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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53760888 No.53760888 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, reddits laughing at us again

>> No.53760895

go back to /pol/, glowie

>> No.53760940

>screencap for ants
learn how computers work retard

>> No.53760949

based, newfags already outing themselves

>> No.53760969

Checked can't read it op post the right one

>> No.53760975

what's with the influx of poor us-vs-them flame bait recently?

>> No.53760977

we're all laughing at you

>> No.53760981

wtf is this true?

>> No.53760982

Here have an upvote!

>> No.53760986

probably came with the influx of newfags like you

>> No.53760992

how did they get the cat to dance like that?

>> No.53761018
File: 36 KB, 500x519, 1665101841710086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many newfags? Because bitcoin went 15k-25k?

>> No.53761039

because Shaggy (BTC) has started going blanco mode again

>> No.53761057

accusing others of your own failures? weak and rhetorically retarded, anon

>> No.53761070

look, you can lie all you want newfag, but you failed the test
you are exposed and all the oldfags are silently watching you worm your way deeper into shame

that's the beauty of the test.

>> No.53761071

Newfaggotry isn't a success or a failure it's a statement of the fact this board is clearly flooded with people who don't lurk and are coming in from places like reddit and twitter to push shitcoins.

>> No.53761108

i can understand shitting up the boar for monetary gain. but what's happening here is insecure OPs creating threads for attention only. it's pathetic

>> No.53761114


>falling for a simple reddit promotion thread