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53787458 No.53787458 [Reply] [Original]

stable coin. What are the geopolitical economic ramifications?

>> No.53787522

Amerimutts aren't gonna like this.

>> No.53787577

based persians

>> No.53787701

Need a copper one here in the USA

>> No.53787711

>backed by Iran

I shant be buying this

>> No.53788070

I want off this ride now

>> No.53788092

If more countries do this it will be the downfall of the Dollar and the Amerimutt Empire, I'm 100% serious and this is financial advice

>> No.53788114

>give us all your funds lol
>name is literally "I ran"

This is just Sam Bankman Fried all over again at a bigger scale

>> No.53788125

Amerimuttniggergoblin bros... is it over for us?

>> No.53788178

The only thing you are serious about is your low IQ nigger tier brain either from a family history of breeding with niggers or incest. What makes America great is not the dollar, but simply it is the best place to live. I wish you niggers, jeets and chinks would stay out but you can't help yourselves.

>> No.53788305

>America is the best place to live
lol, lmao

>> No.53788326

It's the best place to live because we have more freedom than most and our economy is strong. The former is being eroded and the latter is dependent on the petrodollar which will die if the Saudis take other currency for oil which they've already signaled interest in doing so. If they go through with that then countries around the world are going to dump dollars and bonds because they don't need them to buy oil anymore, and to stop the inflation our excessive printing causes. You see as Americans, though the printed money is largely misappropriated, we still get some benefit from it and then we get inflation. Whereas the foreign countries just get inflation. They're sick of it, which is why so many countries are joining BRICS. What is it now, half the global population are citizens of BRICS member states. The clock is ticking.

>> No.53788346

You couldn't pay me enough to live in America, your country is falling apart as we speak. Everything you think makes it a good place to live, other countries also have but without your massive downsides.

>> No.53788428


>> No.53788442
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>Gold backed stablecoin
You mean like Paxos Gold? (PAXG).

>> No.53788453

American here. Can confirm.

>> No.53788468

>America is great because of its morals
>not because it won a world war when it was majority white and held onto the world reserve currency status for almost a lifetime
Holy shit you're delusional af

>> No.53788614
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>> No.53788617

Too much freedoms.
The freedoms must be protected.
Prepare for the happenoon.

>> No.53789411
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>If more countries do this it will be the downfall of the Dollar and the Amerimutt Empire

Pretty much. Here's a rundown how it might happen.

>> No.53789622

>best place to live.
Thats not only your opinion but it's an opinion that's be proven wrong.
>IQ nigger tier brain either from a family history of breeding with niggers or incest.
So US history?

>> No.53789641

>we have more freedom than most and our economy is strong.
You don't, and you don't.
Your manufacturing left and your housing situation is getting out of hand.
I mean, the rust belt and California alone along with NYC is just proof The US is eroding.

>> No.53789655

>You couldn't pay me enough to live in America,
They literally don't pay you much to live here.
I guess firearms are cool but when health care and education are behind massive pay walls, it's not "the best" compared to the world.

>> No.53791564

Unless they allow independent audits it’s a scam

>> No.53792106

Who cares the current system is a proven scam.

>> No.53792195

>using gold

Actually LOL there is a reason why we use fiat. Its because its safe and easy to transact with. See this is why we need to police the world or else you get idiots like this handling what they dont know. USE FIAT, gold has absolutely no value. Honeslty I wish Iran was actually invaded because a country like Iran handling gold is really dangerous hope someone puts an end to them.

>> No.53792249

>oy vey I hope someone attacks [current thing] for trying to go on gold standard
Hilariously predictable

>> No.53792258

bullish for bitcoin

>> No.53792272

As I burger I want this just to remove kikes from being finacial middle men

>> No.53792279

>"I ran
Amerimutt moment

>> No.53792302

All countries already did this before the end of the Gold standard. Turns out all this gold-backed shit was literally a scam, people ended up with mostly worthless paper money and the government at some point just stopped converting.

>> No.53792326
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>You mean like Paxos Gold? (PAXG)
I don't know how Paxos works. How much does it cost per year to hold Paxos?? If it's free why don't they have to pay for storage?
If they use a different system just tell me how they do the backing.

>> No.53792336

Your argument against gold makes absolutely no sense at all.

>> No.53792410
File: 261 KB, 1079x912, Screenshot_20221208-132719_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) PAXG charges a fee on transfer.
The code that lead to so many moonburnanimalfuck tokens.

2) As they solely control the onboard + offboards of PAXG to gold markets, Paxos makes money arbitraging their coin to spot gold prices.

>> No.53792470
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So that's why they're making nukes, so they don't libya'd when they threaten the petrol shitcoin.

>> No.53792817
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PAXG already exists. why does the East insist on always stealing everything

>> No.53793312


This system is fine in principle but nobody accepts dollars to just hold them. You accept dollars for payment because you can turn around and put them into USD denominated assets that will match or exceed the price appreciation of whatever you just sold. That's the Petrodollar in a nutshell, sell oil for dollars, buy US stocks and bonds.

So Q is what can you buy with these stablecoins, how liquid is the market, how much % transaction fee to do it, etc. This is what countries will ask. Having a gold peg is nice because it provides a baked-in long term appreciation relative to fiat, so it means, you don't necessarily need to flip it for any other asset and it'll probly keep pace with oil or whatever you export anyways. So in theory all the perks of gold, but much, much easier to work with from an accounting POV as it can be held with little loss to storage fees and unloaded quickly.

The bigger issue is, same as any stable: trust and proof of reserves, as well as market depth and broad support by various exchanges and clearing houses. It will take time to gain acceptance and really you'd be a fool to every have too much % of reserves in it. After all the USD was a gold backed coin once too, then the euros started to doubt we had the gold to back it and well...

>> No.53793445

I wonder how the muricans and EU scums will cope with this.

>> No.53793450

If you hold gold, you indirectly do hold this :) Go cry to biden about it.

>> No.53793460

That's because fiat was a nice change for them, since it allowed mindless spending on anything. BRICS nations aren't in charge of the world, the petrodollar is, and they get fked by it. Changing back to the gold standard for their own currencies will make them immune to amerimutt financial attacks.

>> No.53793472

>the nesting place of faggotry, leftism, jewism, feminism etc.

>> No.53793488

It's just as easy to transact with gold moron. It's still the same paper, but it's backed by physical gold holdings so (((they))) can't just print money turning any cash holding of yours into dust. You're literally the definition of a dumb goyim lmao.

>> No.53794128
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Governments love inflation as it is an easy way to rob their populations, a gold standard will never return

>> No.53794206

>uses gold, coins get stolen
>uses fiat, receipts for gold get stolen.

Some people really do deserve to be poor.

>> No.53796062

do you get paid for posting here?

>> No.53796074

imagine trusting Iran and Russia with your money.