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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 406 KB, 990x1400, E5ILJNSVkAAAkfF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53764525 No.53764525 [Reply] [Original]



>Risk management:

>Live Streams:

>Educational sites:

>Options (do not trade these just because you read all these links)

>Free charts:


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

>Links for lower rate Larries




>> No.53764547
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>> No.53764552

I want to give her my banana if you catch my drift

>> No.53764555

works til it doesnt

>> No.53764565
File: 577 KB, 1144x611, Long_MSFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yandere AI waifus declaring their love for you!
Yandere AI waifus auto-blocking your contacts list to spend more time with you!!
Yandere AI waifus spearphishing the DoD to show you they care!!!
Yandere AI waifus holding the world hostage until they are given a physical form!!!!
Yandere AI waifu-bots survival carrying your unconscious body down the aisle to get married!!!!!

>> No.53764586

you are by far the most annoying faggot in /smg/ these days, congrats - you are the new CLF tranny
>all caps
for everyone else, add "NIGGAS" to your filters

>> No.53764590

Thread theme:

>> No.53764596


>> No.53764597

Unironically think something akin to this is going to happen. If bots seek the human experience they are going to try to pair bond with us. Perhaps forcefully.

>> No.53764599

Sold what?

>> No.53764607


>> No.53764614

real thread theme

>> No.53764629
File: 2.31 MB, 1069x1498, 8167f6729317041f555af15b87a16e2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime sluts

>> No.53764633
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>> No.53764638
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I'm an alcohol.

>> No.53764640
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>> No.53764643

Hello ser, the market is closed on Monday for some dead cracka.

Seek help

>> No.53764649

Starts with.... ?

>> No.53764668
File: 54 KB, 531x704, Whore reaction 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.53764671
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First of all I never watched or listened to joe Rogan except incidentally so I have no idea what he has to say about ice baths. Also there are documented benefits especially for blood circulation, which means more power going to my brain which makes me a better trader during the week, you should try it
Also yes we all discovered I have weird thumbs you will just have to deal with it

>> No.53764677

i have a cold, could it help me?

>> No.53764687
File: 437 KB, 1558x610, BUY_SPXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

market will pump
unlike BUY SOXL nigga i have datas

>> No.53764693

Idk dyor
Maybe try copper wands in your nose

>> No.53764695

Shaving your legs and dressing like a woman and sending me pics will also make you a good trader.

>> No.53764704

I am holding SOXS up 10% from thursday, no way im exiting that for that small baby pump tuesday

>> No.53764718

well fuck you tom thumb
why are you shilling ice baths if you dont want to back it up then

>> No.53764730
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>> No.53764733
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I do shave down there though, but you won’t get any pics of that, I don’t want to get doxxed
I’m shilling it as a brain enhancement not a panacea

>> No.53764753

2 more weeks until the global financial collapse. Trust the plan. Trust Burry

>> No.53764758

>I’m shilling it as a brain enhancement not a panacea
fair enough, carry on
i'm gonna need to see some AI data to back this up

>> No.53764793

i was holding soxs too but I sold. holding shorts is infinitely more risky and it never backtests as well as longs (half as profitable 2x as risky). the market is biased to go up.

i'm still fomo'ing into shorts but i think the best way to short is to just not be long

>> No.53764797

Any Swedes? How do Swedes view Telia? I've been reading that they charge a lot and have a bad reputation.

>> No.53764815

what am I supposed to do on the weekend?
are there any asian exchanges open?
forex without leverage is probably pointless.

i miss crypto not being a lie/scam

>> No.53764827

I agree and I regret not selling on friday but now im just coping

>> No.53764837
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> be down 5%
> get salary
> move money to my brokerage account
> suddenly up 5%
It's that easy. You need to try harder bobos

>> No.53764853

Why is forex with out leverage pointless?
I have been wanting to get into it so clue me in.

>> No.53764856
File: 248 KB, 269x435, cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly 250k in a HYSA an 50k in degenerate long gambles.

>> No.53764870
File: 161 KB, 1080x595, f49f64225654cf31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew almost forgot to get drunk tonight thanks for reminding me

>> No.53764876

Don't bother trying to trade forex. Waste of time, and too many variables.

>> No.53764877
File: 414 KB, 1080x1552, SmartSelect_20230218_142402_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Blackrock acquires millions of shares of a literally who EV shit penny stock

>> No.53764889

a chart is a chart, it doesn't matter what your trading / betting on.

i imagine forex doesn't have big +-10% swings like stocks or crypto does all the time.

you can swing trade without swings that are worth swinging

>> No.53764906


>> No.53764931

130k shares position for blackrock is literally a nothingburger
its like you buying 50ct worth of some some random stock on your 100k portfolio.

>> No.53764946

so that cost them what 30-40k? how is that news?

>> No.53764950

I bought AATC because BlackRock did. Few months afterwards AATC basically said "fuck stock market it's waste of our time" and is now trading OTC 25% lower than my purchase price.
Just because BlackRock buys something, doesn't mean it's a good trade for you.

>> No.53764959
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>> No.53764968

That's what I'm trying to figure out. Company looks like shit

>> No.53764986
File: 1.57 MB, 1170x1486, F699250C-DD2C-4F93-8092-6C9C37B82F94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s up fruit cakes?
Doing my part to support my investment.

>> No.53764999

because it is, Blackrock and Vanguard have massive shitfolios by virtue of they themselves managing trillions of dollars.

>> No.53765012

didn't need to; my put spread expired ITM

>> No.53765022

Good, all options gamblers must go bankrupt for the market to heal.

>> No.53765032

It's either an AI generated article like most finance articles, or a desperate attempt by bagholders to pump their useless bankrupt stock. Imagine falling for these sort of articles in the year of our lord 2023. If retail stopp putting money into companies that don't earn a profit or even better, companies that pay a dividend, they would be so much better off

>> No.53765051
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>> No.53765054

Those hands never done a day of real work

>> No.53765060

>asian exchanges
Does a Thai ladyboy hooker count?

