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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53764391 No.53764391 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that to get ahead in business and life, the best thing to do is to learn how to make people feel good about themselves. Learn to compliment without the expectations of reciprocation. Learn to listen to people and remember what they say about themselves. Learn to remember important mile stones and point them out. Write shit down. Set calendar invites.
Bonus points if you are physically attractive or in shape. People love it when physically imposing people compliment them, it's a primal instinct.

>> No.53764400

good advice but don't overdo it. no one likes a kiss ass, no one wants to feel like they're talking to a used car salesman.

>> No.53764428
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i agree and disagree. it depends on how small/large the company is. i got fired from my previous job even when my statistics were above average compared to other associates with my job title.

>> No.53764452

>Friendly reminder that to get ahead in business and life, the best thing to do is to learn how to make people feel good about themselves
lmao what, most very successful business people are the exact opposite, they treat everyone like cattle and make them do as much work as legally possible for their profit, laughing while killing their competitors at the same time

Your advice is good if you want to keep a small pizza shop open doing decent work with the same family people for decades, but if you want to "get ahead in business" you have to be an almost non human greedy bastard who just plows through other weak people with no remorse without even flinching

>> No.53764497

fat women look so bad holy shit. Imagine if she lost 30kg, she'd be actuall cute. What a shame.

>> No.53764500

You attract more flies with sugar than shit. If anything, the shitty local pizza shop owner can be a dick because his staff are low skilled disposable employees. Try being a fucking dickhead to a vp with an MBA. He will leave in a heart beat. Treat your Stanford educated AI specialist like an asshole and he will jump ship. Try to make a deal with a vendor by being a bully and they'll drop your contract.

>> No.53764558

Compliments should be genuine and have a logic reasoning but unless you are a total sperg it's easy to find something real to compliment anyone on.

>> No.53764560

>You attract more flies with sugar than shit
idk man ive seen way more flies flying around shit than i have piles of sugar

>> No.53764581

You haven't been around enough sugar then. Sounds like you've only been around shit.

>> No.53764583

it's wrong if the only reason you're doing this is to get ahead in life

a truly virtuous man does these things naturally because he cares for and loves his fellow man

>> No.53764637

Based virtuous anon.

>> No.53764859

Basically just tell people what they want to hear. Andrew Tate is an expert at this:


>> No.53764908

These two things are not mutually exclusive. The ultra successful view everyone like cattle, but they flatter them at the right times too.

>> No.53765098

Yes. Thank you for clarifying.

>> No.53765318

in life it doesnt matter what anyone says, but who says it and how

>> No.53765455

Elaborate please.

>> No.53766136


>> No.53766146

>>>/lgbt/ is that way faggot

>> No.53767481

>t. Engerland

>> No.53767657


These three attributes will make you loveable to anyone.