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53780111 No.53780111 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so sick of life, the way people have treated me.
I've always sacrificed myself for others, given them affection, attention, being generous.
Not because I was a simp, I was always selfish when I was younger and now as I'm getting closer to death I just wanted to be sincere and nice and only lead me to being used and mistreated and cast away like garbage.

I can't do it anymore and this last week has been a nightmare within already ongoing terror.

Just wanted to say goodbye /biz/ don't bother talking me out, I only expect suggestions on what kind of flip I should do.

>> No.53780121

Can I get some money before you die,it might boost your buddhist karma score and you wont be reborn as a cucumber

>> No.53780130

dont kys OP, what happened last week? It's in the past, focus on the present

>> No.53780131

If I had anything to give ranjesh I unironically would.
Life already squeezed this stone.

>> No.53780133

>Not because I was a simp
is this about a woman? if so you're pathetic. also checked.

>> No.53780137

No a multitude of things, people, family, jobs, fighting literally everything on all fronts at the same time, relationships mean little to mean I used simp as a general statement, I suppose doormat would be better.

>> No.53780139

lol don’t do it
let’s make a shitcoin together dude
tg @CoffeeSpill

>> No.53780141

You think you're the only person who's been used and abused by other people? I'm a psychiatric RN and I guarantee you my patients have been through worse. I saw a lady who had chronic depression after she was raped after a burglary and her husband was killed in front of her. Life could always be worse, there ARE good people in the world but you have to find them.
Faggy angsty teenage sounding fag OP. Also if this is all over a dumb roastie I can only imagine how hard satan will laugh at you for killing yourself over a woman of all things.

>> No.53780149

I was raped after being broken into by a pack of wild niggers, how about now faggot?

>> No.53780155

Please hang in there for a bit longer. Everything you are experiencing that's negative will pass.

Find God.

>> No.53780160


holy fuck man the fuck up, go to another country and start over, buy a backpack save for a plane ticket and start fresh in a new country

you have all these options to start all over again fuck even in another city you could start over, instead you bitching out with woe is me trash lmao


>> No.53780167

you are one of the 7 remaining posters on biz. the board will die if you stop posting frog screenshots

>> No.53780172

Checked if you're going to do it try speaking the world you want for two weeks first and see if that doesnt help. What've you got to lose?
>I am successful
>I am valued
>I am loved
Say those things at least once every waking hour. Seek Jesus. Whether LARP or otherwise.

>> No.53780173

Unironically closer to the mark than you realize.

>> No.53780183

Not a larp, I'm not loved I have literally no value and I'm possibly the most unsuccessful american man in the history of my age group...
God isn't here in my hell fren, he's only for those who still have life behind their eyes.

>> No.53780211

There is a way to reorient yourself and see things in a workable manner. Commit to finding it no matter what. I am divorced and have no home so am not coming from a place where it is easy to say that. One key is to not require others to behave/react in the way that you do or wish they would. Be generous and self sacrificial because you know that it is The Way, not because you wish it returned. At the same time, keep the amounts that you give of yourself in check to the degrees that you are actually able and do not give what you simply cannot. Seek communion with the intelligent awareness of the Universe.

>> No.53780225

I know you're right but I think I gave too much of myself and now I'm lost, the way isn't easy and maybe I'm just finished with my journey on earth and suicide being on my mind nonstop is just the universe calling me home.

>> No.53780232

if you are going to kill yourself then at least do something cool with it. death is the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card, you can do anything you want with no consequences.

>> No.53780233

Checked. Instead of killing yourself you should just start over. That could mean anything from reassessing priorities to moving to another state or country. Don't let the evil claim you.

>> No.53780281

>on my mind nonstop
That right there is the key, you must re-program your inner repeating dialogue. During my toughest lows, which have been incredibly deep, I repeated "mantras" to myself that were positive until they overcame the negative ones. This is absolutely in line with what >>53780172 suggested but you have to find specific ones that will work for you. One of mine was something like "I absolutely can have a life that I am grateful to keep". One of my long term favorites is Pslam 23. Memorize something like that and just repeat it to yourself and leave no room for the negative thought patterns. It's just a straight up pure fact that if you replace negative thought patterns and inner dialogue with beneficial ones then you will have replaced negative thought patterns and inner dialogue with beneficial ones. Another excellent one is focusing on nothing but breathing. Deep, full, relaxed breaths without any dialogue. If *any* dialogue tries to start during the exercise, just gently return focus to breathing.

>> No.53780292
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6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.

7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

8 The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

9 He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.

10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.

14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.

3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.

5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,

7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

8 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

>> No.53780320

Comon bro at least DCA some crypto and wait 2 years, last bear market my favorite was oatmeal anon: who only ate oatmeal all bearmarket so he could buy as much link as he could and sold half his stack for a million dollars. Sorry i dont have a way with words right now im drunk.

>> No.53780329

Do not do it anon thinks can always get better. Being kind is not a fault but do not let others use you either.

>> No.53780332
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how old are you op? got a favorite color?

>> No.53780347

What are you a psychic?
I really don't care guys I'm sorry I know you mean well but it's just lip service to me at this point.