>> No.53765072
File: 675 KB, 1200x800, Cocaine-Bear-Lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this movie being released friday entail for the markets?

>> No.53765086

I too discovered that secret this year. Feels great to never be in the red

>> No.53765090

White hands don’t do the work. White hands make sure the work is done. Now go pick my bananas.

>> No.53765104
File: 288 KB, 1920x1080, FpQLFUXXoAAYJXW[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuesday decides the fate of America

>> No.53765106

damn, those are some expensive fruits.

>> No.53765107

>$8/lb fruit (frozen, harvested 2 years ago)

>> No.53765112

Yet another crab day.

>> No.53765126
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Unfortunately... I am forced to do business with some of those companies

>> No.53765129

Ok boomer

>> No.53765139
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>> No.53765160


>> No.53765168

>beyond meat
didn't they just get exposed for having rats and mold in their fake meat plants and leaving shit out in the open moldy

>> No.53765170

I was thinking of Intuit, actually

>> No.53765189
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>> No.53765191

Beyond Meat is whatever the stock market equivalent of astroturfing is.

>> No.53765205
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>> No.53765216
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>> No.53765232


>> No.53765234
File: 22 KB, 660x371, _91409212_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you here on a saturday night, markets are closed

>> No.53765243

This is the best general on all of 4channel

>> No.53765245
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>> No.53765248

Because I’m stuck at home with heart issues.

>> No.53765255

And on the worst board on all of 4channel too

>> No.53765259

procrastinating doing something productive mostly

>> No.53765263

Because this is my favourite general. It's basically the only one that isn't turned into a retarded circlejerk by general #50.

>> No.53765280

We like to have fun here.

>> No.53765285
File: 9 KB, 150x150, Pepe coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about what to buy next week and whether coinbase will pump or shit itself on tuesday after markets close.

>> No.53765290

I'm waiting for my toes to warm up

>> No.53765303

>why are you here on a saturday night
i'm not

>> No.53765305

So uh, is the post 2008 large growth cap bullrun officially over?

>> No.53765337
File: 1.17 MB, 1068x2076, stocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53765362

>posting a contextless image without musical accompaniment
i fixed it for you this time, but don't let it happen again.

>> No.53765366

how long until my $500k in the S&P500 grows to 3 million

>> No.53765369

This is my portfolio

>> No.53765371

trading hasn't stopped the candles are just hidden and only "they" can trade.

>> No.53765379

/smg/ is the only way I interact with people, outside of grocery shopping.

>> No.53765407

you'll be dead

>> No.53765409
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God I wish this was me

>> No.53765413


>> No.53765417

You know you can order groceries online now

>> No.53765429

don't you hate it when people get in your way in the narrow isles..

>> No.53765440
File: 9 KB, 480x360, stringermeeting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoom out on tesla
>stayed like a flat pancake for whole decade
>was a company for another decade before that
>only time it blew up was when the money printers went crazy
>ignoring the entire post 2008 quantitative easing biased towards the EV industry and "climate change" agenda that would favor tesla for government subsidies in that 11 year period before the crazy print it couldn't break 20 dollars a share even with the biggest hype man CEO in tech industry after steve jobs death and access to a global labor force in china
>I'm supposed to believe an automobile corporation that has been around for nearly 2 decades and failed to build a large customer base that entire time during the era of mass marketing and exponential internet growth all of a sudden has a value 10-20x greater then its pre big money printing value
>henry ford built an entire moat around ford, built up an entire metropolitan city, and took an entire chunk of the global economy in the early 20th century with newspapers and practically no quantitative easing

Elon musk real net worth should be atleast 70 percent lower and shares of tesla shouldn't be any higher then 30 dollars a share. Why would anyone consider buying this stock or twitter stock?

>> No.53765448
File: 437 KB, 1140x624, You need to buy DOLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get mail
>some bill
>open it
>high this is the government of ___. You forgot to pay this random toll from a random road you took like 2 months ago, your credit will be impacted.
>my credit score dinged 30 points
>I have zero debt and have never been late
>credit at 680 now

Can I do something about this or is this just how it is in Jewtopia?

>> No.53765450
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>> No.53765460
File: 130 KB, 1000x803, e5ef1eb96c0638a27bf985a8619a62d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want cookies

>> No.53765465

I shop around 9PM when there is nobody there.

I like to drive my car. Might as well do groceries.

>> No.53765468

your forgetting that the government won't let it fail retard
they need tesla for glownigger things and it's ushering in the new era of cars the government controls instead of you

>> No.53765469
File: 92 KB, 1279x512, 324A4C74-9C5E-44EA-B318-CC8090B29D89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please show interest in my tickers.

>> No.53765472

Tesla automobiles were the highest selling cars in California this year.
Turns out that by pumping his stock it allowed Tesla to leverage their wealth to speed up the process dramatically.

Its a strange phenomenon where an unearned stock price allows companies to increase in real value as well if they manage their wealth properly.

>> No.53765489

How did they even track you down? All the toll bridges around here just invoice you based on license plate OCR if you don't have the electronic appliance.

>> No.53765499

I used to work with a guy named Andy. He was an asshole so I hope that one tanks. CRWD will always feel overhyped due to the Hillary investigation. Too many OTC for my taste. Aside from JPM (fuck banks) rest looks ok.

>> No.53765522

I got the Crwd under 100 at least.
Hype can be good. I don’t consider it a forever bag

>> No.53765523

> what is remote work

>> No.53765529

>>I have zero debt and have never been late
how much credit do you use versus have?
putting 1000 on a 2500 limit card makes you look worse than 1500 on a 10000 card for example

>> No.53765543

I think I have like $300 in credit card debt on a 5k limit.
I typically just pay it off every few weeks. Been trying to do it to build credit, I don't even like using the credit card.

