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File: 204 KB, 1243x921, smart idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53755991 No.53755991 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not even joking, please read picrel. What the fuck? There's money to be made here.

>> No.53756007

Any troon startups worth investing in? Preferably in America, sacrificing mutts to moloch isn't quite morally wrong.

>> No.53756022

Priced in. Each stage the agenda gets pushed a little further and sees further success the increased future revenue gets repriced. If you can predict when and if the movement will make greater inroads than already expected, that is where the money is to be made.

>> No.53756051

I want to say you’re wrong but at this point I feel nothing, except for the young children who don’t have a choice.

>> No.53756060

I actually did. Back in 2016, when the trans stuff was exploding in popularity, I invested in a few of these drug-makers. Made a lot of money, but being a degenerate I gambled it all away playing nosebleeds on Pokerstars. Now I'm just a crypto retard grinding microstake MTTs.

>> No.53756063

That is really ignorant. Having the populous troon out is the end goal, it forces them to be loyal. They are drug addicts, but these ones can be manipulated. And holy fuck, is there money to be made.

>> No.53756080

>in LA county in 2023 an estimated 1 in 10 kids are trans
You have no idea how bad its going to get

>> No.53756123

>From the second anyone is brought through the doors of a gender therapist's office the end goal is move you from simple talk therapy to hormones, and then irreversible surgery. They know once that is done they have a customer for life.

This honestly blew my mind. But it's true. Think about it. Millions of adults, teenagers, and children around the world are being put on these drugs. And they WILL have to take certain drugs for as long as they live no matter what. Which means that there is a lot -- and I mean A LOT -- of money to be made here.

>> No.53756164

Nigger don’t believe those numbers. I am from LA they have been making stats to support whatever agenda since the 70’s
There are way more liberal nut jobs than other areas for sure, but people lie just to fit in all the time. And it’s the home of Hollywood so the the media is theatre literally.

>> No.53756253

Doesn't matter, it's still a fact that there are more trans people than ever -- the number has been growing for years and will continue to, which = money. Also, you should not have used the N-word. Please apologize to that anon.

>> No.53756343

Troons are a side effect of commercialising beauty. These industries mk ultra'd everyone into being attracted to big lipped, big asses, make up ridden whores and sold the remedy to women so they can have big lips, big asses and be make up ridden whores. Then you got depressed men with a hyper sex drive who found themselves not only attracted to this look, but starting to suffer a delusion that 'they' could achieve this ideal look. And looking like that would cure their depression. Thus, you got trannies.

>> No.53756390

ok, what do I buy?

>> No.53756563
File: 41 KB, 450x450, im dilooting aaaaahhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good dilator companies to invest in?

>> No.53756584

why do you think there's such a manufactured movement to groom more children into mentally ill terminal-consumers?

what better way to get a customer than someone who's identity literally demands constant consumption only possible in a capitalist world.

>> No.53756605

>big asses
only third worlder's obsess over asses. evolved humans prefer breasts.

>> No.53757249
File: 169 KB, 512x512, safe_chungus6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53757824
File: 538 KB, 1241x1581, Nilay-Cafer-Feet-5901124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real niggas know what's up

>> No.53757903

Tbqgh ngl I would gladly onlyfansmaxx if I didn't have ugly and obviously male feet.

>> No.53758597
File: 112 KB, 512x512, safe_chungus13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]