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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53781858 No.53781858 [Reply] [Original]

How much more is GNS going to dump?

>> No.53781992

until it reaches VELA somewhere in the middle around 150m mcap

>> No.53782026

trading comp is ending in 5 days which was historically always reason for a dump. Binance listing will fully retrace same as for GMX and any other token. It will go to at least $7, possibly lower. Next pump will come post polygon's zk rollup deployment. Act accordingly.

>> No.53782038

What will polygon deploying zk do for it? Gns succeeds in spite of polygon, not because of it.

>> No.53782060

nobody used gns because nobody wanted to use Matic Piece of Shit chain. Which is why Arbitrum deployment worked so great. But polygon's zk evm will change the game and there will be influx of people that would otherwise skip anything pajeet related.

New chain also needs new liquidity, trading volumes are higher etc.. natural demand for the token

>> No.53782832

check volume (i mean trading volume)
its been going down on DEX and binance since the pump to $12..
probably gonna rip well past last stable ATH ($12) soon

>> No.53782855

volume is going down so you predict new ATH?

>> No.53782860

low volume after a huge pump is bullish

>> No.53782907

GMX has almost triple the APR of GNS - doesn't it look better?

>> No.53782913

Fuck you


>> No.53782919

Fuck you. Look at the long term you fucking bastard bitch

>> No.53782993

>top 3 revenue in all of defi
I don't know bros, this makes me think this protect still is supremely undervalued.

>> No.53783321

it's over..

>> No.53783367
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>> No.53785103

It's over gainstrannies... vela won...

>> No.53785256

$2-3 makes more sense to me, can only get like 6% staking it right?

people always massively overvalue these coins that are only worth a low apr from platform fees. sushiswap as one example(although admittedly sushi has much higher inflation)

6% sounds great until your coin drops 50% in 6mo

>> No.53785819

See >>53782993

It's undervalued, not overvalued.

>> No.53785885

how though if you can only get 6% for staking it?

gmx gives 30% with a unknown amount of inflation(gns is about 3%)

uncx gives 15% with 0% inflation

tell me why somebody would want gns instead of uncx or gmx? you can make an argument that they have better potential 6-12mo from now, and the apr could go up(if we assume the other platforms won't also expand), but presently it seems the worse of the 3 options

>> No.53786344

GNS has the chance of being deflationary in the future. It was before LUNA tanked the market. The entire supply of GNS is also circulating, which is a huge bonus for transparency. I just checked the APRs you listed and you're wrong for both of them, but im sure you knew that

>> No.53786433
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>I just checked the APRs you listed and you're wrong for both of them, but im sure you knew that

what? my figures are accurate

im not really sure how the boosts work for gmx, maybe you're seeing figures for no boosts.

>> No.53786504
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huh? whats that boost thing? if you want to be fair youre going to have to add in GNS's NFT APR booster

>14% APR
thats not 15%

>> No.53786533

Take your (you) back, it was not worth my valuable time

>> No.53786577

tigris.trade is coming back by eom. devs that left gns to make a better, faster platform. you did get some nfts right?

>> No.53786655

well gns doesn't offer 6% that i said either, i was rounding. it's actually 5.38%(5.82% for arbitrum)

the diamond nft can boost this 13% bringing it up to 6.08%(6.57% for arbi)

the diamond nft costs 35e right now(thats the floor, but maybe someone will accept a 25e offer or something)

i didn't spend any money to get my gmx boost(infact i didn't spend anything on my gmx either, i simply farmed it by staking glp) so i really didn't see a way of calculating it

so boosted yields are 6.57% max for gns
and over 30% for gmx (i wish i knew their inflation rate as it's important, but i doubt its that bad considering how well its performed thus far)

just seems gmx is the better value at current conditions.

>> No.53786713

>the diamond nft can boost this 13% bringing it up to 6.08%(6.57% for arbi)
thats not how the boosting works. its not 13% of the APY just a flat 13% added so it would be 18% in your example, and you can stake multiple NFTs at once (up to 3) for added percentages

>> No.53787111 [DELETED] 

interesting thank you

so if you have a very large position, then you could do something like get 3 platinum nft's for ~18e and can get up to 30% apr

but if you have a small position it would be hard to justify such a large investment in the nft's when gmx gives 16% base. you would need at least one of the 6e platinum nft's to get roughly the same apr as the base gmx

so the value in gmx is basically on speculation it will outperform in the future due to conditions like becoming deflationary or additional chains added, even though the current conditions clearly favor gmx or uncx