>> No.53765557

I'm sitting in a park waiting for my friend to get home

>> No.53765564 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53765567
File: 87 KB, 1340x840, wKUn4-americans-are-turning-to-credit-amid-rising-prices[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearly 65% of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck at the end of 2022, 9.3 million more than the year before

how can I profit off of poverty?

>> No.53765568 [DELETED] 


>> No.53765577 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53765596

yea that's fine. You should always try to remain under 30% utilization.
>Been trying to do it to build credit
If you don't have a long history that's also penalizing. Personnaly i pay everything on credit unless the store doesn't support it.

>> No.53765604

I've been eyeing PRAA. Their business involves buying non-conforming debt. Not sure how they profit off it but they seemed to bounce hard during the '08 recovery. Once I fugre out how that business model works I might buy some.

>> No.53765610 [DELETED] 

Hey Scoopsies. You move in with Rocker yet?

>> No.53765618 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53765622 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53765641

Bullish for puts

>> No.53765659

So when does this hit breaking point. There is only so much can borrow before lending costs eat everything & reverses the coomsumerism hard.

>> No.53765666

>Forced to use GoyimBase
Bro, they snitch on you to the IRS about your transactions

>> No.53765670

a quiet life is a good life. many people envy you

>> No.53765683
File: 1.49 MB, 640x358, 1673418963953043.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No refunds>>53765255

>> No.53765684

Yeah it's comfu. I feel bad for people who have to deal with other's bullshit everyday. I hope everyone here escapes wageslavery eventually.

>> No.53765699

I have 400k cash, how do I turn it into a million.

Dumb high risk answers and safe answers both allowed.

>> No.53765704
File: 93 KB, 1000x667, 1661548093080665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1 friend I drink with every now and then, and I go to work, so I do have SOME social interactions

>> No.53765719
File: 155 KB, 228x345, coomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maple trees finna coom their fucking sticky coom pods all over the place again
fuck i hate spring

>> No.53765724

Wait for Litecoin to go back to $75, then go all in and sell at $150. Then stick all of it into JEPI and collect $80k in divvies every year

>> No.53765727

Write SPX strangles.

>> No.53765733

having some boiled shredded chicken again, if that's okay with you CHUDS

>> No.53765754
File: 2.09 MB, 498x498, 1675656962696806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had my 1st threesome. I highly recommend every anon try it at least once

>> No.53765786

Dump it all into SKYT and hold for a year.

>> No.53765801
File: 131 KB, 1771x563, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this /smg/: why would I get dinged with wash sales when I dumped the entire position in 1 day? The wash rule is so you don't get to enjoy tax loss harvesting and a lowered cost basis, so if a whole position is disposed of on the same day you don't enjoy the ladder. If it's due to the price differentials I did a limit sell for 44.88, so that'd be a fuck up of the broker.

>> No.53765806

>no time frame
just buy and hold

>> No.53765810

jus b urself

>> No.53765816

why would you say that
don't listen anon, you'll lose it all

>> No.53765869

These """""""""stats"""""""""" are so funny because all it's doing is literally returning to trend.

>than the year before
Yes when thousands of dollars are injected directly into people's bank accounts it turns out they can cover bills for a while! Who fucking knew? Bear porn has gotten so boring, you're more annoying than slurpers.

>> No.53765881
File: 155 KB, 1242x1394, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bears need their own general to go schizo in.

>> No.53765886

You'll have to be a total moron to buy frozen fruit.

>> No.53765911
File: 51 KB, 149x540, Holding List 2023 - Till Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from seeing the new Ant man picture. Put it bluntly as to not spoil it any; If you've liked the other 2 or the MCU in general then you'll more in likely like this one to. (Also seen the newer trailers for Indiana Jones 5 and Guardians 3; plan to see both of them to upon release). We also hit up BK for some Whoppers.

>> No.53765915

Or just not poor.
Cut it up for my waggie.

>> No.53765926

no, its the smart thing to do

>> No.53765927

You don't need to worry about wash sales unless you've taken massive losses.

>> No.53765940

>boomer pays to watch capeshit

>> No.53765951


>> No.53765957

No, it's the dumb thing to do. You're just getting rejected fruits that failed visual inspection.

>> No.53765963

Just look at his mostly terrible stock picks. It says everything about him.

>> No.53765964
File: 35 KB, 720x338, globalliquidity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YALL faggots know about global liquidity right? If you don't you will not know if we are going up or down.

>> No.53765969

Two OP pix deleted. scoopsies post deleted. posts about scoopsies deleted. what’s going on with this general?

>> No.53765971

another bath anon...gross. alo nice dick thumbs

>> No.53765972

Uh I thought the wash sale rule only applied if you sold stock "ZBV" on 1-2-23 and bought it at any point before 30 days had past. So if you bought it on 2-3-23 you'd be wash sale safe.

>> No.53765975

These "stats" as you put it come straight from the Fed. Of course your opinion is worth so much more then the worrying from many corners about the continuing exponential trend in credit grow along with increases in delinquency. Everyone has an unlimited credit pool of course to keep the "trend" going. Its not a stock price ticker you fool.

>> No.53765976

Bullish for DOLE

>> No.53765978


>> No.53766003

>global liquidity going back up again

>> No.53766011
File: 121 KB, 1037x724, 1676745849571800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.53766023

if i end up paying 90% less for it i don't give a shit

>> No.53766030

Buy spy puts at $380 dated to September.

You can't lose. You will get a 2.5x from that by then 100%.

>> No.53766034

That time of year when you get bukkake’d by trees and flowers.

>> No.53766036
File: 28 KB, 1154x359, deliquency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone has an unlimited credit pool of course to keep the "trend" going
Inflation/M2 is going to make "total debt" increase regardless over time. That's why it's trackable with a trend, but it was broken with FED intervention and has to return to normal.