>> No.53780376

You're meant for more than this, based on what you're saying you're actually a decent guy, which is rare. The feelings you have will pass, don't act rashly. If anything, wait a year or two and see if you still feel the same. I've never been suicidal, but as a man I have in the past cried when I felt unappreciated because it upset me that much at the time, so I know where this is coming from

>> No.53780400

Don't do it, I love you man.

>> No.53780449

If you do it. Then you let them win. Don't let them win OP.

>> No.53780455

Do what you think is best but maybe give yourself some more time to be certain. I liked the suggestion to start over. I kinda want to do that too.

>> No.53780499

Cringe, Id i were to go down, i'd take out some of people who made me miserable or who make others miserable

>> No.53780511

It is absolutely possible. Many years ago I moved out to Montana and lived at Yellowstone. It is very easy to find quick jobs in tourist areas because there is so much transient turnover. I have done the same thing in other places, cleaning rooms, cooking, IMAX ushering, and other gigs. Then in free time explore the amazing features of the area which caused it to be an attraction. It is great way to break away from a situation, reprogram, and determine a new life direction to head into from there.

>> No.53780520

I'll give you 10 dollars to not kill yourself

>> No.53780518

Do a barrel roll

>> No.53780526

they don't mean anything. your past failings don't decide you.
also this

>> No.53780531

Look at all the digits here.

>> No.53780564

yeah that's life for some of us. it kinda sucks. i feel myself slipping towards there cuz I gave way too much to people, i don't really care about money but I have more than most ppl that I talk with so I gave out plenty. gave my time, gave a lot of care, I mean a LOT bro, like now it feels worthless to give since I tried so hard. I didn't want to change anybody or something dumb like that I just hate the world and wanted other ppl's worlds to be different. mostly dudes but also a couple girls. kind of got my heart broken by a lot of people.
but I never saw much of a point in living if I'm not giving things so I don't really change.
recently its been getting really bad. I cry every night, can't sleep at all. all I want to do is die or break stuff. idk if I'm just throwing a fit or if I'm going to end up where you are at the end of it.
so whatever man. yeah im religious. it really does help a lot. but it's still a lot of weight, idk. its harder and harder to respect myself and i've always been super confident.
I like what achilles said in the iliad, something about "man was made to bear", the suffering was programmed from birth. but I appreciate this thread cuz I got to talk about myself to someone and I hope you're just at your all-time-low rn anon. god bless bro, we're probably not very alike but it's good to relate a little bit.

>> No.53780584

i ask you a question and you ignore me to garner more attention. fuck off creep.

>> No.53780600

checked and posting about pondering orb in an epic bread

>> No.53780604

You sound like a fag kys

>> No.53780619

Veiled demoralization jew thread checking in. Dont fight back white man! Kys and give the jew your wealth! Nice try ill be stringing your neck. Shameless. Thats why god will punish you and reward me

>> No.53780624

Bless you too man I'm sitting in bed contemplating doing it, I'm there with you I gave mostly guys help and family and now I got nothing left and nobody could care if I died, which I'm going to regardless if I suicide that's just hastening the process.
If you still got shit cut everyone off and live your life before you end up like me

>> No.53780650

please don't do it anon. You seem decent. There's a need for decency in this place. Please. People will call me a fag, but that's okay.

>> No.53780664

Sorry man I don't think I'll be here much longer, I've been trying to distract myself from reality these last few weeks but its really sunk in, I haven't felt this low since I was dealing with septic shock and that depression was from being nearly dead, I thought these thoughts and feelings would go away but it's just the world banging my drum louder and louder I can't shut off the noise and I can't rebuild anymore

>> No.53780670

Try DMT or mushrooms if you can’t get it
DMT changed my life, cured my depression, reminded how beautiful this world is

>> No.53780692
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OP why would you just kill yourself. First surly you have some money to spend on some crazy shit, some people to get revenge on in any ways you find fit, maybe even a permement impact to make on the world. If you are going to kill yourself anyway you might as well as do these things first.

>> No.53780707

We're literally on the verge of all encompassing AI waifus anon, don't do it. Help is on the way.

>> No.53780714

anon - you will have people tell you that they've been where you are before and dthat is true. You won't want to listen to these people when you're feeling this way but it's amazing what just simply going on outdoor walks somewhere in nature with god's beauty touching the land can do. Do not kill yourself, please. You have a reason to exist and you haven't it found it yet, neither have I but we'll figure it out in time. Please don't do it. If your name is David, I'm sorry for what's happened. It's not worth it.

>> No.53780734

You guys are nice, don't lose that spirit once you do it's over

>> No.53780747

anon - human life is long and things, even the worst things, can be passed. You can change into a person you like seeing in the mirror. Try simple, basic, routines that give you some happiness and comfort. For me, making coffee in the morning after making sure I picked up some clothes off the floor, because I'm a dirty little goblin, makes me feel a little bit more capable of tackling things that day. Please don't kill yourself.

>> No.53780752

Give Jesus a chance first bro. He’ll turn that pain into gains, the real and spiritual kinds

>> No.53780765

how long do you think it'll be? 5 years? 10? 20? How do you fall in love with an AI, you can't touch flesh? I don't get the AI thing, gotta be real.

