like a faggot.

>> No.53794415

thats a MAN

>> No.53794434
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>> No.53794452

What does this have to do with business and finance? Mods

>> No.53794476

imagine the protein braps out of that absolute brap machine

for advanced brapologists only, I personally would struggle

>> No.53794494
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>> No.53794759 [DELETED] 
File: 1.67 MB, 554x984, musclegirl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being stuck in a blank, white cube of a room, and a "doctor" comes in wearing a white coat and says "WHAT ABOUT THIS, DOES THIS MAKE YOU ANGRY? DOES IT MAKE YOU MAD?" while he waves this meme in your face, and the wholes point is that you're supposed to have an emotional reaction to the meme, and not ask why you're in the room, or who the "doctor" is, or why he's trying to elicit a reaction from you

>> No.53794783
File: 1.67 MB, 554x984, musclegirl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being stuck in a blank, white cube of a room, and a "doctor" comes in wearing a white coat and says "WHAT ABOUT THIS, DOES THIS MAKE YOU ANGRY? DOES IT MAKE YOU MAD?" while he waves this meme in your face, and the whole point is that you're supposed to have an emotional reaction to the meme, and not ask why you're in the room, or who the "doctor" is, or why he's trying to elicit a reaction from you

>> No.53795495


>> No.53795521


>> No.53795535

someone explain?

>> No.53795563
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>> No.53795562
File: 47 KB, 474x617, they_could_be_anywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what women call a "daily stink outfit" - they throw this on when their puss puss needs airing out and is feeling a touch loose, if you get my drift. All of the stink gets trapped in the lycra and they get this heavenly high from imagining all the nuts they've gargled, mostly black, in the past month.

>> No.53795579

Hope she gets raped by her dad.

>> No.53795598

by "gamer" she means white and by "athletic" she means black. also what a flat ass, kek.

if he was Black she'd be all over him.

>> No.53795607

fucking KEK

>> No.53795612


she probably can't get hard and cum unless she's got a big stud horse cock rammed up her cooter, don't cha think?

>> No.53795613

Why just why would you unbottom your pants so people can basically see your pussy. When is society going to tell women “ok your whoredom has gone far enough” we’ve gotta be getting close to Weimar levels here with the internet. How much longer can this go on?

>> No.53795615

gross, her inner thigh looks like a huge pussy.

>> No.53795616

I guess this post still being up, considering how shit it and it's replies are, is some sort of revenge from the jannies.

>> No.53795631

lol wtf, why...

>> No.53795641

being fit as a woman is net negative if the other option is just being skinny. Soft (Feminine)>Hard (Masculine).

>> No.53795693
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>> No.53795742

Woody from Toy Story has more feminine hips

>> No.53795775

I don’t know if these are real or if women make them simply because they get lots of attention via incel ragebait. Either way our society has completely removed shame from the equation for women and niggers. How long until Russia or china becomes the new super power and restores order?

>> No.53795810

is this supposed to be a meta way of saying we're all labrats being studied for god knows why?

>> No.53795811
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>> No.53795827

That smile at the end fucking makes it. THis is an absolute GEM of hick trailer home theatre fucking kek.

>> No.53795860

Only the brave know.

>> No.53795866

I’ve seen all these man I get it women are a retarded mess and are children you have to internalize that and move on and not just be stuck in a “hate them” incel mindset. Since we can use logic to see they are like children and herd animals we can use our god given male logic to see that since they are very susceptible to propaganda a shame campaign may be the answer to restore them to not being such whores. It will take a mass effort but it’s that or we just let the world sink and our nations destroyed by someone willing to put their foot down. All else it can be some lulz watching them reeeee for getting called out.

>> No.53795880

She trembles at his power

>> No.53795884

this can't be real. it can't be.

>> No.53795938

>leaving your bike outside not chained up doesn't mean you're asking for it to get stolen
Sure, it doesn't make a crime justified but you're doing something to increase your chances of being a victim instead of doing basic things to protect yourself. Morals or the law aren't going to get your stolen bike back and it won't unrape you.

>> No.53795972
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>> No.53796029

I mean they're about on the same level, the girl has a very British face

>> No.53796034

Repent cucks! Lest the flames be upon you!