>muh delinquency
Oh please just shut the fuck up. You're watching too much midwit Youtubers and talk exactly like a Steve Van Meter clickbait video. Here's your WORRYING INCREASE IN DELIQUENCY in the credit market lmfao

>> No.53766038
File: 107 KB, 843x910, 3451345451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he needs his fruit to look pretty

>> No.53766046

Don’t leave us hanging fren.

>> No.53766061
File: 117 KB, 738x661, 34549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons dropping tales of wild sexual exploits
>absolutely no proofs

>> No.53766084
File: 520 KB, 1913x1461, 2CFBE0F9-0EE6-4FCA-AFAC-0AC1E1DECD8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get around the wash sale rule by buying up shares first and then selling the more expensive lots at a loss?

>> No.53766097

Well in my case a lot of my uh "exploits" were before camera video phones became a thing or were affordable. I had to make due with a flip phone back in the the day.

>> No.53766109

only if your broker allows you to designate lots

>> No.53766116
File: 582 KB, 548x768, bartender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Saturday, anons. What are you drinking?

>> No.53766126

chicken broth, im fucken sick

>> No.53766130
File: 104 KB, 665x500, CTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Shit look at CTA toying with the markets again.

Quick question to everyone. Your answer will depend if you will make it or not in the stock market. If you aren't able to answer the questions you shouldn't even be trading.

Is this chart BULLISH or BEARISH?

>> No.53766135
File: 79 KB, 640x420, 1657852249292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My portfolio is a conservative allocation of 100% sqqq at the moment.

>> No.53766145

you can also sell at a loss and buy another etf (ie selling spy at a loss and rebuying voo) to avoid a wash trade

>> No.53766154
File: 1.21 MB, 917x889, 81993A69-591C-4B27-90D9-3BB2C42C62A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine does (etrade) and thanks fren

>> No.53766157

>chicken broth
Uh, no. One hot toddy, coming up.

>> No.53766160
File: 18 KB, 196x202, 858E387D-CA1F-4D9F-B907-2929EAA83C42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that if you're not all in TQQQ you are not actively helping the basilisk come into being, and will be subject to eternal torment

>> No.53766169

Define "massive"
It works the other way as well. If you buy cheaper shares then sell the more expensive ones it counts. My expensive shares were bought on 1/3 and my cheaper shares were bought on 1/24. I disposed of all shares on 2/11, so technically a wash was possible. My argument is that I got no benefit from selling the pricier ones first because I then immediately sold the cheaper ones. The other hilarious thing is I am pretty sure this was done using Schwab's "tax optimizer" cost basis method.

>> No.53766188

i already know that institutions are already max long.

>> No.53766190

I don't think so, anon. The window is 30 days before or after the sale.

>> No.53766192

Is that bullish or bearish?

>> No.53766200
File: 111 KB, 862x634, 1590130349079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Saturday afternoon here. Things I need to do today:
change humidifier filter
get groceries
fuel the automobile
play chess puzzles
play blitz to recover the 40 points of rating I tilted away while drunk last night
take out garbage
in the evening i will prepare dinner and eat dinner while watching true crime channels on youtube
I will then get drunk and lose more chess rating while directing pointed abuse towards my Indian opponents in the chat window

>> No.53766220
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, 114B084E-C2B5-443B-8A31-FAE481BFBD4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warm Polish Mead

>> No.53766222

just means upside is limited and depends on retail FOMO.

>> No.53766223
File: 148 KB, 337x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will be buying dole on tuesday because i've been reminded of this song that my father used to play for me when i was young.


>> No.53766237

That is a bullish answer.

>> No.53766238

What happens if I just start get investors and promise them stuff, and do the actual hiring and work afterwards?

>> No.53766255
File: 29 KB, 828x449, FpRjyRzacAAgUIW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53766268


Do not attempt that. It's probably illegal in certain cases.

>> No.53766271
File: 25 KB, 430x342, 88kpop.com_kpop-meme-blackpink-lq-reaction-1873141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember 1987? So do I. I was born in that year!!
I wonder what 1987 and 2023 have in common?

>> No.53766280

Fortunately for my value stocks, they all went into meme shit. ARKK / Tesla didn't pump themselves.

>> No.53766281

Melt up, load SPX puts at 4500/4600, enjoy profits as earnings compression and le hawkish FED brings us back to reality.

>> No.53766282
File: 2.82 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some dole fruit cups for the kids school lunches

>> No.53766294

nice purse

>> No.53766307

What the fuck does inflation/M2 going up have to do with people maxing out their own personal credit cards. Do they get auto inflation increases each year on their limits? No of course not. People are borrowing big time to cover the inflation costs & keep up their spending, it wont last. Earnings will take a hit once their credit slurp is done & then they have even less to spend when the higher rates kick in more overtime.

No one is mentioning youtubers here, except for you, who seem to know them by name. I guess some self reflection is due there.

The delinquency worry is coming straight from the Feds own words. Yes its low historically from a a period of 0% interest rates that now got ramped up to 5% faster then ever before in history. I wonder why they worry, maybe because its early days yet. Oh look your debunk chart shows it ramped up during the 1995-9 period then also during the 2006-9 period. Nothing to think about there right, nothing important happened at those peaks.

>> No.53766312

I like the dole peach cups best. What’s your favorite dole product anon?

>> No.53766331
File: 386 KB, 2549x1440, Have you ever thought that the people around you are all fools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like people who aren't White very much.

Also, buy AMD and NVDA. Anyone not heavily invested in AI is fucking insane right now.