>> No.53787188

interesting thank you

so if you have a very large position, then you could do something like get 3 platinum nft's for ~18e and can get up to 30% apr

but if you have a small position it would be hard to justify such a large investment in the nft's when gmx gives 16% base. you would need at least one of the 6e platinum nft's to get roughly the same apr as the base gmx

so the value in *gns* is basically on speculation it will outperform in the future due to conditions like becoming deflationary or additional chains added, even though the current conditions clearly favor gmx or uncx

>> No.53787267

also ill add the uncx aprs can also be boosted, and what you see are the base values

if you lock uncx for a year you get 100% boost(so 28%)

and then if you additionally burn 100 uncl($670 cost at current prices) you can get another 100% boost (so a total of 42% apr)

out of the 3 it's the clear winner for current conditions, however future conditions are hard to calculate since im sure all 3 platforms will continue to build and bring value to their platforms in the coming years

>> No.53788101

everything you said was right about how the NFT system works for staking. You add the percentage boost to the # of GNS you have staked.
So if you have 100 GNS and 2 diamond NFTs you get rewards as if you had 126 GNS staked

however you forget that like you were early in GMX, many here were early in GNS. Some even got free NFTs (they were all free for providing liquidity, which they got paid for)
overall gTrade is a better user experience than GMX, till this is false GNS will continue to catch (and surpass) in market cap
As for the GMX boost system. this will eventually lead to a price capitulation as people will want to pull out to sell.. my guess is a cascade happens at some point

bro how do current conditions prefer GMX or UNCX....

>> No.53788179

>everything you said was right about how the NFT system works for staking. You add the percentage boost to the # of GNS you have staked.
>So if you have 100 GNS and 2 diamond NFTs you get rewards as if you had 126 GNS staked

so the other poster was incorrect?

a single diamond nft boosted stake is roughly 6% apr?

>bro how do current conditions prefer GMX or UNCX....
42% apr (max boosted uncx stake) > 6% apr gns stake

how is that difficult to comprehend?

if we simply ignore future possibilities(which are very hard calculate, i can make a strong case uncx platform will grow faster than gains in the coming year) and simply look at current conditions, its not even close.

there are of course more variables, like if you believe uncx team will rug than gns is better. if you think gns will be exploited and the dai treasury drained, then uncx is better. but if we just assume everything is roughly equal, the winner is obvious

>> No.53788181

If you're investing in GNS now, you're just exit liquidity for those who shilled GNS last year. You're too late to the party bud.

>> No.53788671

as someone who shilled GNS last year youre very wrong
most of us are holding, I sold my 10% and it honestly hurt.
my first target was $40 but im up big so I took out 2x my initial, now I wont feel the need to take as much out at $40
as long as this thing increases in adoption (and it will as long as its the perp dex with the best UI) it will continue to pay more and more per GNS staked.
I can unionically imagine a world where 1 GNS pays out a few cents per day on days with high volume / big moves.
that would be crazy passive income for me

>> No.53788712

I will now spend some GNS on UNCX
UNCX clearly has a ways to run. I dont think its peak is near what GNS is capable of (in terms of market cap) but interms of multiples left UNCX looks great
again, it is really hard for me to sell GNS but I've gotten burnt on not diversifying when getting absurd profits.
bought some metals with GNS tendies last night

>> No.53788780

smart poster. /biz/ ignores uncx even though everyone in crypto knows about unicrypt as its been the #1 liquidity locker for years. very strange to me. i recommend a max stake length and if you plan on getting a full stack(20 uncx) scooping 100 uncl to burn it for the boost is worth it(takes roughly 6 months at current prices to pay for itself). i expect staking to be profitable for a minimum of 2 years, hopefully as much as 5

but as regards to this post >>53788671

if you get 3 cents every day from a $9 gns, that's 120% apr annualized

you really see a world where the apr goes from 6% to 120%? the price of gns would obviously not stay at $9 if that were to happen, but what do you see that would cause such a massive increase?

>> No.53788868

A big fat cock up your anus.


>> No.53789733
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any price/mcap predictions? Summers on the way and wars a brewing worldwide, Im feeling we bullrun within a couple years. Best case ontario I'm hoping for 10B mcap. Please tell me why im a delusional gainstard

>> No.53790663

>I'm hoping for 10B mcap
In a bullrun I don't think this is at all unreasonable.

>> No.53791114
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Huobi listing now

>> No.53791145


Another unreasonable thing is me diving deep into your fat bussy if that happens

>> No.53791319
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I've been posting about this here since just after GFARM2 launched around Jan '21. I sold some for obvious reasons but continue to believe that the project is undervalued, even by simple tradfi metrics (mcap/revenue).

I could see this happening during a crazy defi bull rush

>> No.53791384

This. Im gonna start buying back around $7