>> No.53796058
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>> No.53796077

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.53796079
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>> No.53796132

Cute face but fucking gross body.

>> No.53796156
File: 591 KB, 406x720, 1670697294284274.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not

>> No.53796183

Literally me.

>> No.53796202


>> No.53796219
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>> No.53796242

This isn’t real
A bot made this TikTok

>> No.53796257

jesus christ. maybe women can't be saved? at least the woman who made this?

>> No.53796262

The fucks wrong with her where she thinks guys want that lmfao

>> No.53796278

Women shouldn't have a right to be happy, ever.

>> No.53796284

I hope this bitch rots in hell.

>> No.53796305

This is pretty gay.

>> No.53796326
File: 2.77 MB, 800x460, 1672908403773005.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The goyim love it.

>> No.53796331
File: 2.94 MB, 720x748, 1675638677101120.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53796382

>let the world sink

>> No.53796432

>visceral hate
Severe lack of self awareness combined with overconfidence tends to evoke that emotion

>> No.53796484
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>> No.53796490

The one that said 70 -100k is pretty reasonable

>> No.53796497

This is the most white girl problems I’ve ever seen. Just get a Latina or something. You can make them do what you want.

>> No.53796508

I don't care what women want and they fling themselves at me and I am married goodbye

>> No.53796524

I usually don't use that expression on women but she deserves a GOOD GOY

>> No.53796950
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>> No.53796968

She was literally shaking

>> No.53796985

She’s dressing like a teenager……. This is the male equivalent of a fedora and cargo shorts for a dude.

>> No.53796996

Why are her pants unbuttoned?

>> No.53796998

No I have this same blood boiling hate feeling too whenever I see it. Thought I was the only one also. I fucking hate it. Fuck it's unreal. The worst thing is it's normal now. It's so robotic and sovlless, I can't call it dancing, it doesn't even flow into each other, it's literally
NPC shit

>> No.53797043

That's a Latina in the webm, anon.

>> No.53797060

Nice meme lyrics

>> No.53797061
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>> No.53797077

I haven't been to the gym in years but I got myself a subscription in August (kek). I think I will go tomorrow and just play these stupid webms and start practicing/punching on the punching bag

>> No.53797113

A true incel would still try to start a family with retarded women like the one in your webm. At the end of the day, the true incels are just weak men, regardless of celibacy.

>> No.53797135
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>> No.53797170
File: 2.43 MB, 320x564, 1669666955195012.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've seen them all on here. This one is one of my favs

>> No.53797171
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>> No.53797179

Thats stage 3. Next you will realize most humans are retarded, it has always been like this, and the only thing to do is get your own harem and live away from the city.

>> No.53797181
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>> No.53797197
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>> No.53797211

This is a hilarious parody intentional or otherwise.

>> No.53797234

Speak for yourself

>> No.53797254

Wait, why is this demoralization thread still up? do your jobs you fucking nigger tranny jannies

>> No.53797256

Brap for the brap god.

>> No.53797259
File: 1.04 MB, 300x225, carl thumbs up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same but I'm 35 and thanks to never bothering with Roasties I'm also a selfmade Multimillionaire and highly successfull.

>> No.53797263

>uses drugs to prematurely rip open her psychic shell only to get mind raped by demons

>> No.53797280
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>> No.53797293

webms like this make me realize how perfect and just the universe is

>> No.53797300
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>> No.53797303

>Soft (Feminine)>Hard (Masculine)
The problem is that over 60% of women in the fuckable age range are obese.
Soft (Feminine)>Hard (Masculine)>>>>>>> Fat (Subhuman).

>> No.53797321

it does not matter, but the thot costs nothing since than

>> No.53797351
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>> No.53797367

Before someone posts it, no, you couldn't have saved her. Not that she deserves to be saved anyways.

>> No.53797377

What the fuck is wrong with w*men

>> No.53797380

>takes sleeping pills
> with iced coffee at night

Why are women so stupid?

>> No.53797398

>Soft (Feminine)>Hard (Masculine)>>>>>>> Fat (Subhuman).

I agree with this framing unless "Hard" is juiced beasts then i prefer overweights desu

>> No.53797400

Sauce in the girl?