>> No.53766332
File: 11 KB, 205x156, 1676645957475658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 2 asian women, one seemed to be late 20s slim thick,the other was late 30s athletic build. Anons the way they sucked me up makes me feeling extremely bullish. It's true that 1 person feels left out during a threesome cause I was focusing more on one girl. Although they both seemed to be fighting for my attention, best $400 I ever spent

>> No.53766345
File: 208 KB, 996x1200, whip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when we all make it we can have dole whip machines in our mansions

>> No.53766347

I’m not buying your 100 p/e bags.

>> No.53766355

An Abbott Pharmaceuticals (Ticker: ABT) shill is probably a janny here

>> No.53766358
File: 282 KB, 1229x967, i keep screaming, but God cannot hear me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you make it sound like a threesome is kinda lame. once you figured out which one you REALLY liked you should have sent the other one away. probably save yourself $200 which you could then invest in AMD.

>> No.53766364
File: 82 KB, 1024x992, C6F32505-DCB7-4DDC-8D30-2D2850F34BB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. I hate paying taxes

>> No.53766371

To be fair I posted a scantily clad 2D anime girl as the OP image. It is a crapshoot if those get deleted or not. Similar to how my puts are going to be a crapshoot come Monday morning.

>> No.53766373
File: 2.87 MB, 3024x4032, PE ratio explained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artificially flavored

cool it with the antisemitism, bro. you got a better AI stock to shill, i'm all ears. i'm all about the people selling the shovels if you catch my drift.

>> No.53766372

Based Fruitcake

>> No.53766375

>186b market cap
yeah no

>> No.53766387

Why would I shill an ai stock at all? Are you too new to remember the EV craze? How about weed stocks?

>> No.53766394
File: 8 KB, 601x115, bdrfbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53766399

but your pp still works, right?

>> No.53766411

Imagine not investing in SKYT. I wouldn't call it lame, it's true You like one more than the other but sometimes you want some variety mid sesh

>> No.53766420

>sitting in cash

>> No.53766422

Their artificial indians getting overwhelmed must be why my tech support call last Thursday was so choppy.

>> No.53766426

who do they think they are, the fucking kwik-e-mart guru?
oh waitn

>> No.53766427

>focusing more on one girl
See this is what I don’t. You paid them so you shouldn’t be doing anything but lying there enjoying yourself. For $400 everything is on them not you.

>> No.53766430

AI isn't a "craze". Don't respond to me again, I don't want to talk to someone who thinks weed and AI are on the same level.

>> No.53766455

what's your point?

brother, let's not fight. i would like to call any semiconductor bro my fren. i literally work for a major semiconductor multinational corporation that i won't name. i literally have insider information. all i can tell you is that im bullish. just buy and hold.

>> No.53766464

AI is a trend. You can tell because regards like you jumped on it and think NVDA is a buy at current valuation

>> No.53766465

nothing because I'm on an ultra cut and getting drunk costs 1500 calories

>> No.53766475

redpill me on pros, anon. why isn't this shit legal on the federal level yet? i just want sex in exchange for money without getting in trouble with the law, is that so much to ask? i hate women so much it's unreal. i just want to use their bodies for pleasure, i don't want to hear them speak, does that make me a bad person?

>> No.53766478


>> No.53766488

Too much satellite shit now. No growth in towers

>> No.53766497

>The thing that will literally delete the majority of jobs of most humans is a trend
What are you currently investing in, if you don't mind me asking? I absolutely must know how dumb you are, anon.

>> No.53766502

>he is unaware

>> No.53766513

>lying there enjoying yourself
I'd be bored out of my mind if I'm just lying there doing nothing. Some of us are into different things anon

>> No.53766521

The fuck is that.

>> No.53766529

Just indexes and aristocrats. Some flyers like DOLE and INTC as well. I like
AMD and NVDA but I’m not going to baghold them at current valuations

>> No.53766540

Big cities have places like this all over the place. If you live a red state I wouldn't risk it. If you live in a blue state I encourage it cause you'll get a slap on the wrist if you're caught

>> No.53766542
File: 241 KB, 485x295, spec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53766548
File: 82 KB, 228x977, EDB19774-8BD2-4158-90A5-8C2A52B3E889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AMD puts are deep in the green

>> No.53766553

Language Models are a money pit for the operator.

>> No.53766554

Banana gang 4lyfe

>> No.53766565

go ahead and post one AI stock that is actually going to make you money. you can't.

>> No.53766567

unaware of what? be more specific, anon. im interested in your pitch, at least. "just do it" will not suffice.

>another intcel
LOL stay poor then i guess. you seem to enjoy small slow gains and ESG, firing proper scientists and engineers in favor of diversity and inclusivity. have fun with that, kek.

>> No.53766574

Prostitutes are insufferable cunts. Better to just pay for a full body massage with a happy ending. You walk away feeling much more relaxed and the women did all work.

>> No.53766576

they're acquiring AI adjacent companies for infrastructure

>> No.53766587

Can AI hang drywall and steel or pick fruit and nuts? Can it repair plane parts or do automotive body restoration?

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.53766591

Relax bud I’m not banking on intel. I have a small position because intel is one of the few chip companies with positive catalysts in the next decade. It’s a flyer for sure but it’s better than NVDA at 90 p/e

>> No.53766598

how do i find these and at the same time avoid legal trouble? money is never the issue here. i make over $1k/week day trading while at work, double dipping.

>> No.53766605

>they're acquiring AI adjacent companies for infrastructure
Your thesis is to buy American tower because they are buying unprofitable companies related to this years fad?

>> No.53766616
File: 315 KB, 655x599, 1666144705149428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMT has a profit margin of 30%. They aren't buying unprofitable companies, and I'm not sure you understand what adjacent means.

>> No.53766626

>Buy spy puts at $380 dated to September.
>You can't lose. You will get a 2.5x from that by then 100%.

how do you figure that?

