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53757608 No.53757608 [Reply] [Original]

Why are normies mad at crypto gains and treat them as if you cant actually spend them?
Do you feel the hatred when flexing with your crypto exchange debit cards?

>> No.53757617

why wouldn't they be mad?

>> No.53757629

jealousy simple as that

>> No.53757664

I don't know but they have a subreddit /buttcoin/ made especially for posting about how much they hate Bitcoin

>> No.53757797
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>Spending my crypto.
No one is jealous of you.

>> No.53757810 [DELETED] 

Jealous, and they don't understand it, and they don't think you deserve because they despise you because you remind them of regrets that they don't realize they have, thus they project it onto you. that, or you're fucking annoying and they want you to shut up.

>> No.53757832
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Nah, no one cares about you, homie.
Definitely get your throat slashed.

>> No.53757931

I stopped trying to understand normies. But I think its a combination conformism and stockholm syndrome. You're "supposed" to work a wagie "career," invest in a 60/40 portfolio, not "risky" assets. You aren't "supposed" to want to retire early or escape the wage grind. But at the same time its hip to complain about inflation, wage stagnation, and workers rights. Yet then they'll dick suck big government spending programs, regulations like the SEC / FDIC and other big government bullshit for keeping them safe, and that crypto is too risky for them. While they get ass railed by inflation and investing restrictions. W/e, more gains for me.

>> No.53757981

>wake up at 5:30 every day to do menial tasks for Mr noseburg X30 years for a modest house and prius
>see neet in a huge house and lambo because he bought btc 8 years ago to buy drugs and forgot he had them on his old faptop

>> No.53758011

This madlad making armor piercing rounds?

>> No.53758283

you seem to care an awful lot you dumb cunt

>> No.53758360
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Had an older cousin see a meme once that you can't cash out and he brainwashed himself to believe it. He found it otherwise and still lies to himself to this day. Refuses to buy any crypto, but he watches the charts all the time.

>> No.53759162

the problem is no one wants to bother accpeting shitcoins. It is an extra risk for them to hold it and they want cash cause they are as you call them "normies"

>> No.53759451

Why don't you find the reason in there?

>> No.53759640

>le can't cash out meme
Yeah sorry my house just bought itself

>> No.53759738

While redditors are obsequious liars, cowards, and haters, keep in mind that for every one success story precedes hundreds of blown accounts. How many have lost their life savings or even their lives just to enrich the already wealthy (((few)))?

>> No.53759855


>> No.53759879

why are kids so fucking evil god i hate them

>> No.53760037


>Jewish hair

>> No.53760064

But now I have the most crypto and all your houses are mine.

>> No.53760121

They know they could have made them if they had just been a little smarter or paid a little more attention and it hurts bad.

>> No.53760181

It certainly appears so.

>> No.53760269

Coinbase locked my account when I tried to withdraw today.

Granted I've never withdrawn USD before, and it was from a new IP, but still fucking annoying after being forced to use some Plaid bullshit to link my account instead of just giving the account/routing numbers directly.

Next time I'll just cash out with Kraken, fuck coinbase.

>> No.53760280

has been discussed many times but this is one of the more succinct comments ive read on this topic.

>> No.53760285
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pic related

>> No.53760305
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>> No.53760371

youth has nothing to do with it
most people are just psychopathic to some extent
He will still be a psychopath when hes older

>> No.53760378

I think this is another legitimate complaint Mormons have against crypto: exchanges are shifty as fuck. Imagine NOT GETTING YOUR OWN MONEY BACK after a few or ever one silly little mistake.

>> No.53760379

>Freeze response
This makes a ton of sense.

>> No.53760398

There’s also fawning

No wonder they so religiously enforce the vaccine mandate. I swear, obedience is the only true virtue these soulless losers have and they’re not even obedient to the right authority (God).

>> No.53761182

engrave this into stone

>> No.53761208

yet another thread aimed at getting a reaction out of anons. try not to be such a loser, OP

>> No.53761228

>nnnnoooo you have to obey le heckin jew book

>> No.53761249

Because they have to 'work', and are still poor, even when their salaries are significant.

>> No.53761254
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I live a very alternative lifestyle already, so I get some hate, but the most hate I got after I shilled a crypto project that kind of crashed. They even found me IRL and threatened me. Nobody forced them to buy what we were shilling so I fucking dont understand that, its not like they couldnt see it was coordinated and that we repeated things that maybe were not 100% true. However, the people we worked for started to dump on us and I lost a lot of money. People I bragged to about all my insane gainz are now pestering me and I even got assaulted IRL for it. I got a more severe depression than the one I had before, and got stronger medication, that makes me either very upbeat where I buy crypto and lose money, my mum and best friend took control over my money legally some time ago, so I dont have much, or if I try other medication, I just sleep the whole day. So many of my friends in our crypto group have roped, that is unreal....

pic - feeling cute today

>> No.53761329

feminized society takes less risks but also doesn't think about long-term implications at the same time. you'll find that all wealthy crypto/bitcoin investors are men with above average intelligence and most likely above average testosterone.

>> No.53762452

>baggie cope thread

>> No.53763270

>he advertises he has crypto in public
I cannot think of anything more cringe than that. New money (you faggots) shows off, old money (like me) stays silent.

>> No.53763366


>> No.53764218

they think of themselves savvy/ smart
so missing out on real projects paying off like btc, eth, sol, curve, yearn, cosmos, etc, makes them look stupid
so they blanket call everything scam, environmental hazard, and whatever

this is specially true for tech savvy dudes who were up to date on open source software, linux, programming, but somehow didn't pay attention to crypto, and now they missed on making fat money on something related to their hobby; it makes them look specially retarded, and those guys are not just jealous or mad, they're seething with rage

>> No.53764248

better yet
someone pin this to IPFS

>> No.53764451

did it myself


>> No.53766230

That teacher is probably a faggot which is why he is a teacher which is why he is a faggot, etc., etc. Most teachers are losers.

>> No.53766317

kike spotted

>> No.53766834

I'm flattered by their envy, and I'm even more when I say how much my hami bags grew in a single day, they're just envious that they don't have enough intellect to do something as simple as putting money into crypto

>> No.53767244

why are you telling normies that you're rich from crypto? stop that

>> No.53767440

Update: the transfer did go through and I got the money in my account basically same day. Coinbase account unlocked today no problems, just had to wait 24 hours.

I left some feedback about the troubles on their website and hopefully they don't pull that shit again. If I have a yubikey AND SMS 2FA AND a very secure password, there's really no reason to lock an account AFTER the bank transfer is initiated.

Still going to use kraken from now on, unless they give me shit about it too.

>> No.53767509

>to buy drugs
did anyone get into crypto for honest reasons I did it because I ran out of tokens on chaturbate

>> No.53767516
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you went to a subreddit "i hate X thing" and you wonder why they hate said thing

>> No.53768106

I got a some btc in 2011 because I thought it was a cool concept then forgot about it until 2017

>> No.53768338

I was too lazy to mine in 2009 with /g/ and never saw the need to buy drugs online when there was plenty of options to buy for cash in uni. Got into bitcoin for investing purposes in 2018 and I've been all green basically since 2019.

God I wish I'd gone hard into mining instead of studying for classes. What a fool I was.