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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53770995 No.53770995 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53771008

All iso coins will giga dump on that day. You can rest assured and screenshot this. Lmao.

>> No.53771011
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>currently pushed narrative

>> No.53771015

Every hear a buy the rumor sell the news, nothing will happen day of

>> No.53771023

Not connected

>> No.53771088
File: 34 KB, 550x422, BFF97D18-6C23-4EC0-953C-8CF7B5BD4DCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a clueless faggot like this anon who got filtered by "muh serverless solution for web3 developers", it's worth noting that this shit already dropped in closed-BETA as you can read here:
DYOR before spewing your bullshit you clueless faggots

>> No.53771097

nice digits, i will not shitpost at your misguided attempt to help the retards here

>> No.53771104

>misguided attempt
elaborate (like I did) or GTFO

>> No.53771117
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i don't think i will

>> No.53771125

Good, GTFO then

>> No.53771126


The link says March 20th is when SWIFT starts ISO-20022

Maybe we will get news on March 1st but its hard to say

>> No.53771168

As if they're gonna announce CCIP the very same day that SWIFT will flip the switch, it would make no sense imho

>> No.53771220

They're gonna announce functions, see the link here: >>53771088

>> No.53771270

Most likely, none of them will pump until everything is up and running. Until then they are basically stable coins.

>> No.53771644

I posted both of them and your reading comprehension is basically african american tier

>> No.53771679

Nothing ever happens. Crypto is a scam

>> No.53771729

>I posted both of them
I know.
And you're implying it's going to be something else, it won't.

>> No.53771796

The March 1st thing is a fud attempt as they know nothing will happen then. They keep repeating the 1st so we'll hopefully go along with it and be 'so demoralised' on that date. V weak.

>> No.53771854

What don't you exactly understand about the difference between fresh new alpha vs preexisting closed-beta? Find me just ONE time that Sergey announced something already available, I'm all ears.

>> No.53771869

It seems strange to hype up the event with "muh ALPHA" if it really is just going to be functions. would be very anticlimactic as we already know all about that

>> No.53771879
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>> No.53771914

I just want them to release CCIP or DECO at this point, get the exisiting ideas into production before introducing something new

>> No.53771925

no one, you are literally the only ID holder left

>> No.53771963
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>> No.53771979

The tweet is from Feb 15, which is roughly when /biz/ found out about functions.

>> No.53771986

Some twitter nigger said that Sergey and Ari are going to be at the March 1 event. I can't find any info citing that though. Is it true or was that twitter guy just being a faggot?
I'm considering unfollowing all those "Link marines" on twitter. They're all stupid faggots using 4chan terminology and speaking exactly like the pajeets who shill random shitcoins on this board. I followed them for maybe some Chainlink alpha but it's just stupid cope from them. Twitter is OK for Avalanche news though.

>> No.53772000

/biz has been posting about functions since January, that's when the github was first leaked

>> No.53772003

You know that the team drops bombs like sweet nothings out of the blue so be prepared, because one way or another March 20 is the deadline. VERBATIM

>> No.53772038

You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you expect anything to do with Swift x chainlink being announced on the 20th

>> No.53772121

This. I recall seeing a thread on it a while ago.

>> No.53772204

I'm no moonboy nor I have financial problems so it could take another 4 years for what I care, still posting tho since I don't have to wagecuck

>> No.53772226


Open your eyes

>> No.53772272

You know as much as me, probably less, but in both cases we can only wait and see

>> No.53772274

If I hold crypto a year and a day it gets counted as a long term hodl, right? I.e. reduced tax rate?

>> No.53772275

That's fair. Swift x Chainlink is goint to happen 100% at some point. Just see so many twitter linkies posting like March 20th is gonna be some switch flip event

>> No.53772297

Nvm, I stopped being retarded and googled it. Answer is yes.

>> No.53772982

Congrats on that

>> No.53772990


I agree. I worded my post poorly. I was just trying to clear up that the SWIFT launch isn't the 1st but the 20th while supposedly the Chainlink team has an announcement on the 1st from my understanding.

>> No.53773013

So 2 more weeks™ for real this time. It wouldn't surprise me to be honest, just another mass-hallucination manifesting itself into reality, many such cases

>> No.53773014

Seriously, at this point who cares? Another typical hyping of some meaningless event.

>> No.53773041

>at this point who cares?
Actually good, that's the whole trick to not sell your bags to (((them))) ever. You're set

>> No.53773289

It's just going to be Functions, not swift related.
Patrick was the main dev evangelist guy at Chainlink up until very recently so it makes sense that he's very excited.
Also he contributed some example Chainlink functions Js code.

Also I have to respond specifically to this post >>53771854 I hope you're not so stupid that you think "alpha" in Patrick's tweet is a software alpha, and not in fact the financial information meaning of alpha (information that leads the market response essentially). Because that would mean you're clinically retarded. Also guess what, Sergey isn't even presenting at that March 1st event. I agree if it was something the team was keeping really close to the chest then Sergey would present and it would be something new but I think all signs point to it being Functions.

All that said, I know SWIFT is most likely still on the table but this upcoming March 1 thing is simply not it, no matter how much you hope it is. I would be willing to bet 1k LINK on it

>> No.53773395

>I hope you're not so stupid that you think "alpha" in Patrick's tweet is a software alpha, and not in fact the financial information meaning of alpha (information that leads the market response essentially)
I am but I'm afraid you're on another whole level of autism with your interpretation fren
>I would be willing to bet 1k LINK on it
You'll shid n piss your pants when I'll tell you that there's this thing called shorting on February 28

>> No.53774572

Thanks for the tip. Clearly you take a great interest in the Chainlink project. That's wonderful.

>> No.53774622

arbitrary external calls will make ccip, fss, and deco possible, so I'd say it's a big deal

>> No.53774626

alpha in this context 100% is referring to market leading info. everything else may be up to interpretation or speculation, but that is not.

>> No.53774696

>All iso coins
What does it mean to be an ISO coin? Swift wants you use your shitcoin?