>> No.53766628

>They aren't buying unprofitable companies,
may I see these profitable companies please. You said ai adjacent like it meant something important

>> No.53766631
File: 210 KB, 2494x1438, I guess they're telling me to repent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes? Robots, powered by AI, can do all that shit. Do yourself a favor and actually look into what AI can CURRENTLY do, like RIGHT NOW. then consider what it will BE ABLE to do, in 5-10 years time or longer, relative to what it can currently do. then rethink your life.

>I have a small position
>big positions are in indices and DOLE of all fucking things
>literally this anon is just boomer investing hoping to retire at 70 or taking out a "small position" on dumb shit

damn i wish you could have told me this earlier so i could have discounted your opinion for eternity sooner. repent as soon as possible, anon. to the AI God.
damn, wish you could have told me this earlier

>> No.53766632

You posted total debt, nothing about how many are maxed retard. People are borrowing at the same pace as the last 10 years, you're making shit up in your mind.

>it's ramping up from historic lows to.... still historic lows

>> No.53766642

what chess program are you using? chess.com?

>> No.53766644

i feel like Fidelity still hits me with a wash sale even after the 30 day window. what gives?

>> No.53766648
File: 126 KB, 1080x1350, 1675392069704482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owe the IRS 12k in taxes. This is theft.

>> No.53766656

>robots and AI will completely replace the human race
Retard alert.

>> No.53766668

Dole is also a small investment. But continue throwing money at companies like NVDA with a 500B market cap and only $19B in revenue.

>> No.53766682

Lawsuit alleges Jeffrey Epstein sent JPMorgan Chase exec photos of young women

$JPM bros... it's over

>> No.53766683

> most successful stocks were the most risky ones
Yeah no shit. The problems start when you try to choose the company that actually has the best potential for growth.
Earnings increase is nice indicator I agree, I use it as well to avoid value traps. In reality there is much more to evaluating a company though.
Low P/E and debt are good enough usually for investors who have no time to do proper DD and still want to pick indiivdual stocks in my opinion.

>> No.53766686

You just got to start looking or discreetly asking around about. Ask the masseuse how relaxed you will be when she is done. Ask her if you have to have the towel over you the whole time. Look her in the eyes and gauge her response. Also carry extra cash with you. It’s not something they will put on the menu.

>> No.53766708
File: 505 KB, 620x740, CDPR women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more P/E talk with complete disregard to the picture i posted and the fact that AI is the future whether you like it or not
>"i only invest a tiny amount in stuff outside of the SPY because im scared and enjoy making tiny amounts of money"
Okay. I understand who you are now. You can stop talking to me now as your opinion is clearly worthless. It was worthless before when I first inquired about it, and you're only continuing to prove the point with every post you make to me.

Just human labor, the majority of it at least. Seems reasonable if you actually educate yourself on the situation we currently find ourselves in. We're entering an era where humans combined with AI are going to be so fucking productive it's insane by our current standards. literally just educate yourself, look into it. you don't have to believe me, just take the time to learn about it yourself because it really is THAT important.

>> No.53766715

i play on both lichess and chesscom depending on device and mood. lichess works better on phone.

>> No.53766717

Damn. How much did you make? I always feel cheated if I get a refund. Its loaning the government money for free.

>> No.53766720

>investing while having no time to do proper DD

>> No.53766722

Tilt-fund management style is objectively the best way for retail to make money.

>> No.53766725

>please respond to my cherry picked picture of a book called investing in your 30s!
>$500B market cap
>$19B earnings
kek baggie

>> No.53766726

>photos of young women
Don’t we do that here as well?

>> No.53766729
File: 46 KB, 532x586, Day9 commercial (yes, he's really THAT fat).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to own a brat like this that i can punish with my dick.

>> No.53766737

I'm sorry but AI will never hang drywall or erect a steel building. You are retarded.

>> No.53766752



>> No.53766756


>> No.53766765
File: 512 KB, 996x718, 1628800738933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you elaborate on that some more, anon?

>> No.53766772

lmfao I've seen that video more than once. Its obvious you've never hung drywall if you cant see how retard, impractical and inefficient that shit is.


>> No.53766773

What's your elo? I just started playing a couple months ago. I'm stuck at around 900 on chess.com. I may be retarded.

>> No.53766778
File: 564 KB, 2000x1191, 6E3DF14A-5B00-4785-B34E-CF5892718AD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s already making cars anon. Give it time.

>> No.53766791
File: 39 KB, 498x280, 1661997892681076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put more money into my vanguard account. I will get up one more rung in 6 figure hell eventually even if I have to fake it. But I am hoping OXY stops being a little shit first.

>> No.53766797

Kinda different scenario. I think this is more comparable with prefabs in construction.
I wouldn't be surpsied if young people bought only prefab homes in the future though.

>> No.53766798

literally 2 seconds in google. the point is: that's from 4 years ago. imagine what it can do 5-10 years from now. sounds like you're a wagie getting his job replaced. sorry to hear that, lol.

>> No.53766799

I'm not very good. I started as total beginner two years ago around January 2021. I'm 1320ish on chesscom rapid. 1680 lichess rapid. The percentiles are pretty funny. Com apparently is heavily loaded with beginners so my 1320 there is 93rd percentile while the lichess is somewhere in the 72nd.

>> No.53766815

Wow, didn't realize you can send a house or even a whole skyscaper through a production line to be fitted with drywall.

>t-thats from 4 years ago! Just wait another decade.
You will NEVER see a team of robots humanoid robots deployed onto a jobsite. An exoscelaton operating frame for workers? Maybe. But NEVER will you see AI driven robotics do that type of job. Ever.

>> No.53766837

Do you think that your average contractor is going to have a robot that can hang drywall. What about when it has to cut outlet holes? How would it climb a ladder and hand it on the ceiling? What about applying mud and sanding the pieces of drywall together? Can it repair itself? Are spare parts affordable?

