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File: 23 KB, 210x60, 1668182946134231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53761774 No.53761774 [Reply] [Original]

If btc doesn't dump in the next few hours you'll know that the switch has been flipped. I already know ;^)

>> No.53761785

It dumps at 6pm

>> No.53761787

Congrats, you know about BTC/LINK

>> No.53761790

If it doesn't go down it's going to go up

>> No.53761807
File: 243 KB, 1067x903, Screenshot 2023-02-18 032202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can it dump if SBF can no longer coordinate from the shadows?

>> No.53761816

Ari Juels stormed into Chainlink Labs. Several people in white lab coats looked up to greet him but he did not break his powerful stride. Like an absolute madman Ari shot past them and headed for the central lab table where many ongoing and [redacted] Chainlink Labs research projects were conducted. He swung his arm across the table sending pages upon pages of white paper with obscure cryptographic work scattering in a white flurry as the other researchers gawked fundamentally dumbfounded.
“The numbers… the numbers…, he began slowly, his voice cracking at first before building to an awesome crescendo, “THESE NUMBERS ARE WRRRROOONNNGGG”. Ari’s Bane-like voice echoed around The Lab as dozens of researchers covered their ears in fright. A reverse intern had to scramble out of the way as he flung a molecule model representing the current state of the Chainlink Decentralized Oracle Network at the nearest wall with all his might shattering it into exactly seven thousand pieces. “Look at this!” he shouted at the researchers as they tried to hide behind their lack of work. Ari snatched up a bunch of papers from the central research table for emphasis, “Look at these numbers!!”
“How can we possibly accomplish great things with numbers like these?” Ari Juels demanded; his hands were shaking with fury as he tried to wring truth out of the noise presented on the scrunched up papers. “Pythagony!!!” he roared, coining a new word, falling to his knees in the center of The Lab and thrusting his hands into the air exacerbated. Researchers jostled for what few pencils there were in The Lab and tripped over themselves to jot down this iota of brilliance with their official Chainlink Labs branded clipboards, thank you kindly Rory, a portmanteau of Pythagoras and agony.

>> No.53761824

>he thinks this is just a coincidence that this is happening right now

>> No.53761825

“T-This is what the data i-in-indicates, P-Professor Ju-Ju-Juels, umm, s-sir” another reverse intern attempted in a meek stuttering voice with a thick Indian accent. “Indicates? It indicates? Does it” Ari Juels wiped his forehead free from sweat and stood up. “The number is higher than 6.66 again damn it; it’s supposed to be 6.66 and stable. Do you think this is stable? Look at these candles! See here Trading View, look here Coinmarketcap, zoom in damn it see that one there its GREEN and that one there is RED. Do they look fundamentally stable? What does that indicate to you and your whole village?” Ari tossed pages and pages of important data from reputable websites on the ground like yesterday’s trash as he spoke. “Query LINK price, Oracle. Return physical data”
“Working…” Sigourney Weaver’s voice came over the comms acknowledging the request.
An antique ticket tape machine arduously printed out the information. Everyone watched in horror as Ari Juels tore off the tape and scrunched it up in his hand as hard as he could. Ari’s knuckles were as white as a cartoon ghost. The reverse interns shook with fear like leaves in a crisp fall breeze. When Ari opened his hand the other researchers were shocked to discover he had created a platonic solid out of the ticker tape. It was a perfect hexagonal prism.
“D-Does this mean…. Um… sir… that Phase 2(16) has now begun?” yet another reverse intern ventured. “Call it dumb luck, but those frog retards from our little internet cult experiment might win the game and become rich beyond their wildest dreams”. Ari Juels regained his composure as the others began to clean up the mess on the floor and salvage the precious research.

>> No.53761830

no need to be cryptic imho. btc will pump to 26k ish today. the writing is on the wall

>> No.53761834

“Oracle, set price to discovery. Engage multi-sigs 5 through 16. Initiate Phase 2(16)” Ari ordered.
Sigourney Weaver’s voice came over the comms again in reply, “Oracle activated. Price set to discovery mode. Multi-sigs 5 through 16 have been engaged. Phase 2(16) has been initiated.”

>> No.53761864
File: 194 KB, 750x1334, 1676726978936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talk like it's all about technical analysis, WRONG

>> No.53762413

How do you know, OP. Not like it matters I have 10k staked couldn’t sell if I wanted to, if 450 link a year isn’t enough to live off I’ll just continue to suffer.

>> No.53762568
File: 2.15 MB, 1257x1069, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insider here.

ari has been experimenting on frogs in chain link labs. do with this information what you will.

>> No.53762605

Ari posting is so sinister

>> No.53762615
File: 1007 KB, 1170x1876, ari juels strapped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53762630
File: 17 KB, 452x361, PinV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53762642
File: 535 KB, 1200x857, arit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53762654
File: 88 KB, 984x978, 1655770911385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53762661

Link holders completely lost it