>> No.53780768

I've been down before too bro, it's not all sunshine and roses, but you shouldn't think it's going to be. Anyone telling you they happy all the time is so fucking unhinged and insane it's not funny.

>> No.53780772

I love you

>> No.53780775

>on a monitor, able to talk to you in a natural sounding voice: within 2 years
>Augmented Reality hologram: within 5 years
>Fleshbody robot: within 10-15 years

>> No.53780817

Are you thomas?

>> No.53780823

Can i ask what was the thing that ultimately broke you?

>> No.53780825


>> No.53780833
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All you gotta do is TRE faggot…(trauma release exercises)

>> No.53780841

You feel like storms are all around you.
Your holding tight to your umbrella.
Anon, I’m just tryin’ to tell ya…
that there has always been a rainbow hanging over your head.

Please listen to this a couple of times:

>> No.53780875

anon, great depression 2 and ww3 is soon. Wonderful happenings are upon us. Enjoy the spectacle before nukes fly. So I would advice against you taking your life. Not that care what some rando online says. You may be dead now, but I hope you read this. If you have to consult an anonymous basket weaving board, you probably don't actually want to kill yourself. You're crying out for help, but nobody here can really help.

>> No.53780904


>> No.53780955

Life is already hard enough as is why in gods name would I want to witness the great shitshow.
I'd rather let the pieces of shit on this planet duke it out they deserve it.

>> No.53780970

did black people do the rape and murder?

>> No.53780996

hey OP; this too, shall pass.

>> No.53780999

Are you white?

>> No.53781009

Do non white americans post on /biz/?

>> No.53781044

I hope you don't do it anon. There will be one less good person in this world if you kill yourself.

It's always possible to recover, the pain will eventually go away. I've been through a lot of shit too.

I hope you stay alive and one day find somebody who cares about you and shows you love and happiness. I really don't want you to die.

>> No.53781049

so basically, OP, you chose the wrong people to give your energy to, and now you're blaming everything and everyone else in your life for not giving it back? Some people are shit. Others are great kind wonderful people. You shouldn't give your love, generosity, and affection to shit people, and you wont get burned. You'll get the opposite of burned. You'll get what you give in return. If you were fucked over, it's because you expected something someone wasnt capable of giving. You choose shit people like you choose shit investments. It's your fault. Go forward knowing that you can choose GOOD people. Give to the ones who earn it. Period.

I unironically wish you the utmost blessings, love, and kindness upon you. I hope you make it anon

>> No.53781055
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Try EMDR. You can look up free videos online. I don't know what your problems are so I can't pretend they can be fixed but positive changes might be right around the corner. Even if your life is objectively shitty there are still ways to make yourself feel better.

>> No.53781063

This is what happens when you're nice to others, to "humans". I hate the notion that you should "treat others the way you want to be treated" because it's all such bullshit. If you treat others with kindness and show them generosity they will screw you over and take advantage of you. Don't kill yourself just stop being nice to people unironically.

>> No.53781068

TRE, do it op.

>> No.53781092

Prove it. Post hand with timestamp. You’ve got nothing to lose.

>> No.53781100

What does that gain me?
I'm white no need to prove it.
Hold on lemme go take a picture of my hand for you before I kill myself cause god knows I give a flying fuck about some random persons opinion.

>> No.53781120
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I am Middle eastern, I love biz

>> No.53781124

>I've always sacrificed myself for others
fuck others
nobody exists but you retard, your in a simulation and your literally the only sentient thing in it.

there is only 1 soul

>> No.53781151

Yeah I think you might be right there.
I hate this simulation.

>> No.53781161

Good example, I've seen people make this thread a thousand times and you don't see these replies.
I make this thread and I barely post on /biz/ and everyone trying to convince me to stay.
Hell I'd probably get money from the simulation to tempt me to stay alive if I wanted to.
I don't though.

>> No.53781167

If you dont vote or you vote republican, do it.

If you vote democrat, dont do it.

>> No.53781203

suicide isn't rational, there's no evidence it will stop your pain.
We all have this bias that we think reality will relent from us at some bottom but pretty much every society besides our insane one believed in the existence of something like eternal hell which occurs to you as a consequence of your action.
On a purely logical level it's 100% possible you could change your life to make it worth living if you continue, whereas we have no verifiable information on what happens after death but there's a non zero chance after death will be worse than what you have now.

>> No.53781212
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you can't make money by an hero. you go into a hospice care under constant supervision that costs on par with incarceration and just burdens everyone else even further.
just so you know, you little weakling >>>/adv/ we aren't joking when we say wed o this shit out of spite towards others and the powers that be. the people are tired of the bull market and you should be with us making cheddar. you got the math autists, the econ majors, and the street outcasts dropping gems all over the place these days.
>tl;dr you know that one thing you always thought "if i actually did....."
>do that, when the moment's just right

>> No.53781224

Flip the pages of a book
Before you kys just get a copy of 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and read it. I promise you will never be manipulated again if you do that.