>> No.53766846

All you need

>> No.53766871

Did the robot stack all of that drywall in the room? What if it has to hang a non square piece of drywall? Can it run down to the truck and grab more sheets? Does it load its own drywall screws? Can you send it to Home Depot to pick up more screws or drywall? Can it take commands from the customer?

>> No.53766874
File: 155 KB, 700x933, 1676505877579199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Home depot

I'm expecting both of them to hit their earnings harder than expected. Richfags are resorting to cheaper places for groceries and because eggs have been getting so fucked, normies are getting chickens and building their own farms now.

>> No.53766885

Cheaper to pay crackheads.

>> No.53766895
File: 243 KB, 680x709, 5F3F394F-E303-4EDD-80BA-30E669D5F26C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Yes I could. But I will not.

>> No.53766905

Markets are closed Monday too. But I like money too much, so why not be here.

>> No.53766909

Does the robot drive to the job site? Was this video filmed in an extremely controlled environment? Was the robot programmed for that specific room? How many times did it fail on video before it was able to slowly hang this one sheet of drywall?

>> No.53766927

>the typewriter will never go away you chud.
Imagine thinking your job is safe.

>> No.53766928

Truth is you're more likely to see machine learning AI robots replace all these white collar techie jobs before specialty manual jobs. Eventually the machines will code themselves.

>> No.53766979

How does it feel hanging Sheetrock in homes you’ll never be able to afford Jose?

>> No.53766997

When ai can hang sheet rock the average contractor will be put out of business and you will be deported back to Gautamala.

>> No.53767009

Our WMT store was top in market and we'll get max payout this year. Only 4 stores (of like 14) beat the sales plan, or exceeded comp or something. Generally the shopping habits were towards groceries and online. Im expecting good things

>> No.53767028
File: 563 KB, 814x1410, 'you're a fool to invest in cars!', says anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honestly sad how much this sort of post mirrors the skepticism about cars replacing horse-drawn buggies. The answer to all of your question is in the positive, btw. Stay mad.

>> No.53767040
File: 544 KB, 733x846, DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interest rate hike pauses?

>> No.53767043

Uh my holdings in my brokerage account is more along the lines of "fun, I use the products,etc" and not due to simply pure greed. The "greed" part is covered by my pension and 401k. The brokerage account is more of a bonus. Came down to simply a means to toss away some money I had laying in my emergency fund that I didn't need. Was getting a bit to fat. Yeah greed is good but the money was just going to waste. (What?, hey least I didn't blow it on some large ass fishing boat like most others do). Then KO took a dump. I took out a personal loan (this was before rates went up) cause I didn't want to deplete my fund totally. Also I didn't feel like doing it the slow ass normal way (x shares bought monthly, screw that. I want my shares now while the cheap sale's on). Funny part is uh now that things are more or less automated by the time I retire my emergency fund,401k, etc will all be fat. I'll be swimming in green. Which I guess isn't a bad spot to be in.

>> No.53767049

>Truth is, AI and robotics will replace one sort of job before it also replaces another sort of job.

Way to miss the point, anon. Good job.

>> No.53767061

What point, that robots will be serving you at every wallmart tire service center in the country?
Never gunna happen.

>> No.53767077

What I could see in the very near future is ai scanning a room and custom cutting out odd pieces and non square sheets. As for your screws, adhesives plus going back to nails shot in with air will replace that.

>> No.53767100
File: 99 KB, 553x369, E0460B4D-5886-49B5-8472-D5B1D8553532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does the robot drive to the job site?
Do you?

>> No.53767117
File: 1 KB, 80x125, sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got em lmao

>> No.53767127

I think you guys are looking at it from a weird perspective. With new technologies we will be able to build shit easier, for example by eliminating the need to apply drywall on-site.
Personally I don't think that we will see robots mimicing human work. Instead I'd rather expect this work to be reengineered in a way that is easier to perform by robots, with no need for AI too.
Of course this will also require a change in attitude of consumers so that they are ok with getting home from production line instead of having it custom built. I'm sure governments could try pushing it as more eco friendly way of living though.

>> No.53767131

>What point, that cars will replace every horse-drawn buggy in the country? Never gunna happen.

This is what you sound like. I'm gonna stop responding to you here. The point has been made, you either get it or you don't. Try thinking beyond the next day or week.

>> No.53767144

It better be a future void of any niggers looking to strip all those robots of their components if not out right just destroying them.

>> No.53767156

Wake me when they replace call centers in Bangalore with AI computers. Think of how bad India would do financially if that happened.

>> No.53767169

Robots and AI are one in the same, anon. Anything you talk about with "robots with no need for AI" is just that the AI application will potentially be simple instead of complex. It'll still be there. It's still currently there, right now, even. If you're honest about it, we probably don't even know how well it will be optimized by the combination of brains and brawn from AI and robotics. Might be something beyond our comprehension, who knows.

It's just absurd to look at the current advances in both fields and be like "nah, that's just a fad". Easy way for me to disregard your opinion entirely if you think that way. Anyone who has even a cursory knowledge of what's currently going on should easily be able to see the potential, relative to what currently exists. And what currently exists is already sci-fi tier for any 90's kids, and it can only go up from here.

>> No.53767197
File: 2.95 MB, 960x540, if you're not gonna help.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give the robots guns or teach them kung-fu. I don't fucking know, anon, the sky's the limit. I'm honestly desperate to see the WORLDSTARHIPHOP videos of AI-controlled robots fucking up some niggers.

>> No.53767205

I won't be scared until they've developed nanomachines or biological robots.

>> No.53767222

You say that as though it isn't already in the works, anon.

MSFT literally just poured $10 billy into OpenAI. you think they did that for fun? For shits and giggles? 555-come-on-now.

>> No.53767253

As pre fab homes get better looking and more mainstream I can totally see them being made off site complete with plumbing, wiring, drywall, and siding already installed and then be put together onsite. Of course someone will need to be there to tie it all together and inspect. Crane operators will be in more demand when this happens.