>> No.53797439

>Rejecting a man who's that caked up
More for me :fork:

>> No.53797440

she is a 4 in europe.

>> No.53797446

I need her sauce pls or video sauce

>> No.53797455
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>> No.53797491

>did you cry this week?
you already know the answer

>> No.53797507

Sam hyde is hilarious lol
He's always doing shit like that and yeah he's crypto rich

>> No.53797537

This thread feels non-productive. Do you want to get laid or sit around seething about a small fraction of famous skanks?

What are we accomplishing with this thread gentlemen?

>> No.53797565
File: 144 KB, 827x819, 97157CD2-51DE-49B1-959F-9ED3AB301393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the right

>> No.53797575

Redpilling the masses that bitches aren't shit and women's rights need to be cancelled.

>> No.53797646
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>> No.53797673
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>> No.53797739

women aren't asking for it up unto the point where you're a chad way out of their league who doesn't notice them and then they cry about it

>> No.53797757
File: 2.41 MB, 576x576, 1674749473729624.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Latina or spic in webm
>Get a Latinx

>> No.53797817

I'd be friends with all these dudes

>> No.53797846

you would

>> No.53797867

Texas bros....

>> No.53797896

Kek this is fucked

>> No.53797933

>men too insecure to marry a career woman
More like selfish obstinate women are worth less to men than family oriented caregivers
I can make money for the family, I need someone filling the natural job of raising the kids and managing the home. I don't need a headstrong bitch outside the home doing whatever larp of a man's job they're doing

>> No.53798001
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>> No.53798038
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>> No.53798054
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>> No.53798079

that ugly house kills me. Roasties have no taste

>> No.53798094
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>> No.53798101


>> No.53798133
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>> No.53798138
File: 44 KB, 438x432, 1621012854025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong if this makes me horny? I have a gf and i've teached her how to trade and all (she made consistent amounts of money with reward tokens like $HAMI since it's the easiest thing her stupid ass brain can manage right now) and i know she's only around me because im 30 and have already made it. She even makes that disgusted face every time we have sex. Im not gonna lie, im a bit fat and ugly but the sight of her, powerless, lying in bed with me against her liking is just... exhilarating

>> No.53798223
File: 1.84 MB, 460x528, 1675992280317349.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53798255

why cant black girls in my area be pretty like this

>> No.53798263

your location doesnt change the numbers and reality. What you call a 7 is a 4 in the rest of the world, your 8 is a 5

>> No.53798299
File: 57 KB, 261x193, 1605239091205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get a gf like this

>> No.53798326

Nice delts

>> No.53798337
File: 2.90 MB, 320x568, 1674660917175726.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gym? I fucked a steroid girl once
Best sex ever
Pussy muscles so tight she could cut my dick in half

>> No.53798443
File: 40 KB, 680x793, 1668915296159595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a home gym are you telling me i have to go outside???

>> No.53798456
File: 2.87 MB, 640x360, 1674676237561798.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53798483

What the fuck. Your GF is literally disgusted by you? Do you have any self respect at all?

>> No.53798502

I bet you she farts like a fighter jet

>> No.53798557


>> No.53798589

>finish going through all the education and training to get a career
>at the end of it decide you don't actually want to do that career
Why is this so common with women?

>> No.53798620

>I work in a 9 to 5 and don't like to travel
Wtf is she even expecting?

>> No.53798637
File: 103 KB, 1024x841, 1676593495010055m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53798648

Great, hope she tells this to a rapist's face and not the average guy.

>> No.53798660

Anon, the average salary is like $50k. Twice the national average isn't reasonable. The vast majority of men don't make that much money. If the majority of women want men making well above the average salary, you're going to have severe compatibility issues.

>> No.53798670

Arms bigger than her tits. lmao

>> No.53798704

sauce on the op?

>> No.53798714

I knew this would be here. kek

>> No.53798722

Women will literally go through shamanic initiation in South Africa before going to therapy.

>> No.53798802

they look 14 yikes

>> No.53798844

What is this phenotype called. Sickly looking and pale. Eyes are empty no matter how much expression her face has. Obnoxious smile. The big glasses are common too.