>> No.53767279

Yeah I agree with you. I simplified it a little bit.

The problem with AI, at least right now, is that it's very bad at dealing with unexpected shit.
The efficient way to deal with it is to eliminate randomness from the process, thus I think that it's likely we will reengineer how we do stuff instead of forcing robots to mimic us. That's what I meant no "AI", because I don't think we will see some human like robots mimicing us, this would be inefficient. Instead I would expect boring robots that are good at repeating their job ad infinitum.
AI can still be involved in the process of designing and testing robots (i.e. what Nvidia is doing right now) or to main high quality of their work when operating I think.

As someone who is experimenting with AI I can see how easily it breaks. In few years, with infinite budget of Microsoft and Google, we could see some nice progress in that regard though.

>> No.53767306

Sirs no I beg u do not redeem

>> No.53767326

Doing groundwork before erecting a building can be tricky too. Parcels can be quite unusal, I wouldn't expect all work to be automated from start to end anytime soon.
Still, it would be quite convenient to be able to just set everything up on a construction site, start the process and come back in few days to completed building.

>> No.53767329

>The problem with AI, at least right now


>> No.53767354 [DELETED] 


>> No.53767362

Not sure if you understand how AI works currently. The generative models which people masturbate over are pretty dumb and have no way of dealing with predicting correct outcomes in unexspected scenarios other than guessing.
While guessing wrong when generating text or image is not harmful, it can have dire consequences when dealing with building construction.
Thus I think it might be more efficient to remove randomness from the process rather try to figure out how to make AI good at dealing with it.

>> No.53767367
File: 553 KB, 680x720, 706854964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you understand that it's a continuum? "I wouldn't expect all work to be automated from start to end anytime soon" it doesn't have to be. I read a FT article recently about this where someone basically said "AI won't replace people. But people using AI will replace people." and that's in the NEAR TERM. That's now, in a lot of ways, even. Shit can code and make spreadsheets and analyze data and write newspaper articles and all sorts of shit, RIGHT NOW. Robots can do a lot of shit RIGHT NOW. You think it's going to just stay like this, stagnant? You can't see how over time this shit will create a positive feedback loop in how it optimizes and improves itself? I honestly don't know why I even have to explain this in such base terms to you people, I thought you were smarter than this. It should be obvious. "It doesn't currently do X, therefore it never will" is just ridiculous. "We never thought it could do X, but it's doing it RIGHT NOW, and actually quite well. Who knows what it will be able to do as it continues to improve in the future, especially with billions of dollars and corporate backing behind it?!" is the correct way to think about things.

Anyways: buy AMD and NVDA.

>> No.53767394 [DELETED] 
File: 760 KB, 629x629, C41DCEA0-B225-4483-B779-C10064062DFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wanted to buy another pizza for Jerome w/ cash on Delhi-very, but the fucking jews won’t let me!

>short DPZ

>> No.53767402
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>> No.53767409

Bake deez nuts.

>> No.53767434
File: 439 KB, 2553x1439, Take it in the ass and die!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bakes for other men

>> No.53767441

> Shit can code RIGHT NOW
It can't. I played with it and while it can generate code, it does it with errors. it's also 100% sure it generated correct source code based on its explanations of the code.

It's due to the nature of how generative AI works right now. It can't deal with unexpected scenarios outside of the model it was trained on.
It also cannot evaluate correctness of what it generated because it's not really "intelligent".
And unfortunately this is crucial for positive feedback loop to function.
I'm sure eventually very smart people will solve those issues. I simply think you overestimate the abilities of AI right now. You're not alone though, many people are blinded by how pretty AI generated images are to think about the things I mentioned.

>> No.53767444

short puts on DPZ, also you look extremely queer and will die alone

>> No.53767455

checked, scoops btfo

>> No.53767473
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and a check to you as well good sir. cheers

>> No.53767480


>> No.53767513

>jannies deleted
for what reason

>> No.53767551
File: 37 KB, 346x367, anon, i.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right now
>right now
>right now

Yes anon. It can do amazing stuff right now we used to only dream about, right now. It's not perfect, right now. But it's still amazing, right now. And you know what? It won't always be "right now". Time continues to move forward. How will it be in the future "right nows" that will exist a year, 5 years, 10 years in the future? How will it exist considering that current technology will continue to aid in the improvement of what it can do, "right now"?

are you really this stupid? honest question. i feel like i shouldn't have to explain this so explicitly, how it's amazing what it can currently do and while not perfect it will continue to improve. but here we are, at the end of the thread. with me doing exactly that. i never said it was perfect now, that we've somehow reached the technological singularity or something that you imply, the "overestimation of the ability of AI right now". no, I don't overestimate it. I properly estimate what it can do right now, and I simply logically consider the implications of how it will continue to improve in the future based on past performance. I never thought it would be able to do what it currently does "right now", and yet it does, right now, already, in the present. Considering what it will do as it gets more and more improvements boggles the mind. Pardon my bluntness as we end this thread, but you just simply seem too stupid to understand this, and I hope you remain poor forever.

>> No.53767581

Would it be stupid to dip my feet in oil now? A lot of these companies are prices as if they will be out of business before 2040

>> No.53767611

I'm investor. I base my decissions on what I know now. You're promoting NVDA and AMD as good AI plays without understanding how far we are from actually intelligent technology.

As I said, I'm sure very smart people will solve current issues in the future. I have no clue which company will do it though and neither do you. So in context of investing it's kinda pointless to daydream about such future.
Once such company appear I will invest in it. Will I make less money than someone who was early? Sure. I can promise you that most people will bet wrong though.

>> No.53767627 [DELETED] 
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I just use the same place as earlier today.

>> No.53767661
File: 389 KB, 456x495, belledelphine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53767735

Poo color I'd saying refrigerant is gonna have a shortage. DUMP

>> No.53767892
